The Leirian Empire / THELEIRIAN

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Hello Fellow Citizen! We are the Leirian Empire, a faction that holds its seat of power in the Leirian System of the Galaxy. Long after the fall of the Emperor of Earth, we strive to hold true to the beliefs that a true monarchal empire is strong in this unruly galaxy. Help us to secure our future.


The Great History of the Leirian Empire

The Beginning:
Long after Humanity first reached out to the stars above, Our forefathers first set foot onto our glorious home planet of Leir One. On August Sixth 2653, of the Imperial Calendar the first Official colony of Holmstein, with a self sustaining agricultural society. By 2701 The Planet had turned into an Fledgling Industrial colony. Finally, by the Year 2750 Leir one had prospered greatly under Imperator Messer, turned the population staunchly loyal to his majesty Linton Messer XI.

During the Overthrow of Linton Messer XI, Leir one sent thousands of loyal troops to help put down the terrorists and insurgencies across the empire. But it was futile, with help from the treacherous Xi’an, in the Imperial year of 2792, our great emperor had been deposed. After hearing this news Lier one claimed the new imperator, Erin Toi, a usurper and formally Seceded from the UEE and declared itself independent.

After many years, Lier One has finally been organized under the banner of the Leirian Empire, And The empire has formally laid claims towards Lier III. Although they are a dominant power in the system their neighbors on Leir II, Formally known as Mya. There has been multiple border skirmishes among the two planets, causing piracy to become rampant inside of the region. Will the Leirian Empire be able to tame this Harsh system and cement itself as a galactic power


The Leirian Empire Head of State: His Majesty Kaiser Wasting

Foundation and History The Leir system sits on a key jump point between UEE and Vanduul Space. It is a former corporate mining system that has been around for several hundred years. Under the just and kind hand of the Messer Dynasty, Leir saw unprecedented levels of development and prosperity, allowing our forefathers to strengthen themselves as true sons and daughters of the UEE. At one point in our culture, it was even seen as a rite of passage to serve in the Imperial War Machine. To that end, millions of us died in the First and Second Tevarin War. After the Messer Era had ended, Leir became stagnant. We were seen as nothing more than a backwater, far from the eyes of the “glorious seat of power” that is the Sol system. Year after year our forefathers became more and more disillusioned with the “New” UEE. Then it all finally came to a head. Since the Messer dynasty has fallen, The people of Leir Two, or Maya as they call it, have become rampant in their aggressive beliefs of Anarchy and defiance. The so-called “Outsiders” have a belief that humanity is a stain and “rejects civilization.” This caused them to aggressively take over Leir II. This outrage caused the UEE to abandon the Leir system, abandoning us. We were loyal Servants of the Messer Dynasty, and they knew it, they wanted us to burn out, they just needed a reason. So when they abandoned the Leir system, they stopped all support, trade, and otherwise to the area. Millions starved as a result. “When a man must watch the ones he loves starve, he does not think of how to get above the situation, but rather of those who put him there.”, these words describe the end of the Leirian silence. In the year 2810, My ancestors finally had enough. He rallied the men of our planet in open insurrection against the UEE. The Leirian Empire had been formed, Ratified by an Imperial Diet of his creation and put together with the blood and sweat of a million leirian’s. We would not dare look back on the “Republic” of old, The same disgraced government that dared to starve our children and attempted to break our pride. My Great Grandfather Solidified his dynasty against the UEE, stabilizing our people and securing our place in the stars. For the last 100 years, Our Government and military have defended our rights and honor against the Vanduul, Outsiders, and many other threats. We stand ready to defend ourselves and look towards expansion. We are Leirians, and we will not be erased.

The Governmental Infrastructure.
Executive Branch
The Kaiser – Kaiser Wasting
The House of Sovereigns
Secretary of War – Woods
Secretary of State – Brums
Secretary of Interior – TBD
Secretary of Immigration – TBD
The Imperial Diet
Six Representatives that are Voted in by the Common People to represent them in the Diet.
The Judiciary Branch
The Judiciary Committee
Several Individuals who make up the Standard of laws in the Leirian legal System.
The Nobility After the Imperial Proclamation, Noble houses were established to maintain control of the mining equipment and settlements throughout Leir One. Imperial Houses:
The Hohenstauff Family
The Faol Family (Prince Elector)
The Hofbauer Family (ArchDuke)
The Lynx Family (Viscount)
The Hibiki Family
The — Family (ArchDuke)

Civilian Infrastructure Civilian Corporations run throughout the Empire in order to expand its planetary borders. The department is run by its Board of Directors that own a subsection of the Interior, this consist of Construction, Mining, Salvage, Transportation, Finance/Budgeting, Agriculture, and Medical.
Department of Interior
Construction – Workforce of engineers to construct all civilian and military buildings as well as planetary defense arrays within the Imperial borders
Mining – Miner’s go out to asteroids or Meteor sites in order to harvest precious resources and refine them for the Empire.
Salvage – Engineering forces also known as “scrappers” will go to wreck sites to retrieve materials that can be recycled and reused for other purposes. Also part of Repair teams in order to fix battle damaged ships or weakened building/defense networks.
Transportation – Cargo haulers that move resources and other SCU such as Fuel and ammo between Imperial fleets or city and outer settlements.
Finance/Budgeting – Treasury department managing the Empire’s finances. Determines trade values and salaries to various forces.
Agriculture – Farms that grow food throughout the Empire in order to feed its Citizens and Military.
Medical – Medical Corps that keep citizens healthy and revive anyone wounded in attacks or incidents that happen around the verse. Can be deployed with front line units in order to minimize casualties of soldiers and fleet forces.

Imperial Military Documentation The Leirian Imperial Military is the first line of defense, it is broken down into two factions. The Imperial Legion, or the Infantry and Ground forces, and the Imperial Navy, or the vessels and aircraft. They are Each Broken down by their Custom Ranks, organization, and Operating Procedures.

The Leirian Imperial Rank Structure:

Naval Ranks:
E1 – Leirian Cadet
E2 – Leirian Apprentice
E3 – Leirian Crewman
E4 – Leirian Petty Officer 3rd Class
E5 – Leirian Petty Officer 2nd Class
E6 – Leirian Petty Officer 1st Class
E7 – Leirian Chief Petty Officer
E8 – Leirian Senior Chief Petty Officer
E9 – Leirian Master Chief Petty Officer Fleet Master Chief Command Master Chief
01 – Ensign (Division officer)
02 – Lieutenant Junior Grade (Division officer)
03 – Lieutenant (Division officer/Department Head)
04 – Lieutenant Commander (Department Head)
05 – Commander (Department Head/Small ship Captain)
06 – Captain (Ship Captain)
07 – Commodore (Ship Captain)
08 – Vice Admiral (Fleet Captain)
09 – Admiral (Fleet Captain)
10 – Fleet Admiral (War Time Fleet Captain)

Imperial Legion Ranks:
E1 – Legionnaire
E2 – Veteran Legionnaire
E3 – Senior Legionnaire
E4 – Junior Monitor
E5 – Monitor
E6 – Senior Monitor
E7 – Junior Decursion
E8 – Decursion
E9 – Senior Decursion Officer

01 – Tetrarch
02 – Senior Tetrarch
03 – Centurion
04 – Cohortarch 05 – Junior Merarch
06 – Senior Merarch
07 – Strategos
08 – Arch Strategos
09 – Dominarch
10 – Legate

SC – Ship Crewman
LS- Logistics Specialist
MM – Machinist Mate
GM – Gunner’s Mates
FC – Fire Controlman

Imperial Military Organization:
Leirian Imperial Legion
Secretary of War: Woods
Legate of the Legion: Faol

First Legion
h4. First Imperial Rifle Regiment
2 Cohorts (30 Men Each)
Sh4. econd Imperial Rifle Regiment
2 Cohorts (30 Men Each)
h4. Berserkers
1 Cohort Drop Infantry (30 Men Each)
h4. First Imperial Mechanized Regiment
Five Spartan APC’s
Three Ballista Anti-Air Platforms
Sixty Cyclone Support Vehicles
Fifteen Dragonfly Scout Bikes
First Imperial Armored Corps
5 Platoons of Nova Tanks (Three Each)
First Imperial Supply Regiment
Freelancer or other small cargo ships
Tumbril Cyclone

II Legion (Kaiser’s Finest)
Fifth Imperial Rifle Regiment
Sixth Imperial Rifle Regiment
Second Imperial Supply Regiment

Leirian Imperial Navy
Secretary of War: Woods
Admiral: Mafty
First Imperial Flotilla – Admiral Mafty
Flagship: LIS Resolution
Ships of the Line
LIS Agitator (Idrius Class)
LIS Bismarck (Idrius Class)
LIS Scoia’tael (Kraken Class)
Picket Ships
LIS Vanguard (Hammerhead Class
LIS Victory (Hammerhead Class)
LIS Inquisitor (Perseus Class
LIS Phantom (Perseus Class)
LIS Tremor (Polaris Class)
LIS Implicator (Polaris Class) (Called)
Support Ships
LIS Herold (Star fairer Class)
LIS Trent (Star fairer Class)
LIS Akashi (Vulcan Class)
Carrier Compliment
187th Valcura Squadron (Sabers)
155th Renvar Squadron (Hornets)
12th Lementis Squadron (Eclipses)
1st Independent Squadron (Vanguard Harbinger)

Nobility Structure
Kaiser Elector Prince
Grand Duke/Grand Duchess
Grand Prince(ss)
Viscount Prince/Princess (noble)
Landgrave/Landgravine Count(ess)
Imperial Baron(ess) Burgrave/Burgravine
Imperial Count(ess)
Imperial Baron(ess) Baron(ess)
Lord / Noble Lord
Imperial Knight
Noble Free knight


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