The New Republic Corporation / TNRC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

We are the New Republic. We do a little bit of everything. If you are looking for a fun, friendly environment of mature people, this is the place for you.


The New Republic Corporation, more commonly known as The New Republic, started out as a rather small group of friends in Arma 3 Altis Life. We are now starting to get more and more into star citizen and are now looking for new recruits.


Our number one principle is honor. This means if you see someone eject in an escape pod, don’t shoot it. Let it go. Fight with honor, not malice. And when not in battle, trade with honor as well. This means if you agree to a trade with another player, go through with the agreement. This is not a complete list, of course, of honorable actions in game. Use your head. It isn’t that difficult to determine what the honorable action is and what the dishonorable action is.


It is our job as leaders of this corporation to take care of our members. It is the job of the members to help out the corporation, whether that means participating in anything between exploring with us to going to battle with us.