[ KruTK ].Organization.2202 / TKAICORPS

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T Kai Kru Co. was established in 2022 following the covid-wars it was esablished in order to scout for new locations and new resources to fund kai kru. when the war began in 2017 it bosted a crew 4345 menbers strong. lost during the covid war we are all that remain.



Board of Directors log updated information. Year: 2022 as of yet this appears to be an isolated observation, but what has appeared to be a smart yet possible lifeform has caused a global pandemic, but what are the chances of life out there? arent we alone in the cosmos? 2202 the formation of an effort to reach out to the surviving humans of earth still willing to work together, 2460 the air you breathe campaign started by RSI, 2516 UNE expanse of the 12, 2523 human planet populated simular to earth approaching, a human presence in space accomplished, infrastructure accomplished, UNE became the UPE, congress tribunal or triumvirate, high secretary of infrastructure, high general of expansion and protection, a high advocate of maintenance of the law, congress made up of delegates representing the human inhabitants of the new planets, 2530 planetary prospect: the attempted terraformation, the xian captured the crew, releasing one. in failing to perform scans had not realized they were on an occupied planet.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.