The Sons Of Fergus / TSOF

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

We are a Clan of Family and Trusted Friends working together for fun, profit and Sport. Our creed “ Honest to those we Trust, Loyal to those who we ally, and ruthless to those who are outside the Laws of Society”, Clan First, Always”


Originally a Clan from ancient Scotland who fought many battle against the Romans and later English invaders. When hostilities ended and they became a asset to the English military, members of the Clan cultured skills in battle and tracking that served them well in the new lands across the oceans. Over the many centuries they have continued the trade of Soldier, protector and Lawmen, eventually becoming the organization they are today. Both Men and Women share equally the roles with in the Clan as it is understood everyone has a strength to contribute to the Clan welfare.


“ Honest to those we Trust, Loyal to those who we ally, and ruthless to those who are outside the Laws of Society”, Clan First, Always” Always to your best to keep your word, Short of Death and even death if that word was given to a Clan member. Never give your word to someone when you don’t intend to keep it. Honor is what important, through Honorable actions we set ourselves part from the non-people or non-Clansmen. Help the weak in need, right the wrongs before you and Dispense Justice to those who deserve it.
