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  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

At TSS Security we live by seven values Honor, Duty, Respect, Personal Courage, Integrity, Loyalty and Selfless Service and follow the seven P’s to success Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.


TSS Sec is made up of 3 Divisions and in each division, there are smaller companies that specialize in a certain area of that division. each division is led by a ranking Col and the companies/ subgroups will be led by a ranking Cpt. who will manage the personal below them.

TSS Sec. General: Valatos

Military Div COL: Platinum42 # 1 Infantry Cpt: Tac511 * * * # 2 Aviation Cpt: (placeholder) * * * # 3 Black Ops Cpt: (placeholder) * * * Industrial Div COL: Butters # 1 Salvage Ops Cpt: Bacon * * * # 2 Mining and Refining Ops Cpt: Schmidtrock * * * # 3 Transportation and Cargo Cpt: (placeholder) * * * Medical Div: Mediic # 1 Combat Medics Cpt: Humanevil * * *


The 3 divisions will be separated into subgroups who will focus on certain task or gameplay loops.
  • ALL TSS SEC PERSONNEL WILL BE WARFIGHTERS FIRST* #1 Military Div: first and foremost, will perform most military duties and provide protection and escort services for the other divisions in the TSS Sec org. when available will be for hire to protect other orgs from threats. * Infantry unit will provide most FPS support Ie boots on the ground land vehicles insertion and boarding missions with drop ships and other personnel carriers * Aviation unit will provide air support and air superiority with fighters and bombers *Black Ops will handle the dirty work stuff you don’t want the Org to be affiliated with and false flag attacks ie. pirating, drug running etc etc mainly to draw out other orgs and groups who do pirating and drug running to take there profits.
# 2 Industrial Div: will oversee all production and logistical operations when implemented in game will provide refueling rearming and repairing for TSS Sec and be for hire to support other orgs as well as generate good and resources for the org to sell or use. * Mining unit will handle mining and for now refining operations until the loop is expanded in 3.20 * Salvage operations will handle scrapping ships and gathering components to be sold for money or used by the org * Transportation will handle deliveries and bulk commodities for the org and across the verse and will assist the industrial div and military div when necessary. #3 Medical Div: will provide medic support to both main division in TSS Sec as well as be for hire to provide medical assistance across the verse priority will be for org ops and members. medical personnel will be attached to other units during operations and large group events. and will be a more fluid spread out division.
