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Union Aerospace Corporation / UACORP

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Exploration

Originally focused on weapon and defense contracts, new ventures have expanded into biological research, space exploration and other scientific endeavors.


Thomas Kelliher founded the UAC in 2015, but its roots go back much further. Tommy made his first fortune in media, not aerospace, with his first major company – Union Media. Union Media would produce the capital that Tommy needed to expand into other areas that interested him, one of which was space exploration.

The Union Aerospace Corporation was just one of the branches under the mighty Union umbrella, but it was soon to become the most prominent. After bailing out the old aerospace dinosaurs from financial straights, the UAC made its name in the now famous Joint Mars Expeditions beginning in 2025.

Since then, the UAC was at the forefront of all things space, continuing to break new ground.

After Hell’s catastrophic invasion of Earth, the United States took steps to prevent such an invasion from recurring. The old UAC corporation was refounded, under completely new management, and sent to research tools and technologies to prevent such an incursion from happening ever again.

The new UAC began working on Quantum Accelerator Devices, intended to close interdimensional gates at a distance and so prevent future incursions forever.

Ever since the time that actual space exploration became a prominent and important undertaking for all nations of Earth, UAC has shifted its focus from providing security to space exploration and maintaining extraterrestrial contact. Although providing convoy security and safety for both political and civil events is still a priority for UAC, the majority of the funding today goes towards scientific invention and exploration.


Safer worlds through superior firepower.


A protocol of isolationism is a central guiding dogma of the UAC.
Unless you are hired by an entity to do work that may require interference, avoid any kind of influence on other species as it reflects poorly upon the company.
Being a Mega corporation, UAC has its own territory and self-defense force, stationed on Mars. All personnel will be expected to make a few trips to Mars in order to get themselves acquainted with the corporate environment and expectations places on them.