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The Piracy Brotherhood of Libertalia / TPBL

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Trading

“Bad Deeds By Good Sports” is our motto, as is “Profit Above Bloodshed.” We’re a band of like-minded pirates, outlaws and freelancers running a high-profit piracy operation.

The Piracy Brotherhood Discord Channel – Click here…


During Earth’s 17th Century Golden Age of Piracy a band of lone renegades joined forces, crafted a mutually beneficial “Code of Conduct” and got down to business at hand. Through well-orchestrated raids and an array of nefarious trading activities, this Brotherhood profited greatly; so much so that they were able to not only amass a vast fleet, they were also able to finance their clandestine colony called “Libertalia,” (liberty for all). This real-life renegade settlement was strategically located on a hidden island off the coast of India and served as their base of operations. Reference link: (

Every member of the Brotherhood denounced the cock-and-bull party line of “earning an honest day’s pay” and not one would subordinate to being dominated by external forces. Their resistance however came with a price as the Royal Navy waged a brutal attack on their fledgling colony wiping out all but a handful of renegades.

Millennia later, the Piracy Brotherhood is reawakening within the genetics of their surviving descendants; renegade explorers and visionary partners who together will pioneer a lucrative renegade trading hub that yields them vast profits as well as abundant funds for establishing their own clandestine Libertalia fleet and physical base of operations.


Our Piracy Brotherhood does not condone d#ck behaviors like griefing, ganking, random KoSing or doxing. We’re good sports who conduct bad deeds. If you seek ego-notoriety, are out for blood, or think Star Citizen is a shooting arcade, go somewhere else. Our Manifesto comes down to “Profit Above Bloodshed.” Here’s how:

1. Bad Deeds By Good Sports
We realize there is great profit in carrying out well-orchestrated collaborative raids, acts of thievery, smuggling, fencing, racketeering and other nefarious activities. We also recognize that every dastardly deed we commit has its rewards and consequences. To this end we are dedicated to being good sports as we execute our bad deeds. In our opinion, the way to have Star Citizen be a fun experience for everyone is to keep good sportsmanship in mind as we pillage and plunder.

This good sport sentiment extends not only to our allies and alliance partners, but to our enemies as well. (The Vikings for example allowed their captives to die with their sword in their hand, Native American Indians blessed the animals they killed, and even Alexander the Great ordered his men to dig graves and bury those they slaughtered on the battlefield.) Whether we win or lose, are beaten at times or are victorious, we pledge to give it our best fight and be good sports about it as we do so.

2. Brotherhood Code of Conduct
We abide by a Code of Conduct, best practices we use for guidance during times of challenge. (See our Charter for details.) An example is offering our targets the option to surrender before lethal attack. Honoring these best practices isn’t a “care-bear” choice, rather it ensures maximum profits by decreasing liabilities such as UEE retaliation, negative crime stat ratings, loss of liberties at ports of call and loss of suppliers and services due to acquiring bad reputations.

3. Respectful & Collaborative Relations:
As Pirates we’re a wicked and self-serving lot, but we are also collaborative in that we are guardians of support for one another as well as for other members of the renegade community who show us respect. When we do encounter conflicts, we strive to resolve them directly which means dealing straight up rather than talking behind backs, spreading rumors, harassing or attempting to destroy reputations.

Piracy Trader Dens and Flagship Officer Positions Available
Our Brotherhood Trader Dens are outlaw activity profit centers. They enable our members to strike high-profit deals together and collaborate on a wide range of nefarious activities. Activities include, but are not limited to smuggling and fencing, illegal drug production and distribution, data hacking and running, extortion and racketeering, bounty hunting, recon, spying and more. Our Brotherhood also has a full complement of Commanding Officer positions available on our Flagships, (Krakens, Polaris, Carracks, Hammerheads and Endeavors).


We of the Brotherhood abide in our Code of Conduct, best practices that help us be good sports, especially during challenging times. These guidelines pertain not only to our in-game behaviors but also to our behavior on forums such as Discord, Spectrum and others. Our Code is made up of three parts, a Statement of Intent, Key Agreements and Lore Categories.

Our Brotherhood Code was crafted by hundreds of renegades over many months. They’re not laws or rules but rather guidelines for promoting profitable game play as well as for ensuring a fun experience for all SC players. You are not required to comply with these guidelines or to replace your individual organizations manifestos with them as everyone is free to make their own choices . . . as long as they are willing to accept the consequences.

We recognize that it is in our best interest to keep our word with one another, with our suppliers, vendors, clients and even neutral renegade factions. Our bond is to maintain our reputation as “dark” yet trusted allies with all those we conduct business with or partner with.

Random acts of griefing, killing or harassment are discouraged. We pledge to be good sports while executing bad deeds. Disablement rather than lethal attack or destruction of valuable assets is our preference, unless our surrender terms are not met, we are fired upon first, or we are at war.

Disagreements are inevitable, but disrespect is not. We pledge to resolve our differences straight up and respectfully no matter the severity. Rather than gossiping or back-stabbing, we agree to go directly to those we have issues with and do our best to resolve them.

The five lore categories are as follows, (with only Pirates, Outlaws and Freelancers accepted in our Brotherhood Alliance):

1. Griefers – Those who derive pleasure from harassing players for no other reason than inflicting pain and suffering. (These behaviors are not acceptable and griefers are not welcome in our Brotherhood Alliance).

2. Marauders – Those who lethally attack without warning and with no offer of surrender beforehand, possibly for purposes of reputation or notoriety. (This style of game play is valid but we feel it is a liability for profit. Marauders are also not welcome in our Brotherhood Alliance.)

3. Pirates – Those who value profit over bloodshed and offer targets a chance to surrender. Attacking is acceptable only if fired upon first or during times of war, (e.g. UEE and Vanduul battles. Pirates are totally welcome!)

4. Outlaws – Those whose criminal actions are not limited to thievery but may also include black marketing, racketeering, drug dealing, smuggling and other nefarious profit-making activities. (Outlaws are totally welcome!)

5. Freelancers – Those who operate with stealth and deal with both sides of the law; neutral parties, working for profit and teetering on the fence that divides lawful and unlawful activities. (Freelancers are totally welcome!)

If our best practices are something you can honor, feel free to apply to our organization. By joining TPBL you not only become a member, you also become a “Brotherhood Trader” on our Discord server, as well as a candidate for being one of our “Flagship Commanding Officers” and senior “Trade Magnate” Officer. Officer activities include crewing our flagships and Trade Magnate roles include Smuggling/Fencing, Racketeering, Drug Trafficking, Bounty Hunting, Data Running, Raid Planning, Security Escort Services and more. As a Brotherhood Trader you will have exclusive landing privileges on our Flagships as well as access to our ship refueling and repair services.

NOTE: All applying members and affiliates must display their association with The Brotherhood, (no Hidden and no Redacted) for 90 days. After that time they are free to represent as they wish.