The Royals / THEROYALS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Smuggling

The Royals represent the royalty of the color purple—only worn by those worthy of The Royal Syndicate. This syndicate started back on Earth in the mid 1900’s with a human Italian-cultured family residing in the United States of America. Today, they travel the galaxy living up to their history.


The Royals are an all American family that started in southern North America in the late 1800’s during the industrialization era post-Civil War. After moving to New York in the early 1900’s, post-WWI, the Royals gradually started to increase in population within the bloodline. Pre-WWII, the Royal family came together and formed what still exists and is known today as the Royal Family Mafia.

Post WWII, the men of the family returned home from the war with a lot of medical health issues and post traumatic stress. Their focus on their family and work ethic on arrival to the states only made the Royals stronger. In correlation with present day bloodline, the father of the current Royals that live in NYC was born in the 1960’s, around the JFK / Cold War era. Lorenzo Royal, a true role model amongst the family, was born in a semi-detached brownstone house in Mirror Park, Brooklyn. Growing up he was spoiled by his family and always surrounded by his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and siblings. He attended a private school and received the best education in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Coming out of high school, he had himself a high school sweetheart, Cynthia Genovese, and was ready to get to work. He was already set up with the family business as the Royals owned multiple store fronts.

During his teenage years, Lorenzo found himself in gunfights, executions, loan-sharking, and numerous tasks that would not be expected of an 18 year old boy—but these were Royals. Always getting his hands dirty, by the age of 30 Lorenzo established himself in Queens around the Rockford Hills area during the early 1990’s where he settled in with Cynthia and accidently had his first baby boy, Pat Royal. It was only until Pat was a couple of months old until they got married on Eclipse Boulevard. As Pat was growing up as an infant, Lorenzo was too focused on “work.” Cynthia had felt neglected and disrespected from her husband. This resulted in her cheating on him with her brother-in-law, Vincent Royal. Lorenzo had thought this was his own child when Cynthia had given birth due to the physical resemblance within the Royal bloodline. Cynthia and Vincent vowed to never mention their secret child, Michael Royal, the newest face of the Royal bloodline, to anyone.

Around this time, reaching the mid-90’s, the Royals were at war. A family from Brooklyn, known as the Juliano family, were causing trouble for the Royals’ business, constantly attacking their shops and where they lived, stalking the Royals till they step out their front door only to let off a couple of shots. This was a dirty war. Around 1995 the Royals found themselves in the Battle For Brooklyn against the Julianos where a majority of the men, including Lorenzo, were gunned down and killed by the Brooklyn Shipyard. Cynthia, along with the other mothers of the Royal family have realized their husbands and fathers/father-in-laws have all been severely injured or killed. The only result of this could be fleeing. Cynthia moved to the lower Bronx on Grove Street since she couldn’t afford payments in Queens due to the loss of her husband. Out of loneliness and survival, she tried her best to fit in with the neighborhood and crowd around her. After some time, she ended up sleeping with a man, whom the name of is unknown, but was pregnant yet again. Cynthia knew what she got herself into and did not regret it but learned. Once she had her baby boy, Tyrone Royal, she focused on her kids and their growth in the city of New York.

Putting her children through schooling while working two jobs, Cynthia struggled but never gave up on her kids. Pat, Mike, and Tyrone stood tall and represented great images of the Royal family whether it was through successful business deals made at such a young age, or criminal records that could make jaws drop. While attending high school, Tyrone met a fellow classmate, Moe Flowers. Moe had been living on his own due to the death of his parents in Los Angeles where he lived prior. These two would hit liquor stores after class together, rob bodegas, and get into shootouts on Grove Street. Tyrone realized how valuable and useful Moe could be as they survived in New York. An ambitious choice but one worth while, in their early 20’s, modern-present day, Tyrone had agreed with his brothers to adopt, Moe, into the family as the youngest brother; making them the four heirs to the Royal throne.

Ever since, the family has grown and become more than just blood but a syndicate. Now, new members and followers join in the modern space age where the galaxy must face The Royals.


We are all about the money. If its about getting the job done right, clean or dirty, it’ll get done. Just make sure we get paid—or else.

  • Ground Infiltration : 20,000-30,000 UEC (price may vary depending on the severity)
  • Bounty Hunting : 10,000-20,000 UEC (price may vary depending on the target and fleet size)
  • Smuggling : 20% cut from the profit
  • Mining : Starter job within the syndicate


1. Respect the ranks.

  • If a higher up is trying to help you, take their word of advice
  • If you are unsure about anything, request help from a higher up

2. Respect the communication network.

  • Don’t talk over others
  • No yelling
  • Keep comms clear when needed

3. Have fun.