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The Short Bus Squad / TSBS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Infiltration
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

15 Years, 12,000 Bodies… Old School to the very Core!


About 15 years ago, a group of gamers, most over the age of 30, made up of mostly Military (current and Ex), Rocket Scientists, Engineers, HVAC, and other professionals came together to form a clan we named =FR= Force Recon, an online competitive FPS clan.

We started playing the original Ghost Recon. We fought hard and eventually took the top spot on the Ghost Recon Un-timed Ladder while competing on Having achieved our primary goal, we set out to see where else we could take our brand to, make new friends, and dominate and make a name for ourselves.

Enter 2004 and we found the game EvE-Online.

We joined the Soul Cartel, a Corporation based in Domain space. We learned the ropes, formed friendships among the membership, and eventually decided we’d be better off forming our own Corporation with our own set of rules befitting us. We created our own Corporation with a name only fitting our sense of humor and play style. [TSBS] The Short Bus Squad was drooled. We moved into contested space, a 0.4 sector of space called Kheram. Pirating came naturally and easily to us. Our Ranks swelled to almost 100+ pilots. We made quite a few enemies in Stain during our time in Kheram, our 0.0 neighbors to the south, who decided to make it their duty to remove us from existence.

It was through this conflict that we made our closest ally: MASS. You see, MASS were one of the largest Stain Alliance Corps, and we knocked heads very often. Through bitter and highly competitive fighting, they started to regard us as a potential ally in their fight against Curse. The major issue, we were Pirates! How in the hell do they convince the Stain Alliance to our inclusion?

Well, long story short, we became the 1st ever Pirate Corp to become a full member of the Stain Alliance. What we brought to the table in the fight against Curse was a different aspect of fighting and, as a result, winning, and winning big. The strike hard and fast tactics we brought with us made us favorites among the PvP focused members of the Alliance. Gape Night Friday Nights were a TSBS specialty looked forward to by many of our PvP allies.

Time went on, and as with most gamers, so did our attention spans. We are droolers and window lickers remember!

Of course, EvE hasn’t been our only game since the Ghost Recon days. We have played every major FPS title and MMO title out there. We’ve continued to use the FR and TSBS tags and even added a third, Demise. Again, we lick windows, drool incessantly, and fling poo for fun. We certainly can’t hold a constant thought when naming our clan when starting a new game.

But there is a new and potentially awesome space game heading our way again. In celebration, we have broken out the drool cups, hemets, and even the old Short Bus to ride in. The core members from the original TSBS are back!

We have made Star Citizen our new home, now mostly in our 40’s. We’ve wiped the chins of many of our old Eve bus riders, and maybe over the years, we’ve even found a secret poo flinger or two.

So, what drool you? Think you wanna be part of drooling, window licking, poo flinging history? Or do you just want to have a great time and learn a thing or two from guys and gals who’ve “been there done that”?

Throw some poo our way and join us!!


Playing wild, the dying children
From the gutter they spawn
A life created of indignation
Pride and seeker pause
Pig city, oil creation
Over sex-dosed the junk machine crawls
Missing is the laughter, from the death bus
While the eternal human war rages on

Can you believe how little you care?
The friendly face of the empire leader
Conquest of style, ego hate
Walk amongst the dogs
While the violence kills the declined state

Have you eaten today?
Iam glad
Your digestion is the sorrow of the hungry
So tired of rejection and stupidity

Cut away to Grey man
Isolation room, a crowd gathers
Fade to riot, As the furor screams deliverance
The claws of the predatory corporation dig deep
Into the niave religion culture
Acceptance, blind virtue
Their reason taunts the absurd
The beggar, he feeds the anger
As you burn sorrow’s last word

Pain create the answer holy
Learn the lesson passion learned
Hate the teachers, oh so saintly
I kiss the pyre as it burned

Our need flows on, but we feel nothing
While emotion kills with no remorseful deathblow from Jesus
Only you can turn the key
To unlock the tortured riches inside your soul
And find the reason we live

Like some sort of God rejection
Place the blame on heads that turn
You watch the dagger rip through masses
As wheat and grain and corn
Dry into a hatred reality,
Screaming into a vengeful pit
Pitiful scream!!

The heart goes forward hating
Wanting life that cannot be attained
Justice seeker, pray for vengeance
The purist life is marred and staind

I want the World to heal
Iwant the world to love
But it cannot

4 More Years
4 More Years
4 More Years
4 More Years
4 More Years
4 More Years
4 More Years… Warrior Soul


We believe in the simple dynamic that “Shit shouldn’t roll downhill”

Therefore, our many rolls and jobs that our Department Heads fill
will never jeopardize the rest of the Organization in any way.

One aspect of our Organization and probably the most important
is “Infiltration” and “Subterfuge” Both are taken as a whole
and act as one. We encourage our Organization members to
engage in underhanded and covert operations against our foe’s
openly. But, never sell out the Organization in the process. Our
success is defined by the way we do this in unique ways.

Shit never rolls downhill

You are free to act and perform as individuals with a common
goal set by your department head. Your only barrier is that what
you do; cannot be ever tied to TSBS