Tree.Cafe / TREECAFE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Engineering


Invite only.


Tree Cafe is a community of casual gamers and programmers. It was started in November of 2019 on Discord by Wahots (@wahots on Discord, aka Kamots). It grew to over 1000 members over the years and covers many games including Star Citizen. Prior to Tree Cafe, Wahots has managed or lead many different communities over the years. In his Star Citizen history, he has been a member of a few orgs and in leadership of one before deciding that a structured organization with all the politics and drama just isn’t fun.

Yes, some people use this history for some sort of in-game RP stuff. That is not that kind of org.




Nothing organized, planned, scheduled or structured. No chance for promotion, advancement or anything else. Go find a real org if you want that stuff. This org exists for people that don’t want to be in an org, but still want whatever future in-game benefits one may provide. If you want to be in this org and other “real orgs” then that is also perfectly fine. Just don’t expect this to be like the others.

This is more a container for the future rep system then anything else. Also assuming they used orgs for the permissions system.

Members of this org can be members of any other org, or none, doesn’t matter.

  1. - Be nice.
  2. - No drama.
  3. - No hate speech, bigotry, any *isms or *phobias, political discussions, etc. See rule #1 and #2 where this should be obvious but it needs to be said for some people. Really, this rule mostly exists as a statement to make it clear where this org stands. All people are equal.
  4. - Respect everyone, even if you don’t agree with them. See rule #1 and #2.
  5. - Follow CIG’s rules/policies/agreements.

Really, if you got an invite, you likely don’t need to worry about the rules since you are not likely to break them.