• Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Infiltration

Leaders in human space exploration via resource extraction for over nine centuries.




2944-1-21 SET

Session AutoScript

Corporate Activity Columnist – Jaeslek Monorei (#227632AAR)

TSUKUYOMI HEAVY INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. One of humanity’s oldest space exploration and resource entities but also one of it’s most secretive. Their history can be traced back over nine centuries to the dawn of human space exploration, but TSUKUYOMI HEAVY INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. is primarily known as the corporation that pioneered humanity’s first foray into off-world and interplanetary heavy ore mining and superdense gaseous resource extraction.

With their somewhat shadowy, but ultimately successful passing of legislation for the Unilateral Lunar Resources Treaty in 2068 and the subsequent development of the very first Lunar heavy ore extraction rig prototype, the KUSARIGAMA MK.I, TSUKUYOMI HEAVY INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. quickly became Earth’s largest and most profitable space resource extraction ultracorporation. It was their prototype, deployed to the Earth’s Moon in 2077, that kickstarted the space-mining industry and led to the rebirth of space exploration’s golden age.

TSUKUYOMI HEAVY INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. is the result of a corporate merger in 2035 of nine Japanese-based megacorporations, represented ever since then by nine ‘X’ motifs in their logo. However, despite their consistently significant successes in the past 900 years, little is known about the current descendants of the founding families who made up the all-Japanese keiretsu – the names of these nine families and their corporations were mysteriously redacted from all public record only 80 years after their merging, and the details of the figures behind the ultracorporation have remained unknown ever since.

Under the new moniker, taken from the Japanese name for the ever-watchful Shinto god of the moon, TSUKUYOMI transformed their wealth and expertise in various fields of 21st century technology and robotics into the creation industry-leading off-planet mining equipment.

Riding on the success of RSi’s new quantum drive engine, not long after the first exploration flight through Sol’s Oort cloud, TSUKUYOMI expanded into the engineering of onsite cutting-edge, inter-stellar heavy ore resource refinement, and modular resource containment and transport systems to support humanity’s journey across deep space.

Alongside their mining industry domination, further research and development led TSUKUYOMI to the top of another lucrative sector: long-range scanning and survey equipment. Their now-infamous resource scanning suite, the MONOMI MK.II, sees almost exclusive use in super-extractor mining rigs across human space.

Subsequently, the MONOMI MK.II has also found its way into common use in the hands of various criminal groups who utilise the high-output scanning technology to track and raid trade routes across dark-space. How such groups got their hands on this highly coveted proprietary technology is also another topic for debate.

Despite their shining success, claims of criminal tactics involvement, namely old-world Yakuza syndicate ties, have plagued the corporation since it’s inception, yet curiously no evidence to back-up these claims has ever seen a court of law. In over 900 years, not a single arrest or conviction has ever been made – with the details of their accusations disappearing from public records as quickly as they appeared, along with their accusers.

Coupled with this questionable history, the more recent rumours of corporate espionage, clandestine information gathering, patent theft and data smuggling, combined with a heavy expansion into un-patrolled systems outside of UEE jurisdiction has many people asking what true intentions the ultracorp has in taking this new, risky direction.

If the past 900 years of history tells us anything, it’s likely that we will never really know.”

Session Ends. (+232S00223k)


