New Dawn Rangers / TNDR

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

New Dawn Rangers are outlaws that do what ever it takes to make it in the verse. We are happy to interact with other groups but we are outlaws and we do what ever we have to do in order to get what we want

Discord link here


To Be Created


Our org is an outlaw group but that doesnt mean we are bad or that we grief. It just means that we look after our selves and help other people that deserve help like new players and players that need help doing missions and stuff. We also will attack other players that are in our territory without our permission and any other people we considsr enemies Basically we just want to be free of government laws and restrictions and do our own thing in the verse. Generally though we do want to help people that are new to the game/ people that are weaker than us.


1.We help those that need helping
2. We kill those that need killing
3.We rob from people that need robbing