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Thor Tactical Aerospace Inc. / THORTAC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Thor Tactical Aerospace, Inc. is a tight-knit air & space superiority force. We provide a wide variety of aerospace security and security advisory services.

Join our Discord.


The Tragedy

Thor Tactical Aerospace, Inc. (later “TTAC”) was founded in 2949 as a result of a large-scale pirate strike on Port Olisar in the Stanton System.

On January 3, 2948, a large strike force of pirate criminals attempted a hostile takeover of Port Olisar. Having received confirmed intelligence that the station may still be holding large amounts of uncollected cash belonging to UEE Bank as a result of New Years’ celebration shutdown, the pirates went in full-force expecting little resistance.

As a result, many visiting persons, station crew members and a number of Crusader Security employees lost their lives. The aTTACck was eventually repelled with the intervention of UEE Navy. However, the Navy’s arrival was delayed and by the time the they arrived, casualties were already too great.


Surviving pilots of all types and backgrounds, most having lost their only source of income during the aTTACck, met at the aftermath of this terrible tragedy and decided that it was time to stand up to these criminals. Mustering whatever money they’d earned doing other business activities, they came up with a small starting capital to buy and train to use retired UEE military spacecraft.

The ships acquired by TTAC at first were at most sub-par, broken and stripped of any valuable military tech. This was, sadly, the Navy’s way of selling decommissioned spacecraft. In addition, the small amounts of training time they could afford to purchase to train flying these ships from retired UEE Navy instructors were less than necessary to gain full operational knowledge of these newly purchased ships. Unfortunately, it was all TTAC could afford at the moment. As a result, the firm lost many of its members: a few were killed in combat, others had quit. Needless to say, at its inception as a security services firm, TTAC struggled to provide even the most basic security services to the few corporations that would reluctantly hire them.


The future looked bleak for TTAC and the firm was on the brink of dissolution until, one day, a retired UEE Navy fighter pilot met with a TTAC official at a Lorville bar by mere chance. A simple conversation of two people trying to make a living in the ‘Verse quickly turned to be an opportunity of a lifetime for both the pilot and TTAC alike. The pilot, whose skills were highly specialized and mostly undesirable by large corporations of Stanton, was desperately looking for work. He was looking to pass on his knowledge of air and space combat, which TTAC desperately need. TTAC was willing to pay to learn and provide the much-necessary and expensive ships and equipment necessary to do so.

For the next few months the retired fighter pilot assumed command of TTAC forces and started rigorous training of its members. What seemed to be a struggling band of misfits started to look more and more like a military unit. They trained day and night until one day TTAC won the bid on a a UEE Navy contract to protect two of its haulers transporting cargo from Lorville to the Sol system Jump Point in the Stanton System. Some say that the Navy chose to accept TTAC’s winning bid for this endeavor because there were simply no other bids; others say no other firm bid on the contract due to its extremely low pay (at the time the UEE Navy was extremely egoistic and seldom hired private sector security for their needs). Regardless of the reason, TTAC gladly took up on this contract, seeing it as an opportunity to earn the much-needed UEC and credibility in the Stanton System.

Baptism By Fire

On May 27, 2949, according to schedule, the convoy set out from Lorville to the Sol jump point in the Stanton System. The convoy consisted of two Hercules C2 haulers piloted by UEE Navy pilots and 5 Aegis Gladius light fighters piloted by TTAC. In the middle of performing the second Quantim jump to the destination, still having to go 113,000 km to the jump point, the group’s Quantum Travel was suddenly interrupted. Upon exiting faster-than-light speed it became clear: it was a death trap. They have been interdicted by the same group of pirates responsible for the aTTACck on Port Olisar.

The C2 crews quickly contacted the UEE Navy, however, the closest UEE Navy strike group was more than 3 QT jumps and almost 60,000,000 km away. It was up to TTAC to defend the C2’s until the Navy would have a chance to enter the fray.

What happened next was a historical moment for TTAC: 5 Gladius fighters with sub-par civilian components engaged 4 state-of-the-art and fully crewed Drake Cutlasses, 2 Drake Buccaneers, 1 Aegis Avenger Stalker, 1 Aegis Avenger Warlock and even one Aegis Sabre Raven, which was an extremely expensive and rare ship to own during those days.

During a battle that lasted almost an hour, TTAC pilots showed courage that would later be praised by UEE Navy commanders. Stories about this were relayed by various media agencies all over the UEE. TTAC, having destroyed 3 out of 4 Cutlasses, the Raven and the Stalker delivered a fatal blow to pirate forces, which were ultimately forced to flee. This victory, however, did not come clean: TTAC lost 3 Gladius spacecraft and almost lost one C2: it was badly damaged, although its cargo survived.


To this day, TTAC remembers the day of May 27, 2949 as the day the organization really came together to prove its worth in the ‘Verse. The aftermath following the extensive media coverage of this event allowed TTAC to prosper, with more and more security contracts starting to come towards TTAC from corporations around the Stanton System and beyond.

Present Day

Today, TTAC owns state-of-the-art equipment and ships. As its ranks filled with more and more ex-UEE Navy pilots looking for work, the organization gained access to one of the best ships the UEE Navy has to offer: the Anvil F8C Lightning. Finally, as a token of appreciation of its service on May 27, 2949, the UEE Navy granted TTAC an opportunity to purchase a refurbished Aegis Idris-M frigate, which TTAC did without hesitation.

“We have the ships, we have the weapons, all we need is YOU!”

Proud member of the MEDICorp Group (MCG).


Thor Tactical Aerospace Inc. (later “TTA”, “Organization”, “Company”) strives to excel in providing exceptional security and security advisory services. Thus, the following are our company views:

  • Integrity
  • Friendship
  • Family
  • Leadership
  • Excellence

1. Integrity

Members of TTA value their Integrity above all. We are honest, trustworthy individuals whom you can trust to get the job done right. If for some reason we are skeptical of whether or not we can do the job, we won’t take it at all.

2. Friendship

All members of our Organization are friends. This is the group of people you can count on to have your back in the most dire of situations.

3. Family

We are a family and care for each other. We do not leave our members behind and will attempt the most daring of missions to rescue and retrieve our members, whenever they may ill-fatedly end up.

4. Leadership

Each of our members is a Leader, meaning that should a ranking officer fall, each and every one of us has the ability to assume command and finish the job.

5. Excellence

We do not half-ass our training. Our members train every day for many, many hours. We strive for excellence and professionalism in each and every job we partake in.


Thor Tactical Aerospace Inc. (later “TTA”, “Organization”, “Company”) strives to excel in providing exceptional security and security advisory services. Thus, the following rules apply to all members of our corporation:

1. Basic Rules and Regulations

1.2. Be respectful. Here at Thor we have zero tolerance for trolls and likewise individuals. A Thor member will always show professionalism and courtesy when interacting with a fellow colleague or an outsider.
1.3. Any cases of disrespect towards members of Thor or Star Citizen community in general must be escalated to your immediate ranking officer.

2. Chain of Command

2.1. As Thor Tactical is a Paramilitary organization, all members must adhere to the chain of command. Our members are promoted by vote – there is never prejudice. Please show respect to your commanding officer.
2.2. All disputes with your immediate ranking officer must be escalated to higher ranking individual in charge of your specific unit/group and so on.
2.3. Upon an act of insubordination, it is the sole discretion of your immediate ranking officer to determine the level of punishment you are to receive as a result.
2.4. Officer abuse. As our officers are voted to their rank, you should never experience abuse from them. However, if such case is ever to take place, it must be immediately escalated to Internal Affairs Department of the High Command with proof of such action.

3. IRL

3.1. Real life comes first. While TTA strives to devote as much time to the game we all love, we understand that real life takes precedence of any and all things in game. Thus, please keep this in mind.
3.2. Organization members may not threaten, or use force against, another player in real life. Individuals caught doing so will be expelled from the Organization without right to rejoin, and their actions will be reported to Cloud Imperium Games.

4. Communications

4.1. While a company-wide operation is underway, all online members must be present in Discord. If you are AFK or cannot participate, please mark yourself as such by moving to the AFK channel in our Discord.
4.2. Standard NATO military alphabet is used to communicate names of hard-to-understand points of interest.
4.3. Unless specifically asked to, please do not engage in any discussions about the Organization via any means of communications, be it on Spectrum or outside Star Citizen realm. Our Public Outreach department will handle all and any topics involving our organization.
4.4. Organization members are prohibited from engaging in any malicious activity including, but not limited to scamming, extortion and illegal trading using any form of media. A member caught doing so will be immediately expelled from the Organization without the right to rejoin, subject to review of their actions by the High Command.

5. Ranks

5.1. Members are promoted and awarded based on merit and their contribution to the Organization. This means that your commanding officer must submit your candidacy for promotion to the High Command for consideration.
5.2. While High Command has the sole power to promote an individual, all commanding officers and their unit members participate in the voting that takes place prior to this. Only after a majority vote has established that the employee in question deserves to be promoted can this person be advanced to their newly acquired rank by the High Command.

6. Use of Company Vehicles and Equipment

6.1. The Organization shall provide hard-to-acquire equipment to its members if they do not already posess the required equipment. For example, the organization may provide an Idris frigate for temporary use to an Idris pilot executing a Company contract if an Idris is required to execute it and so on.
6.2. Your unit/group commander will determine the necessity of using Company assets and contact the Assets and Equipment Department of the High Command for approval/provision of any such assets.
6.3. Persons caught using Company assets for personal gain without express approval of the Assets and Equipment department will be expelled from the Organization without the right to rejoin.

7. Awards

7.1. The Organizations may, from time to time, reward its members with various awards and decorations. The majority of such decorations may not only include a physical award and/or comms flair, but may also include personal equipment and/or ships or UEC. It pays to be in service at TTA!
7.2. Officers must submit a requisition for award to the High Command for their immediate subordinates. Unlike the ranking system, there is no vote held by the High Command while determining eligibility for presenting awards to members of the Organization. It is the sole discretion of the High Command to determine if the award is justified, its level and its contents.

8. Affiliations

8.1. TTA is an exclusive organization, meaning that while you may be affiliated other organizations, you must set TTA as your “Main” organization. Failure to abide by this rule may result in your expulsion from TTA.
8.2. Members of TTA may not affiliate with any organizations involved with piracy or other illegal activities as deemed by the UEE.