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  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

“From betrayal we rise, united we stand. THE D3VILS R3J3CTS: guardians of the forsaken, hunters of the guilty. Loyalty, honor, justice.”


In the aftermath of a devastating galactic war, a group of elite soldiers found themselves betrayed by their own commanders, discarded like pawns in a game of political chess. These hardened warriors, left to fend for themselves on a desolate, hostile planet, banded together for survival. Their leader, a tactical genius with a fierce sense of loyalty, vowed to turn their misfortune into a force for justice. Thus, THE D3VILS R3J3CTS were born, a name they wore with pride, symbolizing their defiance and resilience.

With no place in the official ranks of any government, THE D3VILS R3J3CTS took to the stars, offering their unparalleled combat skills for hire. They became renowned as bounty hunters and security experts, taking on missions that others deemed too dangerous. Their reputation grew as they brought notorious criminals to justice and protected vulnerable colonies from pirates and marauders. Each member of the group brought unique skills, from stealth and reconnaissance to heavy artillery and hand-to-hand combat, making them a formidable force in any situation.

Over the years, THE D3VILS R3J3CTS built a network of allies and informants across the galaxy. They operated from a heavily armed starship, the “Valkyrie,” which served as both their home and their base of operations. Despite their often harsh methods, they were known for their unwavering code of honor: to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. As they navigated the treacherous expanse of space, they forged a legacy as the guardians of the forgotten and the avengers of the wronged, carving out a path of justice in a lawless universe.


Manifesto of THE R3J3CT

In the shadow of betrayal and the aftermath of war, we, the forsaken soldiers, have risen from the ashes to forge our destiny. We are THE D3VILS R3J3CTS, a brotherhood bound by our shared scars and unwavering loyalty. Our intentions are clear: to bring justice to a galaxy where chaos and corruption reign, to protect the innocent, and to punish the guilty. We have no allegiance to any government that discards its warriors, but we pledge ourselves to the forgotten and the oppressed.

Our mission is to provide security for those who cannot defend themselves and to hunt down those who prey on the weak. We offer our combat expertise to safeguard colonies and convoys, to thwart pirate attacks, and to dismantle criminal enterprises. Our bounty hunting services target the most dangerous criminals, ensuring they face the consequences of their actions. We are relentless in our pursuit, driven by the memory of our betrayal and the desire to prevent such injustice from befalling others.

Operating from our starship, we traverse the galaxy, striking fear into the hearts of those who exploit and harm. Our network of allies and informants strengthens our reach, allowing us to act swiftly and decisively. Each member of THE D3VILS R3J3CTS brings unique skills to our cause, from stealth and reconnaissance to heavy artillery and hand-to-hand combat. United, we are a formidable force, guided by a strict code of honor: to defend the defenseless and exact retribution on the guilty.

We declare our commitment to a just and honorable existence in a lawless universe. We are not mercenaries driven by greed, but guardians driven by a sense of duty. Our past may have shaped us, but it does not define us; our actions do. THE D3VILS R3J3CTS stand as a testament to resilience, justice, and the unbreakable bonds of loyalty. We will not falter, we will not forgive, and we will not forget. In the name of those who cannot fight for themselves, we rise, and we reject the devils that cast us aside.



1. Thick Skin Required: To join THE D3VILS R3J3CTS, you must have the resilience to endure and overcome. Criticism and challenges will come your way, and you must face them head-on with strength and composure.

2. Loyalty Above All: Loyalty to the group and your fellow members is paramount. Betrayal will not be tolerated. We are a family forged in the fires of adversity, and we stand by each other without question.

3. Maintain Order: Discipline and order within the ranks are crucial. Follow the chain of command, respect your leaders, and uphold the structure that keeps us efficient and effective.

4. Code of Honor: Adhere to our strict code of honor: protect the innocent, punish the guilty, and always act with integrity. Our reputation is built on these principles, and they guide our every action.

5. Skill and Training: Continuously hone your skills and be ready to learn from your peers. We are only as strong as our weakest link, and constant improvement is expected.

6. No Personal Vendettas: Our missions serve the greater good, not personal grudges. Leave personal conflicts at the door and focus on the objectives that benefit the group and those we protect.

7. Adapt and Overcome: The galaxy is unpredictable and dangerous. Be adaptable, resourceful, and ready to face any challenge that comes our way. Our strength lies in our ability to overcome any obstacle together.

By adhering to these rules, you will earn your place among THE D3VILS R3J3CTS, standing as a guardian of justice in a lawless universe.