• PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“Pull the Pin!!!”

The TTHW motto – attributed to SkyCondor


In the beginning there were three and they moved within the verse looking for a purpose. After many months they each discovered a few things about themselves. The first found friends in the verse and the second found a new computer core and the third found a way to talk to the other two over the telecommunications of the verse. These discoveries led to a mutual understanding, eventually a purpose, and finally a calling to begin TTHW!!!!


By removing the barriers from our mind we will together either find a way or make one in the endless depth of space!!

To this end we devote ourselves to a Freelancer and Bounty Hunter way of life:

By dealing with our customers equitably and our enemies harshly.

By working together as a team and by giving each other space for self-development.

By handling the challenges the verse throws our way and by making our own way despite the odds against us.

In the end we will show our appreciation of the verse RSI has created for us by having as much fun as possible in the comfort of our own homes!!!!!


Our charter is simple, “If you work hard and play hard the benefits are immense for yourself and for the corporation”.

TTHW members will:

1. Work together as a team.

2. Keep each other informed of our corporation and individual actions in the verse.

3. Share both profit / risk.

4. Decisions will be made based on votes. Each member has a vote, but once the votes are counted and a majority decision based on the vote is reached TTHW will execute the decision as quietly and or as violently as required!!!

NOTE: This charter maybe amended based on a majority vote of the membership.