Terran Republican Navy / TRXN

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

The first duty of the armed forces is to keep its own government in check; to arrest and bring to trial those leaders who abuse their influence. The greatest threat to humanity is not the Tevarin. It is not the Xi’An. And it is certainly not the Vanduul. The greatest threat to humanity is the UEE


The Terran Republican Navy (abbreviated as TRxN) began with one man and a single, defining act of sedition; to call the disillusioned, the disaffected, the persecuted and the oppressed to take up arms for…


At the time of writing, the first shot is yet to be fired and we are in what the “Westerners” of yore would describe as the “phoney war”. In truth, this stage of war is the most crucial for it separates the good general who can win a war without shedding a drop of blood, from the meagerly competent general who can successfully prosecute a war through bloodshed.

Unbeknownst to the every day citizen, we stand on the brink. The old powers of Earth cling to the last machinery of the Messer regime in the face of a an economically stronger Terran civilisation with better diplomatic ties. The only way to shut down the political powerhouse of Terra Nova will be for the UEE to impose trade restrictions impacting the transition systems and, for all its complexity, it is this which the HuXa legislation is designed to do.

There is but one, final, chance for the UEE to prove to the Xi’An that they are the legitimate government and that can only be achieved through a demonstration of enduring government power. In the months and years that follow, Terran traders will become the worst offenders of HuXa and this will either see the UEE go to war with Terra Nova and her allies or face being discredited as the legitimate or, rather, stable base of government in the eyes of the Xi’An Empire.

As happened to the Irish traders of yore, the attack will not be upon the body politic but, instead, on the port or transition systems for the region. Just as Henry II, the Pirate, burned the Irish ports, so too will the UEE seek to cut Terra Nova and the core Terran systems from the transition systems.

Only if we are ready in time, can we stand between the jackboot of the UEE and the presently embryonic Terran Republic.



Starting with Imperator Costigan, who sold us all down the “river of trade” to Xi’An economic tyranny.
The Triumvirate must die.

We will not assassinate them.
We will not murder them.
We will not kill them.

When we apprehend them, we will execute all three members of the triumvirate for

  1. Crimes against Humanity
  2. Crimes against common human decency
    And, most of all, for
  3. Crimes against the new Terran Republic – for which we fight this civil war!


This, dear friends,

this is what we are about for it has come to this.
The only question that remains: Are you with us or are you against us?

  1. If you are oppressed by the tyranny of all who live above the law…
  2. If you are sick and tired of upholding laws which don’t seem to apply to some people…
  3. If you cannot accept compromises to your basic civil liberties; liberties like property ownership, freedom of speech, the right to equal treatment under law, the right to habeas corpus, not to mention the RIGHT to mind your own damned business!
  4. If you have longed to see the blood of the mafia, the corrupt and their families and supporters flowing ankle deep in the city streets…

Then perhaps you are for us and we are for you.

JOIN US! And, together, we will rule the only part of the galaxy that matters; where we live.

But be careful what you wish for!
For we will bath in the still-warm blood of the enemies of LIBERTY.

You like ironies? I fly a MISC Freelancer made with Xi’An technology. How’s them ironies!

It’s how we make do with what we have which defines us as individuals and that which will define us as a movement will be the new Terran Republic when it guarantees safety from government oppression and guarantees freedom from want — all in order to equitably guarantee life, liberty and equality under law for our descendants.


TRxN Charter

Section 1 PREAMBLE

This is not an organisation for those who want “reputation”
We are enemies of the UEE
We are enemies of the pirates
We are enemies of the slavers
We are enemies of the mafia and all criminals wanted for their part in making the lives of others miserable

You may want to take the time to consider that there are not a lot of friends mentioned on that list.

We will not be liked.
We will be attacked – especially when we should be the ones attacking.
We will be notorious for betraying the trust of the UEE Advocacy, slavers, pirates and mafiosi because


Read and understand my words:





And, as Sun Tsu so aptly points out, deception is the basis of all warfare. Forget this at your peril. How we do what we do revolves around Sun Tsu’s Art of War. Get a copy. Read it. Understand it. Make Sun Tsu’s Art of War your bible.


Clause 1 Don’t be a Fascist Pig. No harassment or otherwise “special” treatment of other players will be tolerated.

Clause 2 See Section 2, Clause 1.


Clause 1 When two enemies fight, balance the confrontation to maximize attrition. The most obvious way to achieve this is to help the underdog but, remember, this is not about making it look balanced — it’s about maximizing the vulnerability of the surviving party to the confrontation. Why? So that the survivor is easier for you to kill. We are, after all, talking about enemy combatants. In fact, one of the best ways to go about this is to fake support for the top dog in order to maximize attrition to the top dog by opening up opportunities for the underdog to do major damage. Never forget Art of War 1:18 — “All warfare is based on deception.”

Clause 2 When an enemy survives a confrontation, move in and finish what the other guy started. Never waste a golden opportunity — especially if the other guy can’t see it coming because he thinks that you helping means that you’re no longer on opposite sides of a shooting war.


Clause 1 Fight intrigue with intrigue. Agents of the UEE found operating in the core systems of the republic (namely, Terra Nova, Stanton, Tayac, or Hadrian) are to be “assisted” where possible to better build trust and facilitate infiltration.

Clause 2 All UEE activity in the core systems of the Terran Republic must be reported without delay to your superior officer.


Clause 1 Any and all UEE presence in the transit systems of the Terran Republic (namely, Goss, Magnus, Baker, Kiel, Castra, Gurzil, and Oya) is to be repulsed wherever practicable or otherwise tracked and reported through the TRxN chain of command for escalation if resources permit.

Clause 2 All UEE property is forfeit in the transit systems of the Terran Republic. Commandeering UEE government property is privateering, not piracy, so long as we only commandeer government property and assets as allowed by the current HuXan Letter of Marque issued by the Terran Republican Council. Be aware that property purchased by traders from UEE government or, alternatively, property purchased by traders for the purpose of sale to UEE government agents is not government property and commandeering this private property constitutes a breach of Section 7, Clause 8 of this charter and will not be tolerated by the TRxN.


Clause 1 The Terran Frontier consists of systems largely supportive of a Terran Republic but under the jackboots of the UEE in one way or another. These have been identified as Taranis, Pyro, Osiris, Horus, Nyx and Ellis. It is very important, in order to maintain and further the collective loyalty of these systems, that we do nothing to antagonize the UEE in these systems unless we can drive the UEE from the system in question. We do not, overtly engage the UEE on our frontier and doing so is a court martial offense with Hostile Espionage implications (see Section 7, Clause 6).

Clause 2 We always help the frontiersmen, the ones who generally mind their own business, especially when they need protection from UEE victimization, bullying, oppression and outright theft. But we do so covertly, without flying our colors in the face of potential UEE operatives or drawing attention to ourselves with fleets of ships. The goal, on the Terran Frontier is to build goodwill at a grass-roots level and not to engage on a front where we cannot afford to maintain an effective naval presence.


Clause 1 An extended frontier (Charon, Genesis, Helios, Corel, & Nemo) is identified by its economic confluence with the systems of the Terran Republic but, centred on Charon, the poorly planned secession has led to the UEE successfully dividing the rebels against one-another and adjacent systems are now a hotbed of UEE subterfuge.

Clause 2 The Terran Extended Frontier is a definitive no-go zone for overt naval personnel. Due to the extreme political instability, strategically useful intelligence cannot be sourced from these systems so we do not initiate covert operations in any of these systems. However, covert operations with successful infiltration initiated in systems outside the Terran Extended Frontier and which overflow into these systems are much more likely to be based on strategically reliable intelligence and must be followed through to their conclusion in order to build a better picture of where the battle lines are drawn on the extended frontier.


Clause 1 All charges of misconduct, including but not limited to infraction of these rules and failure to follow the lawful orders of a superior officer, will be subject to Courts Martial convened by senior officers of the TRxN.

Clause 2 You must not commit to any action which violates or otherwise subverts this charter. Actions which violate this charter constitute a court martial offense with the exception of hostile espionage (see Section 7, Clause 6). Actions which meagrely subvert the objectives of this charter can be deemed an offense by a court martial if it can be established that such actions caused measureable harm to TRxN members.

Clause 3 You must obey all lawful orders passed down the chain of command inasmuch as they do not violate Section 7, Clause 2. Failure to do so is a court martial offense.

Clause 4 Firing on a your fellow TRxN officers, spacemen and operatives is court martial offense.

Clause 5 Shooting or disemboweling a superior officer for incompetence is simply bad for morale and is, however regrettably, still a court martial offense. If your superior officer is endangering the men due to incompetence, a proper education in the dangers of war can go a long way to turning bad officer into an officer who is no longer a bad officer. Such lessons can be as simple and opportune as saluting a bad officer in clear sight of a sniper, or allowing a bad officer find out for himself about the bogie on his six. It’s not worth a round of TRxN ammunition – or the headaches of a court martial for that matter.

Clause 6 Just as deception is the basis of all warfare, deception is an act of war. Any deliberate misdirection of any member or affiliate of the TRxN will put you in a state of war with the TRxN and constitutes an act of Hostile Espionage against the TRxN. Whether it is a scam, inter-organization espionage, a “white lie” in service of a “good cause” with “poor reputation”, or simply hyperbole, all forms of deliberately deceptive behaviour by TRxN personnel towards TRxN personnel will be treated as an act of war by an enemy operative. This is not a court-martial offense. Offenders will be tried in absentia and, if convicted; taken into custody, interrogated as a spy and, if the offender manages to survive a fully hostile debrief, he or she will then be tossed into the waste tank and vented into space.

Clause 7 Engaging in slavery or, otherwise, aiding and/or abetting slavers is, without explicit TRxN authorization for mission purposes, a violation of the TRxN charter and a court martial offense.

Clause 8 Engaging in piracy or, otherwise, aiding and/or abetting pirates, mafiosi or the UEE is, without explicit TRxN authorization for mission purposes, a violation of the TRxN charter and a court martial offense.

Clause 9 Penalties for breaches of this charter vary, in severity, according to the responsibility of office in which the offense was committed. For rank and file, penalties are limited to demotion, suspension and dishonourable discharge from the TRxN. Officers guilty of breaching this charter may also face execution and exile. Execution and exile are mandatory in the the event of any senior TRxN officer being found guilty of an offense, under this charter.