Trident Security Services / TRIDENTSS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Civilian life being hard on you, Pirates hurting your buissness? is the UEE Taxing you too much and you need something done about it? We are putting the power back in your hands, Call us here at Trident Security and legal services were we will fight for you.


After splitting from their original Org due to internal dissagrements, the remnets of [REDACTED] founded Trident Security Services early in 2954, Deciding to allocate their current fleet and resorces, freelancing their serves out to other companies, only if the price is right!


Civilian life being hard on you, Pirates hurting your buissness? is the UEE Taxing you too much and you need something done about it? We are putting the power back in your hands, Call us here at Trident Security and legal services were we will fight for you.

please note – all legal advice provided by T.S.S is not legally binding, anything you do is your responsibility!!


Welcome to the Trident Security Serves,

We don’t have many rules here to be fair, but there is no place here for any racism or homophobia.
We are a multi-cultural group from all over the world, are mostly grown ups and are here to have fun and play games.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask any members of the Moderators or Hawkeye on our Discord for assistance.

TSS have a “help a brother out” policy, meaning: if you need a ship for combat or other task, you can normally ask a fellow member and if someone has one, they will probably lend it to you!

if you have any issues please bring to the attention of an officer.
Hawkeye : Venree
Phoenix CrazyCandy

Moderators : Wolf
Zacho Miss_Fortune

Try not to shout over each other in chat please.
During Missions we might ask for quite on comms.
During some squad missions a voice room may be opened for the event, please send a PM before joining if not apart of the mission “just in case”