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    Bounty Hunting


Born on the shoulders of a fallen King, a lawless Ronin, a heartless Grim, a phantasmal of Deception and the faithful healer. Through oppression and grief, while in service as experiments of an Ethereal race of beings. Conditioned to be ruthless cold killers, but with a strong love and concern for the weak as they were bread to be guardians of such perfect race. Soon they had broke free of the greater beings experiment, whether lawful or not, they vow to scar the face of tyranny. Unknowingly passing the final test of breaking free, the group soon found their true meaning, a special task.

Adopting the principle of polarity in ancient Earth’s Esoteric knowledge, they see evil, and good only different at their extremes, but one of the same principle leading them to draw a very different line in the sand between right and wrong. In short being right just may as well hurt very bad. The organization continues to search to this day to recruit more initiates into their ways, and are thorough and selective of surroundings.

T-OMEG4 is the initiative come full circle with “T” being proper for “The” end of all 4 elements transitioning to the 5th “The Omega point”. There lies more unknown then what is actually known, but the history of this recluse but yet very prominent and dangerous organization is still in the making. Known to not always follow rules set by universe standards. The methodological and unpredictable tactics observed of this organization have lead many to believe in a religion based on warfare. T-OMEG4 on the other hand maintains their belief in making money to combat what they feel evil supersede all. Accepting the label as mercenaries, they fund their obscure endeavors in the darkest parts of the verse.


“If a law is unjust, man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so”

- Thomas Jefferson

“For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.”

– Khalil Gibran

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”

– William Shakespears

“If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”

- Martin Luther King Jr


By decree of the highest authority in the 5th dimensional plane (Name: No vocal representation) We hereby charge T-OMEG4 with the elimination of all threats to the future of the known universe, and beyond. T-OMEG4 accepts all responsibility including, but not limited to death of not only themselves, but those who might hinder this charter. (indistinguishable transmission ) will be at your disposal, and will provide T-OMEG4 the necessary funds to allow their success. This is a no fail mission, and ( indistinguishable transmission ) will reward you accordingly. T-OMEG4 you have been charged. (no text or vocal representation)