Stanton Trade and Industry Guild / TRADEGUILD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

The Stanton Trade and Industry Guild is a casual Co-Op of players involved mainly in trade and industry. Although trade and industry is the primary focus, there is also plenty of room for combat oriented players to support trade and industry through bounty hunting, escort, and other lawful activity.


The Stanton Trade Guild was created as a way for players to help each other and help new players, as well as making it easier to form groups and crews with other players for mutual benefit and protection.

Although primarily aimed at trade and industry game loops, combat oriented players are also welcome, as there is always a need to keep pirates and other criminals at bay, and there will also be a need for escorts between hostile trading points and systems, with profits to be spread amongst all participants.


The Stanton Trade Guild (or STIG or simply Trade Guild) is designed to encourage co-operation and profit sharing amongst players, allowing players to join in on different activities and to assist and help each other.

There are no fees, and players are welcome to be members of other organisations, as long as these are not pirate or illegal organisations. There are no taxes, and few restrictions, outside of players sharing in profits from group activities, trade runs, and industry. STIG is less a rigid, structured organisation, and more a loose affiliation of players with the aim of having fun and making profit.

Where assistance is sort from other players and/or organizations, these should be paid accordingly so as to encourage friendly co-operation in the future.

If you are new and haven’t yet joined Star Citizen, when creating your account, you can use the referral code STAR-7NZ3-DNWC for extra credits to help you get started, and feel free to apply for membership, letting us know you are new when you do, and we will try to help you get to know your way around and get started trading!


The guild’s charter is simple:

Do not participate in Piracy or Griefing
Do not harass other players
Help new players
Make money
Have fun

The guild is not a rigid, formal organisation, but more of a co-operative affiliation of players.