Thirdship Interplanetary / THIRDSHIP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security



Thirdship Interplanetary’s primary intention that of Trade,



There six ranks in Thirdship Interplanetary they are listed as Director, Manager, Veteran, Captain, Assistant, and Recruit. Rank advancements are given when the individual has preformed their duties outstandingly for a period of time long enough for them to understand the way Thirdship Interplanetary works, if they signed on as a recruit and worked their way up to assistant and continued to achieve they will be awarded the rank of captain and will receive a ship to crew with assistants and recruits ad they see fit, the rank captain can be bought with the registering of your own ship to the corporation, a seasoned captain will earn the rank of Veteran and perhaps earn the command of another ship. Directors are the top rank and are reserved for CEOs and Department heads it is not unobtainable, but is only earned by the most profitable merchants, and most daring of fighter aces, Even then only dedicated and out going members will receive this title…


All applicants are granted admission and the initial rank of recruit. From there they may tag along and assist wherever they see fit in either of the two fields of transport or protection, for this they receive no profit unless someone of the rank Captain, Veteran,or Director issues it. The Recruit rank is to be treated as a sort of secondary application, a recruit is there to observe and learn, perhaps offering a helping hand when needed, all are expected of a recruit aiming to move up the ladder and earn more money as an Assistant or higher rank.


Assistant is the lowest rank with an income, making up between sixty and eighty percent of the work force Assistants are the backbone of Thirdship Interplanetary. Doing everything from manning turrets to piloting the tactical defense ships making the trade run along side. Assistants are paid by the Captain they serve under in an amount equal to others of their station. On board a cargo ship an Assistant can be a helmsmen, gunner, engineer, or whatever else the Captain needs.


The Captain’s rank is the great divider, all Captains must declare upon accepting their promotion what their main focus will be on, Trading, or Defense. A Trade Captain will be given use of a ship to crew with his choice of Assistants and Recruits. A defense captain will be allowed to use an Avenger if they do not wish to use their own. Captains are in charge of paying their Assistants (and if applicable their Recruits).

An Associate who chooses to buy into their Captain rank is a Captain who uses their own ship, there are several options when buying in, each has their own advantages and disadvantages, the first option is for the Captains to buy their ship, register it with Thirdship Interplanetary and carry on like normal the advantages here are that the Captains gets to chose their ship (the Captains does not have to wait for one to become available) and the Captains may customize as much as they see fit, disadvantages to this option are that registering the captains ship with Thirdship Interplanetary comes with a fee equal to half the value of the Captains ship, this one time fee is not static, as any upgrades made to the Captains ship must also be registered in order to be covered by the corporation insurance.

The second option when buying in is to purchase a ship for the company, at this point the ship is usable by any and all captains, it insurance is covered by and ownership is transferred to Thirdship Interplanetary corporation, it’s advantage is that the Captain is not forced to use it and can smaller model ship, add it to the pool but take and use a larger ship for their trade exploits.


Veterans are seasoned and experienced Captains, with perhaps hundreds of successful trade missions completed Veterans have demonstrated time and time again there skill and prowess in their chosen field within Thirdship Interplanetary. Veteran Traders will have use of the largest and most reliable cargo ships, occasionally they are given command of a small caravan of two or three ships in order to carry out the trade missions. Veteran Defenders may receive a number of upgrades to their original Avenger or perhaps another ship of their choosing. For larger caravan defense missions they may be given command of a battleship to scramble fighters and defend the largest and slowest of freighters and caravans.

MANAGER Managers are awarded this position as a sort of a trial period before given the rank of Director. While at this rank Managers still make the bulk of their income as Veterans, they are introduced to the responsibility and duties of a Director. Managers are going to be often-times the highest ranking official contactable at any given times, with a direct link of contact to each Director in any given timezone. More senior Managers who log more time handling complaints between employees and workers are often compensated as they are not conducting trade missions themselves.

DIRECTOR Directors are the most managerial of all ranks, they are in charge of directing new recruits to possible good fits for Captains, matching Defense Captains to Trade Captains, finding new and exciting Trade opportunities. Directors are limited to a scarce few per timezone and


With the money made from the most recent trading missions, Captains decide what amount is fair for each individual. Total profit is divided evenly between the Defense Capetian and Trade Captain minus a 10% corporation fee. Defense Captains usually pay their squadron on a case by case basis according to enemy shot down, damage received, and ammo consumed. Trade Captains usually take a percentage for maintenance of their ship then evenly pay the crew with the remaining…

NOTE: The payment plans here are the standard by which Thirdship Interplanetary recommends. All payment decisions are ultimately the decision of the Superior Officer on the mission, payment inconsistencies and dependencies are handled on a case by case basis by a Veteran or Director.