Stanton Independent Militia / THESIM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

The Stanton Independent Militia (SIM) is a civilian military organization. We have 3 Cohorts divided into fighter pilots, ground forces and logistics. All gameplay styles are welcome. We are an Immersive RP-lite Org. Become an affiliate to receive Client perks and hire our members our for contracts.


HISTORY: The Stanton Independent Militia (formerly The Stanton Imperial Militia) traces its roots back to the Imperial Militia originally founded in the Stanton system before the sale of the planets to the megacorporations. Comprised of Civilians from every walk of life, they were displaced when the sale of the planets within the system was finalized and local jurisdiction was given over to the different Corporate Security Forces (CSF). Some Militia members joined the CSFs, the Bounty Hunter’s Guild or otherwise left the system. Of those that remained in the system, it became apparent that the CSFs were either unable or unwilling to fully control the System and maintain security, and in the places they did control, often times “security” meant citizens rights being violated or victimized by the more heavy handed CSFs of ArcCorp or Hurston.


Formed from the remnants of the Stanton Imperial Militia, the Stanton Independent Militia (SIM) is a civilian military force composed of 3 major Cohorts:

Lancer Cohort – combat pilots

Logistics Cohort – mining, hauling, transportation, refueling and salvage

Legionnaire Cohort – dismounted ground and EVA combat

The SIM is a small discord community with a focus on immersive yet unrestrictive RP style play. This Community was formed to provide place for players that enjoy all different types of gameplay within the Star Citizen Universe with a focus on immersive gameplay while providing a framework for teamwork and tangible in-game assistance. There are two major member types in the SIM:

Militiamen- Full Civilian members of the SIM with access to training, org events, back-up assistance and promotional opportunities.

Client- Individuals or Org Representatives that maintain an open line of communication with the SIM Command Structure and are able to hire Militia members for security or labor contracting work.

LIBERTATVM AETERNVM! (Independence Forever)


STANDING: The SIM is a Lawful Organization and engages in many different forms of lawful security work and contracts. The SIM is an associate organization in good standing with the UEE military, UEE Advocacy, The Office of Imperial Justice, Mercenary’s Guild, Bounty Hunter’s Guild as well as the affiliated Corporate Security Forces (CSFs) within UEE controlled space. It should be noted that the SIM has publicly condemned the strong-arm tactics employed by both Hurston and ArcCorp CSFs respectively. While these entities are the lawful authorities in their respective jurisdictions, SIM reserves the right to refuse any contracts that violate the rights of UEE citizens or are in direct contradiction to the values and morals the SIM strives to uphold.