United Conglomerate of Mining and Trucking / UCMT

  • Corporation
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Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Section 1 – General Principles of the Org
1.1 – Primarily we are all here for a good time and to have fun, so keep this spirit in mind and don’t Trample on others opinions etc just because you disagree with them, if that’s how they wanna play so be it

1.2 – No Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying or targeting of org members will be tolerated at all, you will get 1 warning before you’re out if this is found to be happening.

1.3 – At the end of the day this org is a company so the bottom line comes first, if you are found to be putting it in any form of jeopardy you shall be dealt with.

Section 2 – In Game Principles

2.1 – Destruction of company property will not be tolerated, you will receive 1 warning before being ejected from the company if you are found to be deliberately destroying company assets 2.2 – Cargo is to be protected at any and all costs, Pirates are not to be reasoned with in any circumstances.

Section 3 – The Board

3.1 To Become a member of the board an individual must accomplish the following; 3.1.1 Be Nominated by a member of the Company’s senior leadership 3.1.2 Complete a “Buy In” of 300,000 aUEC 3.1.2a The amount of the buy in is subject to change at the discretion of the Board and the Senior Leadership 3.2 The Board reserves the right to amend the Charter with a vote 3.2.1 in order to successfully change the charter a majority vote of 75% is required