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Titan Inc. / TINC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Titan Incorporated,

we are a government subsidized but private security organization.

We are offering following services:

-providing escort for trading routes
-VIP protection
-search and destroy missions
-problem solving (with discretion)

and many more!



Hello and thank you for your interest in Titanc Inc.

Our organization is specialized in helping our customers in any security issues.

Your competitor has the better trade routes and is slowly getting a monopoly status?
Your business is getting threatened by pirates?
Your personal safety is threatened by hired thugs?

We can get rid of all of your security related problems, just contact one of our executives.

Your problems, are our problems!

Protect. Guard. Secure.


Rymand, CEO OHara, CEO


The rules are not publicy displayed!!!