Uridium / UDM

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Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

Let’s make some money!


They say that all stories have a beginning, and an end….

The Uridium story began as an idea, one born from the minds of what some might consider “misguided” individuals. Misguided they might well have been, yet it can never be said that ambition and drive were lacking. a fact known to all members. Risks were taken and rewards were sought. An ever-present thirst for seeking out new and lucrative objectives being the cornerstone upon which Uridium was founded.

Persistence…and time…was all it took for this idea to begin to take hold in the minds of other like-minded citizens. It wasn’t long before the original founders were able to look upon their ranks and could see there was no longer just a handful of rag-tag individuals with a few extra credits to spare, but an organisation.

“Working together to achieve what may seem impossible alone”, also a foundation Uridium adheres to. It is this ideal that would solidify their position in an increasingly crowded universe, while allowing its members to stand both on their own and to help others when called upon.

While currently a small yet growing community the Uridium motto rings true for all its members, it is a simple yet powerful mantra. It is also a requirement!

The Uridium story will continue….. “Let’s make some money!”


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


If you wish to be a part of Uridium please read below and make sure you agree to these terms


Fundamentally we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.
To make sure we continue to build on what we have there are a few guidelines that we wish everyone to adhere to.

  • 20% of all income earned will be donated to Uridium – This is to further the organisation as well as being used to assist members of the company that require emergency funds.
  • No sexism, racism, noob-bashing or discrimination of any kind.

**All of the above are subject to change