The Iron Federation / TIFED

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Iron Federation is Intended to be an organisation that many people can enjoy, We don’t want to limit what others wish to do in Star Citizen, Players may do as they wish whilst still retaining the security of an organisation, But we do plan to be an active community with many organised events.


The Iron Federation started out as a coalition of former auxiliaries that had been hired to recon and resupply the western systems for the UEE. However, at the end of the Messer Era the Auxiliaries found themselves laid off, with nowhere to go. The Iron Squadron was formed, performing self-sustained mercenary duty for the new UEE government and private contractors, around the Xi’an border territories, not seeing action until many years later. During this time the Iron Squadron began to team up with other mercenary units, banding together for extended periods of time. After the unveiling of the Ark and the dying tensions between Xi’an and humanity, the UEE rapidly ended their mercenary contracts, forcing many companies to go bankrupt or disband, however; instead of dissolving the company, the Iron Squadron met with their old colleagues to discuss the founding of a confederation of mercenaries, forming the contractor business now known as The Iron Federation. Nowadays the Iron Federation run all kinds of missions throughout human space, handling both security, cargo runs and bureaucratic enforcement amongst others.
The Iron Federation now seeks to grow beyond an ample collection of mercenaries and make a foothold in a increasingly unstable galaxy, staking a claim, long overdue.



Our purpose is clear – we want to survive, we need to bring back our glory and with it our riches and honour, To carve a piece of this universe and call it our own. The Iron Federation will ensure the success of our goals, we will achieve this through unity and strength: The strength of our pilots and the strength of our fleet!

Group Goals
  1. We will become strong
  2. We will become known
  3. We will be Remembered

The process will be considered a success if:

The Iron Federation takes all members into consideration in all its actions, a concensus will be agreed upon with members directly affect by actions undertaken – In other words, members will not operate in a manner that is detriment to those invovled with the federation.

The reputation of the Iron Federation goes with all its representative members and as such shall strive to present the best view of all its members and humbly requests that others treat the federation likewise

No one shall be forced to changed their primary organisation or perform as they do not wish, this is about providing a meeting group for all small organisations giving them the power to rival larger organisations that may try to take advantage. As Such all leading members of larger organisations will be given positions of authority and as such be recognized as integral to the team, regardless of their activity within the federation itself.

Members are requested to remain active and perform activities both for themselves and the organisation, all shall be allowed access to the organisation hangar and if of relevant rank the use of organisation vehicles

A member’s position within the the organisation may be revoked in light of overwhelming evidence of abuse of authority or attempts to damage the reputation of other members/ the organisation

Prolonged inactivity will not be a grounds for expulsion from the organisation, though it may lead to demotion (if the member is in a high position)

Any member wishing to leave the organisation may receive a bonus to account for personal funds that may have been put into the organisastion during the time of their tenure, although the size of the reward will also be relative to length of time within the organisation. Members who do not leave in disgrace are also welcome back at any time and may find previous authorities reinstated.

Fails to attend more than four meetings or discussions (of importance) amongst the officers without prior notice may lead to demotion.

Players who wish to rescind a rank or are aware that they may be absent for a long period of time may request a member of their choice to hold their position until they want it back, the temporary owner will have no right to deny the return of the rank (although exemplary service may lead to a permanent increase in rank)

Advisory Group Operating Guidelines

Convening of Meetings

Meetings will be held at the time and place chosen by the [WORKING GROUP] in the course of their meetings.
It is anticipated that there will be [INSERT NUMBER] meetings leading up to the official opening of the environmental impact statement preparation process. Once the EIS is underway, it is anticipated that the group will meet quarterly.
[WORKING GROUP] members will be informed of meetings through email or direct mail, depending on his/her preference, at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Meetings will be advertised in the [LIST MEDIA AND/OR LOCATION].
Project documents and notices will be posted on the project website.
Email: [CONVENER] should be copied on all correspondence, and if [CONVENER] chooses to open a dialogue via email, all [WORKING GROUP] members will be copied.
Conduct of meetings

Meetings will be open to all.
Meetings will be facilitated.
Informed alternates are acceptable and encouraged if the [WORKING GROUP] member cannot attend.
All cell phones will be turned off during the meetings.
After all meeting agenda items have been addressed, time will be provided for non members in attendance to voice their opinions.
Meetings will end with a clear understanding of expectations and assignments for next steps.
Meetings are expected to be two to three hours and not exceed three hours. Extension of time, in 15 minute increments, will require the consent of the majority of members attending that meeting. Consensus will be indicated with a show of hands.
The consultant will keep a record of meeting attendees, key issues raised, and actions required. Comments from individual members will generally not be attributed and a verbatim record of the meeting will not be prepared.
The previous meeting record and a meeting agenda will be forwarded to members of the [WORKING GROUP] at least one week before the next meeting. Any changes to the record of the past meetings shall be in writing and forwarded to the [CONVENER] prior to the next meeting.


Rules of TIFED

All TIFED members agree to:
1. All morals can be bought and sold
2. Bleed for glory
3. Never let another member of TIFED stand alone
4. Make their word their bond
5. Make sure the federation comes first

The Leaders of TIFED agree to:
1. Effectively manage all of the resources of TIFED
2. To provide all members of TIFED the opportunity to rise through their contributions to the federation
3. To provide assistance to all Federation members that require
4. Ensure the survival of TIFED and its members

Ground rules for meetings:
1. Those authorized to provide input in a meeting will have their thoughts heard fairly
2. All those authorized for the meeting need to share all information openly and respectfully to ensure the best outcome
3. All points of view are to be respected
4. Those invited to the meetings should remain open-minded and attempt to actively participate in meetings, the more voices heard the better the outcome

Members of authorized rank will be informed of meetings through direct mail, at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Decision Making
The TIFED command structure is set up so that board members and above will have their opinions heard and their advice will be taken into consideration for all decisions to be made. In those areas where it has some decision-making authority, members will strive to reach agreement by consensus at a level that indicates that all partners are willing to “live with” the proposed action. Partners will strive to work expeditiously and try to avoid revisiting decisions once made. If agreement cannot be reached on a particular issue, TIFED Command will retain final decision-making authority.

Conflict Resolution
When an issue arises that cannot be easily resolved, TIFED members agree to:
1. Determine if the issue should be resolved within or outside of TIFED and participate however is appropriate.
2. For issues within TIFED they should be directed to those of rank Board Member or higher