UEE Peacekeepers / UEETP

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  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

The UEE Peacekeeper is able to handle ambiguity, evaluate complex information and make evidence-based clinical decisions to promote and maintain patient welfare and safety. Whether supporting Medical Forces or providing care for citizens.



UEETP Constitution came into force on 30/04/2950 – a date we now celebrate every year as Galactic Unity Day.

The Peacekeeper is able to handle ambiguity, evaluate complex information and make evidence-based clinical decisions to promote and maintain patient welfare and safety. Whether supporting Medical Officers deliver Force Health, provide care in the air escorting casualties on Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) flights, embedded with the UEE Navy and Army or engaged in delivering specialist training, the UEE Peacekeeper possess a vast array of knowledge, skills and experience (KSE).

Air minded, they are capable of delivering care in challenging environments using collaborative working to maximise resources to ensure Defence personnel are fit for task while optimising an effective care pathway from point of injury Galatic Wide.


UEETP peace operations are deployed on the basis of mandates from the United Earth Empire. Over the years, the range of tasks assigned to UEETP peace operations has expanded significantly in response to shifting patterns of conflict and to best address threats to international peace and security.

Although each UEETP peace operation is different, there is a considerable degree of consistency in the types of mandated tasks assigned by the Security Council. Depending on their mandate, peace operations may be required to:

  • Deploy to prevent the outbreak of conflict or the spill-over of conflict across borders;
  • Stabilize conflict situations after a ceasefire, to create an environment for the parties to reach a lasting peace agreement;
  • Assist in implementing comprehensive peace agreements;
  • Assist Orgs or territories through a transition to stable leadership, based on democratic principles, good governance and economic development.

UEETP guarantees the following:

Peacekeeping mandate UEE PDF


The Charter of the UEETP is the foundation document for all the United Earth Empire work. The UEE Peacekeepers was established to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” and one of its main purposes is to maintain international peace and security.

Peacekeeping, although not explicitly provided for in the Charter, has evolved into one of the main tools used by the United Nations to achieve this purpose.

The Charter I gives the United Earth Empire Peacekeepers responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Empire may adopt a range of measures, including the establishment of a UEE peace operation.

Chapter II contains provisions related to “Action with Respect to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression’. In recent years, the Council has adopted the practice of invoking Chapter II of the Charter when authorizing the deployment of UEE peacekeeping operations into volatile post-conflict settings where the State is unable to maintain security and public order. The United Earth Empire invocation of Chapter II in these situations, in addition to denoting the legal basis for its action, can also be seen as a statement of firm Imperial resolve and a means of reminding the parties to a conflict and the wider UEE ORG memberships of their obligation to give effect to peacekeeping decisions.

Chapter III of the Charter provides for the involvement of regional arrangements and agencies in the maintenance of Galactic peace and security provided such activities are consistent with the purposes and principles outlined in Chapter I of the Charter.