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Texas Knights / TXKNIGHTS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Medical
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

As the planet’s began to crumble & the governmental systems began to Break down. There was only one place that the people had to go & that was into the stars to begin anew. Many states fell to the corporations Lies. But the TXKNIGHTS remained vigilant with the fight against the threats that Lie.


The TXKNIGht’s was founded with Bounty Hunting & Medical Rescue as the priority, we value our ability to get the people of Stanton back on their feet & back in the fight against the threats that we all face daily. We have all suffered enough from the attacks that the Nine Tail’s Faction has unleashed upon the Stanton System for years. Or the constant Luming threat of the Banu as they constantly desire to push the edges of their Empire closer & closer to the Stanton System. We will no Longer allow these terrorists to stand in the way of Human progression. So please join Today and we can make tomorrow a brighter today.

Cap’t Terrance Walleye:
Chief Communications Officer


We intend to create a Space for people to come in & have a good time. We of course offer Everything that Star-Citizen has to offer in terms of gameplay/Game Loops.

  • Mining
  • Salvaging
  • Bunker Mission’s
  • Bounty Hunting (NPC & PVP)
  • Medical Rescue
  • Refueling
  • Towing

Basically, anything that you can do in the game we have an individual who can help you get started in whatever you are interested in. So, join today & see if you are a good fit for the crew.

Attached is the Link for our ORG DIscord:


All individuals who are interested in Joining MUST!!!!! be followed in order to be allowed into the Fleet.

1. Be cool, kind, and respectful to one another. 2. Keep your Discord profile appropriate. 3. Do not spam. 4. Do not @mention or direct message the staff. See Mods below in the channel for exceptions. 5. No self-promotion or advertisements. 6. No personal information. 7. No hate speech or harmful language. 8. No political or religious topics. 9. No piracy, sexual, NSFW, or otherwise suspicious content. 10. Rules are subject to common sense.

Our charter is dynamic and completely subject to change. While we currently enforce the more rudimentary rules, such as behaviors, we are much more relaxed on others, as the state of the game dictates. In testing the current development process, members are left in a more “free reign” to play around as they see fit. Many of our philosophies won’t be enforced until the actual game necessitates that change. With that being said, understand our end of development intentions. We are a law-abiding private military company. Our reputation dictates our success. Please ensure that our vision matches that of your own.
[6:46 PM]
In TXKNIGHTS, we function as a company for hire. The way we present ourselves breeds our reputation. In a constantly evolving field, the manor in which we conduct ourselves can make or break our organization. The rules and regulations that we have in place are situated to ensure continuity of existence while taking careful consideration to not separate ourselves from the knowledge that this is still a game. These regulations will be followed by every member currently or seeking employment within the company.

-Maturity – Be at least 18 years of age.

-Communication – Able to read and understand the English language.

-Teamwork – Have discord and be willing to use it when online.

-Reputation – Be willing to operate on the positive end of the law, where necessary, and abstain from general unsavory criminal behavior, such as piracy. Lawless space will alter these rules slightly, as we operate for increased profits, but general decent behavior still applies.

-Real World – While Real Life takes absolute priority, we ask that members do not go on crazy long periods of absence. If something important comes up, just let us know you have to disappear for a while.

-Civility – Respect others personal values and opinions. Try to refrain from overly sensitive topics that could lead to drama. Remember we are all here to play a game. Try to keep the banter civil.

TXKNIGHTS has an absolute zero tolerance policy for immoral behavior. Below is listed behaviors that will result in an automatic ban without question:

-Verbally insulting and/or abusive remarks about members’ race, religion, gender, etc.

-Constantly nagging other members for assistance, handouts, or continuous obnoxious actions.

-Willfully engaging in unsanctioned behavior that paint the organization, as a whole, in a negative light.


In TXKNIGHTS, we enforce that our members have us set to their main organization. Due to the nature of our work, we cannot have breaches in security that debilitate our client confidentiality, operational protocols, and doctrines. Currently, we allow affiliate status with other organizations so long as they don’t directly interfere with our mission statement and objectives.


We at TXKNIGHTS understand that our members’ enjoyment of their time spent is pivotal to the success of the group. While we have rules and focused objectives, we recognize the need for players just to have fun. This is why we dedicate ourselves to providing a relaxed atmosphere for our employees to get together and engage at their pace. Only when official operations are happening, do we reinforce our stricter protocols for gameplay. During all times, however, we do require these operational procedures to be followed:

-Employees are not permitted instigate engagement from friendly or allied personnel. This is waved only when live fire training exercises are in effect.

-Employees are allowed to defend themselves, anywhere in the galaxy, if your safety is in question. If it came from a friendly source, inform management immediately.

-As our image is important for success, that means the presence of us working together is mandatory. Employees are not permitted to openly participate in other combat fleets, especially in our official operation areas.

-Maintain professionalism in and out of the game. If a major issue arises, do not speak on behalf of the entire organization. Refer to management to respond accordingly.

-As your employment tenures, you may become privy to sensitive information. Whether it be client details, to our doctrines and operation standards, this is to be kept within the confines of the organization. Removal from the company is necessary if these privileges are violated.

Safe Flights:
Cap’t Terrence Walleye:
Chief Branding & Recruitment