United Empire Astrogeological Survey / UEAS

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The United Empire Astrogeological Survey is an exploration geology and frontier operations organization. We offer scientific consultation, research and development, exploration data, resource mapping, raw materials and material processing, construction services, and homestead defense contracts to our clients. Self-sufficiency is a core tenet of the UEAS, and our fleets operate independently in deep space for long periods of time.

Experts of the UEAS are in high demand, and come from scientific, engineering, security and trade backgrounds. The Astrogeological Survey is currently hiring, including high-level positions. The UEAS needs researchers, technicians, miners, haulers, security personnel, and other experts in multiple disciplines. Everyone is vital to our day-to-day operation; talk to a UEAS recruiter to discuss current opportunities.

If you are looking to employ the UEAS, contact a Survey representative. The Chairman or a member of the Oversight Board can be reached on Spectrum and will handle your contract questions and provide quotes for Survey work.

Founding and Mandate

On December 4th, 2946, the United Empire Astrogeological Survey, a science and defense initiative, was founded to answer the growing demand for an organization that would explore the stars, acquire their resources, and protect those who would settle there. The UEAS was chartered by a coalition of scientists, explorers, industrialists and former military personnel to see these goals through.

The history and heritage of any organization can be traced back through the ages, but the Board cites three major recent events that were formational:

2941; the UEE Senate passed the Historical Truth Act, declassifying thousands of government documents. Exploration data from centuries of military pathfinding expeditions became available to the public for the first time, creating a new and expanded market for exploration startups.

2942; the UEE Synthworld project failed to meet its latest milestones, scorning project investors and reinvigorating private sector homesteading initiatives.

2945; the Battle of Vega II lead to the UEE Militia Mobilization Initiative, authorizing the purchase of military grade starships, weapons, and equipment for Citizens willing to take up the burden of defense on the frontier.

This precedent empowers the UEAS to deliver science, data, and resources to the Citizens of the Empire, and defense to those living on its fringes. Following Imperator Addison’s dedication of massive state funding to Ibrahim Sphere technology in 2951, the United Empire Astrogeological Survey hopes to be at the forefront of spreading this new miraculous life-extending technology to all corners of the frontier in need.


Goals and Responsibilities

The United Empire Astrogeological Survey respects the laws of the systems it operates in, adheres itself to the high standards of scientific truth, and follows the long and storied traditions of exploration. All are welcome at the UEAS. Membership with the Survey is not exclusive, and members may spend their time with other orgs as they please. Our simple rule is, when you are spending your time with us, you hold to our tenets, and be kind to others.


Operational Model

The United Empire Astrogeological Survey is a lawful enterprise devoted to community, self sufficiency, and furthering science in the verse. The Survey welcomes any and all who are interested in these objectives to join our organization.

The UEAS hierarchy exists to coordinate larger, more complicated operations; provide opportunities for immersive multicrew events; offer training on various professions in the verse; and to serve as a pipeline for creating and managing our own internal job board postings.

Individual members of the Survey may use the UEAS platform to coordinate amongst themselves, and run their own missions with other members of the Survey as they see fit, as long as they hold themselves to the values of the organization when flying under our banner. Where possible the organization will lend resources and share assets with members to improve these outings and forward the goals of the UEAS.


The first rank of the UEAS is the Recruit. Recruits form the base of the UEAS Crewmen Corps. New UEAS members are automatically awarded this rank upon entry. Recruits may participate in UEAS operations and provide assistance to higher ranking crewmen of the Crewmen Corps while they learn the ropes and decide what various expertise they want to peruse in the verse. Our affiliate members are also granted the Recruit rank and may freely participate in UEAS operations as they chose, but do not have access to UEAS internal job boards.

Ensigns are the next rank of UEAS Crewmen Corps, who combine expertise with flexibility. The rank of Ensign is awarded to full UEAS members who participate in our community. Ensigns will have the opportunity to fulfil a plethora of roles during their careers, such as tactical operators, researchers, or ship and vehicle crew during UEAS operations. Ensigns are the first rank that may access the UEAS crewmen job board, where they can volunteer to participate in UEAS missions being helmed by Survey officers.

Technical Ensigns are the highest rated crewmen. They represent experienced members who exhibit skill in their selected fields and possess noteworthy leadership capabilities. As such, Technical Ensigns often work with their commanding officer when on assignment to manage mission objectives and crew, bridging the gap between the Crewmen Corps and the Officer Corps.

All ranks of crewmen report to the Officer Corps. UEAS Officers are the primary source of on-the-ground leadership to crew during organization operations. Officers also have access to the officer job board, where they may take on missions posted by UEAS Directors. It is the responsibility of Officers to create postings for the crewmen job boards for their missions.

The first officer rank is that of Specialist. These officers are the frontline of UEAS leadership, and can be found assisting all facets of command. Specialists often captain large vessels or teams when in the field. The highest Officer rank is the Chief Specialist. These senior officers provide leadership to more junior officers and crewmen alike, assist the Oversight Board in administrative duties, and manage important vessels and assets in large UEAS missions.

The Officer Corps reports to the Oversight Board, the Survey’s governing body, that votes on matters important to the UEAS as a whole. Sitting on the Board are the Directors, who provide focused operational insight and advice to the Chairman. It is a Director’s job to carry out UEAS objectives set forth by the Chairman and the Board. Directors take objectives and create mission profiles for officers to select from on their mission boards, as well as control strategic assets, resources, and personnel on large scale operations. Directors are responsible for ensuring officers have the assets they need to complete their missions.

The head of the Oversight Board, and the Survey, is the Chairman. The Chairman’s job is to manage high-level operations, establish UEAS objectives, and coordinate organization-wide assets and resources.