Soaring Crows / TRANSPIRE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Soaring Crows is a private military based organisation, The group specialises in Protecting ships as they travel from A to B. The groups assets such as the members, along with their ships can be bought as either extra crew members for raids/PP or convoy vessel(s) to protect you as you travel.


The Soaring Crows started with a single member…


Soaring Crows aspires to be the best at what we do, we may be guns for hire, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we haven’t got spirit. Our members and there ships can be bought to protect you or any goods that you might be in possession of that you are in need of protecting. The freelancing aspect of our group gives our members a little more freedom when it comes to finding an income.

If members take roleplay casually or hardcore, you are encouraged to create interesting characters, The more original that your character is the more likely that people will remember you and have some great memories.

“We do not cater to pirates”. {For those who wish to roleplay, our group has a deep hatred of piracy as they have wronged many people, including those closest to us. Clients that were pirates have killed a lot of our previous members and therefor are seen as untrustworthy and enemies}

[More will be added at a later date…]


All members of The Soaring Crows must be trustworthy, friendly.* Roleplay is a very accepted option!*

Client information:
h3. For clients – Why does our group use contracts?
There is a few reasons, one being that you as a client can put your mind at ease, knowing that there is some form of seal between you and the people you have hired. Having a contract ensures that you get what you pay for, and our members know that they are going to get payed. This means that you can trust that our members will complete their jobs that we can trust you.

For clients – How contracts work
The group operates on a trust bases. If you hire a member(s) and they have accepted the work, you enter a contract with the member(s) that you have hired. They will carry out the work that they have been payed for [our members are encouraged to roleplay if that is a term on the contract] and they get payed for completing their task(s) [further payment methods may be discussed with the presence of a higher ranked member].

For clients – Contract policies
When a member of the group is hired under the agreed contract of employment, the following must be met to carry out the work:
  • Both parties must agree on a contract before it is sealed.
  • Group members that agree to a contract must carry out the work they were commissioned for.
  • Clients pay based on whether the terms of the contract have been met by the member who has been hired.
  • The client must be made aware that the group is in no way responsible for its members actions. Members act as representatives for the group and the group will not take responsibility for any breach of contract.
  • Members that breach the terms of any contract they accept will be disciplined appropriately.

If any clients have questions or would like to files a complaint about a member(s) please contact the General of this group.