Tomb Works / TOMBWORKS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

Tomb Works: Transport, Salvage, Repair, & Recovery.
In the deep black all sorts of things can happen. Call on us, we will be there for you. We will provide quality, Transport, Salvage, Repair, Recovery, Security, or even Ship Engineering services. Together we can make the Verse less isolating.


In 2932 a small group of Independent outpost builders and independent shippers, banded together to start a small business, this became Tomb Works T.S.R.R. Our goal is to provide quality in all we do.


Tomb Works T.S.R.R is here to provide our clients with many services in the deep black of space.
Our pilots are free to accept jobs at will, to turn down any job, or refer the job on to another team member that is better equipped to handle the job. We also pledge to not divulge information, we understand that everybody has a few secrets that need keeping. We have a don’t ask don’t tell policy on client operations.

Services that we aim to provide are.

– Focused Transport. Your cargo is personal to us. Our Anvil Liberator has proven herself to be very capable as our primary delivery craft, even in the worst of conditions.

– Ship side repair, refuel , and rearming. Out in the deep black, all sorts of things can happen. Call on us, we can get your ship flying again no questions asked. Our Aegis Vulcan repair vessel is always on call.

– Ship Escort & Security Services. Some days, a little extra security pays off. The Verse is a rough place, your cargo, your equipment, and your life are our priority. We can provide a crewed Aegis Redeemer that makes for a great addition to any ship escort detail!

– Ship Engineering & Crew Services. We will give her all she’s got captain. Our Engineering staff come from all over in the verse. All of us have one or multiple backgrounds in one of the following trades; Mechanics, Machinist, Logistics, Industrial Equipment Service, Industrial Automation, & Industrial Electrical Design.

– Salvaging & Recovery. Life is messy, let us clean it up for you. Capable engineers make for capable scrappers. Sometimes recovering that one of a kind ship component, or even that one of a kind ship that just can’t be replaced can make all the difference in keeping your pocket books in the black.

Costs will be based upon fuel required to respond to the job, technicians time, parts, materials, and the inherit danger of the job site.


Tomb Works T.S.R.R Pilots are to provide discrete and rapid service to our clients should they accept the contract.
We Pledge not to divulge information and not to ask questions, we have worked with the Advocacy, and even the U.E.E. Navy in the past, and we understand that loose lips sink ships.

When entered into a contract, we pledge to charge a fair rate, and expedient service. Though if the client should break the contract. The Tomb Works T.S.R.R Pilot may seek their own proper recompense. This can range from an Advocacy report, arbitration , or in the event of an emergency, to take matters in their own hands to ensure our team members safety.