Tacticians Of The Constellations / TOTC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security



*Founded on April 13, 2014 by the Three Leaders:

Gilliam Blackstar – Leader of the Security force
Ridwan Seraph – Leader of the Corps of Engineering
Looselegs – Leader of Industrial and Economy

Alliance formed with: Black Talon Mercenaries (BTMERCS) on May 11, 2014

Join us on facebook


*While we wait anxiously for Star Citizen; an outstandingly made game handed down by the great Game Gods themselves to be completed. We the people want to establish an organization so great it would tear through space and time itself. This organization is made up of a group of friends and family and looking for great members to expand.

What We Are Looking For:
We are looking for intelligent, game savvy, and inspired players to fill up different job sets that Star Citizen has to offer. Different time zones is a plus! Looking for members that are friendly and enjoy playing video games.

What We Offer:
1. Respect to everyone, member or ally.
2. Wide variety of ideas and ways for better game play.
3. Security to those in need of it.
4. Open to the idea of an alliance.

We are establishing four branches that will be in charge of its own people that will be dealing with its own specialties. Members who join will pick up a Main focus and secondary but still have the freedom to jump from branch to branch. These branches are as follows:

1) Military/ Security
2) Industrial/ Economy
3) Exploration/ Intelligence
4) Engineering Corps/ Resource gathering

Our mission overall is to have fun in Star Citizen and be the best we can be. When the game actually launches, we will do our best to setup a headquarters and expand. During the Alpha phase we will start to train pilots to best of our capabilities and have fun while doing it. Our goal is to be drama free, but if an event arises we will obliterate anyone who feels the need to challenge us if need be. Just focus on the things at hand and when it gets down to the mission we will be prepared to accomplish any obstacles by any means necessary. In the end we are all here for the same thing and that is to explore the unknown and enjoy one of the best games in history. We the leaders are looking forward in working with you and if you’re up to the challenge apply today!*


Environment: Here at T.O.T.C we want to provide a fun, safe environment in our organization while also providing help to anyone who asks for it. Our goal as a Leader is to know our members as much as we can no matter how many there are. We are striving to sculpt a strong guild as well as put in as much motivation and enthusiasm into our members who join, no matter their knowledge base of the game or level.

Core Values:
Practicality: No stealing, no scamming, no random team killing, no piracy, no blatant rudeness, don’t intentionally cause drama, if you cause it fix it, and ask questions if you don’t under stand anything.
Loyalty: People who join are family, and noted allies, if you got our back we have yours and will do all we can in our power to stay true.
Kindness: Stranger or not, our first gesture is to show we are friendly to one another.
Honesty: We will do our best to tell the truth to one another and we expect our members as well to be honest as possible back around.
Generosity: Sharing is caring, we don’t ask that you hand over everything you come across but at least give us a taste and we will give back in return.
Freedom: Freedom to switch branches, do and say as you please, freedom to join other groups,etc.

Expectations with other organizations: We don’t mind if you are also part of another Organization. As long as they have not had any past conflict with us, and you must find time to work with us too if you choose joining more than one.

Expectations towards other players: Any player from our origination, or special guest shall be treated fairly as so, and with respect. Players are expected to know the rules and follow their core values. On the other side, we don’t mind joking around, just make sure you know who your directing to, and don’t take everything seriously.

Expectations in times of need: When you’re leaders call for all hands on deck it’s shall be a mandatory thing, to stop what you’re doing and give a helping hand so we ensure maximum security in the organization.

Expectations in regarding leaders: All leaders are expected to follow and stick to their rules, and core values.