The Wyvern / THEWYVERN

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

A community centered around one ship, The Wyvern. A group of people who have served together in Squadron 42 and now making our way in the universe.
New players are welcome to join although must understand the role-play aspect. We will be recording and streaming our activities on regular basis.


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“War is hell.”

A famous general once said that centuries ago. He must have known. He burned his way through the enemy countryside to demoralize his enemies. To deny those fighting the needed support from their families and farms.

The Vandul. A different time. A different war. Same strategy. They didn’t just slaughter us on the lines. They slaughtered those behind the lines. They slaughtered those with no defense. Those trying to escape. Those trying to hide. Everyone.

Well, almost everyone. Some of us managed to survive the carnage. At least that’s what they keep telling us. Survival isn’t freedom though. To be free, you first have to escape your memories….

Fly Wyvern, Fly


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