The Jade Empire / TJE1

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Under the Jade Empire we ascend the stars.
We unite all as one.
We protect all who contract us to.
We welcome you into our Empire under the hopes to ascend as one.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Empire. Since 2020 the great queen Jade was born. After a childhood of seeing conflict around the world she chose to attempt to make a difference. She became a spokesperson. Eventually she found herself leading a movement that quickly gained backing from supporters around the globe looking for a world like change. She became the ruler of a great Empire even after her peaceful passing in 2136. Moved by her morals and sacrifices, our forefathers made this empire in her name and image. The Jade Empire. We have existed since 2148, and are actively expanding our influence. We welcome people who have service to other orgs, new players, and the like! we don’t require you to have us as your main org. We just hope you’ll join us in effort to unite all races and factions together under one empire.


We plan to continue the Empires goal in reach as many souls as we can. We aim to help all allies in need in return for the same gesture. We aim to make as much money as we can with our Empire.


In our Empire you will be expected to accept your brother and sisters in arms regardless of race, species, or orientation. Bigotry and arguing against these tenants will result in immediate excommunication from our Empire and you will be labeled AOS amongst ourselves and other allies. We are here for a purpose and that is to spread our light and influence amongst the stars, As well as extinguish the opposition put in front of us or die a warriors death to serve the Empire in the great beyond.