Photon / TORPEDO

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

A military organization which gives preference towards any contracts or missions given to them by Cognition Corp.


Photon Torpedo was created on March 30th, 2016 (Stardate 3/30/2946,) with the intention of being a private military organization which is comprised of the best pilots in the game coupled with the best foot soldiers in the game. Founded to support Cognition Corp, Photon Torpedo will give any and all contracts given by Cognition Corp and her affiliates priority over all other contracts.
On April 3rd, 2016 (Stardate 4/3/2946) Photon Torpedo created a recruitment thread for anyone to post on. Recruitment Thread


„Military Solutions For The Greater Good“ The personel of Photon Torpedo ( PT ) work daily, protecting Cognition Corp. and her Affiliates, enabling decision-making through agile, integrated solutions:
  • Educating, Training, Recruiting tomorrow’s fighter pilots and ground level Military Operators in Cognition Corp.
  • Enhancing Information Gathering and Analysis to deliver decision-enabling military intelligence
  • Assisting Cognition Corp. and her Affiliates around the Verse through service in all locations and conditions

PT proudly serves in all locations, environments and conditions to support optimal military oriented decision-making and effective corporate and affiliate level security action by delivering balanced and ever-improving cross-discipline capabilities as a part of Cognition Corporation.
We select and empower the best pilots to work in our regional and planetary locations. We are one of the premier Military Wings of Cognition Corporation. A corp, which has has successfully established a network of fully registered and compliant Affiliates in every part of the Verse in which we operate. This allows us to update regularly our local knowledge, expertise and procedures, and respond immediately and effectively to the evolving needs of our clients.

The three hallmarks of Photon Torpedo are:
  1. - A sophisticated understanding of the value to our clients in creating a safe and secure environment according to contracts.
  2. - A willingness to engage with host corporation affiliates to resolve security challenges and a readiness to provide mission support and bounty hunting services.
  3. - Close and continuous contact with our clients to ensure we adjust and adapt our services to meet emerging and new requirements.

The PT team will work closely with affiliates around the Verse to assess risks and apply the right mix of professional services and advanced technologies, integrating the organisation´s full spectrum of capabilities to provide security services. Whether the need is rapid response to provide militarized support according to pre-agreed contracts or a sustained presence to provide security and escort services to fleets and transport units, we provide the right solution.

Mission Support

Photon Torpedo´s mission support capability delivers operations support services to Cognition Corp. and her Affiliated clients around the Verse.
We offer a response capability that supports our customers’ critical mission objectives. Our reach back capability comprises transportation escort services, providing military level assistance, intelligence gathering and analysis as well as integrated Bounty Hunting services.

The Cognition Corporation
Cognition Corp
Exploration * Trade * Transport * InfoRunning * Scouting * Bounty Hunting
Cognition Corp. is a casual gaming community and politically neutral faction in the universe of Star Citizen. Our function is to provide individuals and small teams with an information network and additional support roles within a larger context, giving them the resources normally available only to large organizations.

  • Photon Torpedo does not exclusively deal with Cognition Corp.
  • Photon Torpedo accepts contracts from orgs outside of Cognition Corp but they will be completed after all contracts are completed for Cognition Corp.
  • Invitations will be sent to pilots hand-picked by PT´s Rank 5 officials according to his/hers criteria and agreement with Cognition Corp´s leadership.
  • Applications are reviewed on a case by case basis so just because you have good stats does not mean you will be accepted.
  • PT will keep the right to make any changes to the Manifesto at any given time according to Photon Torpedo.


All members should abide by the same rules as in Cognition Corp. All missions received which will negatively impact Cognition Corp and her affiliates will not be considered. Be an adult, we do not need drama.