UEE Civilian Exploration Corps / UEEXPLORE

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Founded in 2945, the UEE Civilian Exploration Corp aims to expand horizons, shift boundaries, and pave the way for mankind. Our military partners and government sector partners stand by us. We are ready to meet any challenge. Join our Discord now to play with us! https://discord.gg/R8rATmMP9B


The UEE Civilian Exploration Corps was originally founded and established in 2945 SEY (Standard Earth Year) to do what it’s mission statement says: Expand horizons, shift boundaries, and pave the way for mankind. However, a notable war which is still ongoing as of 2952 started in 2945. The Vanduul War began that year with the attack on Vega II. Unbeknownst to the general public and still classified to this day, the UEE Navy impressed thousands of civilian pilots into what was then called the Civilian Auxiliary Task Force or C.A.T.F. CATF’s general job was to scout for any and all possible Vanduul excursions, man critical points in systems bordering Vanduul space and as stated in the unit name, supplement the military units and if necessary, engage the enemy. The secondary role of C.A.T.F. was to provide secondary security for vulnerable or damaged solar systems by Vanduul aggression. This included acting essentially as local law if necessary. To this day, C.A.T.F. still exists as a important and secondary unit to the UEE Military in their ranks. However, as of 2952, the unit name has changed to the UEE Civilian Exploration Corps. As part of Imperator Laylani Addison’s One Year Jump policy recently established after taking office, the organization of C.A.T.F is being renamed, shifted, and given new task and purpose in addition to its existing tasks and purpose. Imperator Decree 647 states that the UEE Civilian Exploration Corps is to be established with veterans of both military and civilian sectors, headed by Madison Greene, Ret. Brigadier General, United Empire of Earth Marines. The CEC will receive government funding and will receive unparalleled access to state of the art technology within the military sector, government sector, and civilian sector. It’s job includes its former functions but also to explore the universe and plant the UEE flag wherever possible. The Director of Operations is the head of our organization, they are personally handpicked by the Imperator themselves. UEE Civilian Explorers have carte blanche in regards to mission safety, cost, and lives. This essentially means CEC members are deputized as long as they follow the law and don’t abuse their power. If a CEC member is found to be in breach of the trust of not only the Imperator but the Empire itself and to whom we serve, they will be officially declared persona non grata and to be not only immediately reported to proper authorities but an automatic 1 million UEC bounty will be placed on their head. To report a CEC Explorer/Scout, please contact the CEC Headquarters on Earth. Our Comm-Link is open 24 hours, 365 days a year, and if you somehow are unable to contact the CEC, please contact the UEE Navy Headquarters on Earth. We take all reports seriously but false or fake reports shall be met with a class misdemeanor which is subject to fine and/or jail. If repeated, additional action may be taken.

The CEC has a dedicated Naval Fleet, Exploration Corps, Marine Battalion, and a Migrant Fleet. You have the choice of four different branches.

The Civilian Exploration Corps main organization is known as the 1st Civilian Exploration Corps, the members of which fill the most important role and are the bread and butter of the CEC. These are private individuals who have volunteered for service within the CEC, being unpaid individuals that are provided ships, armor, weapons, food, etc. These individuals then go out on duty as CEC Explorers, mapping out the universe, exploring new planets, finding jump points, etc. If a Civilian Explorer is really good at what they do, they may be promoted to Operations Officer which allows them pay and the ability to command CEC assets. Most members of the CEC are in the 1st Exploration Corps and it’s job and purpose is important not only to the CEC or the UEE, but mankind as a whole. Civilian Explorers are allowed to carry weapons and are armed, however their main job is to go out and explore, not fight. Most Civilian Explorers are Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, etc. They form the core of what our organization sets out to accomplish.

The Civilian Exploration Corps also has a huge Naval Fleet which also includes an entire Migrant Fleet of nonhumans, this is known as the 1st CEC Naval Fleet and the 1st CEC Migrant Fleet respectively. Anyone who wishes to become a CEC Pilot or is assigned to fleet duty will be part of the 1st Naval Fleet. All CEC Members have the option of joining our Naval Forces to not only protect our discoveries, our property, but our members and the UEE too. Most of the 1st CEC Naval Fleet is what the Civilian Auxiliary Task Force or C.A.T.F. once was before being reshifted and renamed to the CEC.

The Civilian Exploration Corps possesses a Marine Detachment as well. This is known as the 1st CEC Marine Battalion. CEC Marines are tasked with guarding our fleet, protecting our ground property, conducting ship boarding, and defending our vessels. All CEC Marines are combat ready, combat effective and to join the CEC Marines, you must have relative combat experience. Especially on our ships like the CECS Daedalus, a Javelin Destroyer, there are between 10-15 Marines onboard at any given time. The CEC Marines were formed after a massacre of CEC Explorers by pirates occurred in the Asteroid fields near Lyria when attempting to mine Quantinum had failed and all lives on board the CECS Agamemnon were lost. An ad-hoc formation of combat experienced CEC members formed to avenge the fallen ship and crew and was successful in their endeavor. They then formed the 1st CEC Marine Company to protect all CEC members and to be a force for good for humanity and its partners.

As for individuals who wish to join the CEC but are not human, we have a dedicated Migrant Fleet made up of Banu, X’ian, and Human individuals who use alien ships and alien weapons. The 1st CEC Migrant Fleet is open to all non-humans and humans who prefer alien ships and alien technology. The 1st CEC Migrant Fleet was established not long after we obtained our first Banu Merchantman ship which was gifted to us by a Banu Souli in exchange for what they considered very valuable Human artifacts. After we obtained the ship, the Souli gave 8 Banu individuals as a gift with our Banu Merchantman. As we abhor slavery, we granted the three Banu males, three Banu females, and the two Banu children their freedom but they refused to leave our organization. So now, these individuals form the brain and center of what our 1st CEC Migrant Fleet is and represents. We also have three X’ian members in the fleet as well. The 1st CEC Migrant Fleet is open to all nonhumans who wish to explore and go out of their comfort zones, interact with humans and other species and do their part for all life, not just mankind. If you need to speak with a Human translator or have any questions about the 1st CEC Migrant Fleet, please contact our Comm-Link at the CEC Headquarters on Earth. We have dedicated translators of both X’ian and Banu individuals who can speak to you directly.

If you want to join the CEC, make sure to talk to your Recruiter about these four branches of the CEC. Your Recruiter will be able to give you a detailed and honest answer into all 4 parts of the CEC to help you make an informed decision about where you can be assigned to and where you could best serve the CEC. Three of the branches are open to all Applicants, however the Migrant Fleet is restricted to nonhumans and humans who own alien ships. If you’d like to join, just press that join now button! No application is necessary, just type a letter in and send the app!

If interested in the CEC, we have field offices in almost every system from Sol to Stanton, signing up is as easy as contacting us and having a ship and being able to pilot that ship. CEC members are unpaid volunteers but if given a leadership position, these include salaries with benefits such as medical insurance, ship insurance, equipment insurance, paid leave, etc. Please ask your Recruiter for more info on these policies and benefits.

The Civilian Exploration Corps current fleet list is public domain and public knowledge. If a CEC member is found to possess a ship not included in this public list, please report any withheld information to the CEC Headquarters on Earth.

For reference and public knowledge, all our ships are designated as CECS followed by the name of the ship. Please note that not all ships have names.

CEC Fleet List——

Aegis Javelin – 2

Aegis Idris-P – 2

Aegis Hammerhead – 3

Aegis Redeemer – 6

Aegis Gladius – 2

Aegis Reclaimer – 3

Aegis Nautilus – 1

Anvil F8C Lightning – 2

Drake Kraken – 1

Anvil Liberator – 3

RSI Perseus – 2

RSI Polaris – 1

RSI Orion – 2

Anvil Carrack Expedition – 1

Anvil Carrack – 6

MISC Odyssey – 3

MISC Hull A – 2

MISC Hull-C – 1

MISC Hull-D – 1

MISC Hull-E – 1

Anvil Spartan – 3

RSI Aurora MR – 16

Anvil Legionnaire – 1

Consolidated Outland Hoverquad – 1

Consolidated Outland Nomad – 1

Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition – 4

Anvil C8 Pisces – 4

Anvil Arrow – 5

Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet – 2

Anvil F7C Hornet – 1

Anvil Terrapin – 2

Drake Dragonfly Black – 3

Anvil Ballista – 1

RSI Ursa Rover – 3

MISC Freelancer DUR – 1

Tumbril Cyclone RN – 1

Tumbril Cyclone TR – 1

Tumbril Cyclone – 1

Tumbril Nova Tank – 2

Origin 350R – 1

Greycat Industrial ROC – 2

Greycat PTV Buggy – 1

Greycat ROC-DS – 2

Drake Buccaneer – 4

Aegis Pirate Gladius – 1

Drake Caterpillar Pirate Edition – 1

Drake Cutlass Black – 6

Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha – 1

ARGO MPUV Cargo – 2

ARGO MPUV Personnel – 1

MISC Prospector – 5

Origin 400i – 3

Origin 600i Explorer – 2

Origin 315p – 1

Origin 325a – 2

Crusader Mercury Star Runner – 5

Tumbril Cyclone MT – 2

Banu Merchantman – 5

Crusader C2 Hercules – 6

Aegis Eclipse – 2

Aegis Retaliator Bomber – 1

Aegis Vulcan – 1

Anvil Gladiator – 1

Banu Defender – 5

Crusader M2 Hercules – 4

Crusader A2 Hercules – 2

Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker – 3

Aegis Vanguard Harbinger – 2

Aegis Vanguard Sentinel – 1

Aegis Vanguard Hoplite – 1

Kruger P-52 Merlin – 1

MISC Endeavor – 1

Tumbril Ranger TR – 1

Origin M50 – 1

Origin X1 Force – 2



MISC Reliant Kore – 1

Crusader Ares Ion – 4

Crusader Ares Inferno – 4

Drake Cutlass Red – 1

MISC Starfarer – 2

MISC Starfarer Gemini – 1

ARGO Mole – 1

Drake Vulture – 2

Aopoa Nox – 2

Aopoa Khartu Al – 1

Gatac Railen – 2

Drake Caterpillar – 2

Aegis Sabre – 2

RSI Scorpius – 4

RSI Apollo Medevac – 2

Drake Corsair – 3

RSI Constellation Aquila – 1

RSI Constellation Andromeda – 1

RSI Constellation Taurus – 1

RSI Constellation Phoenix – 1

Anvil Crucible – 2

Crusader Genesis Starliner – 1

Tumbril Ranger CV – 1

Aegis Avenger Titan – 1

Anvil Valkyrie – 2

Anvil Hawk – 1

MISC Expanse – 1

CEC Ship Designations/Names————

CECS Daedalus (Aegis Javelin)
CECS Icarus (Aegis Idris-P)
CECS Ares (Aegis Hammerhead)
CECS Athena (Aegis Redeemer)
CECS Apollo (Anvil Carrack)
CECS Heracles (Anvil Liberator)
CECS Artemis (Anvil Carrack Expedition)
CECS Odysseus (MISC Odyssey)
CECS Babylon (MISC Starfarer Gemini)
CECS Athens (MISC Hull-A)
CECS Hermes (Crusader Mercury Star Runner)
CECS Claymore (Drake Buccaneer)
CECS Hades (Anvil F8C Lightning)
CECS Cerberus (Anvil Legionnaire)
CECS Persephone (Anvil Terrapin)
CECS Achilles (RSI Constellation Phoenix)
CECS Helen (RSI Scorpius)
CECS Iris (Origin 400i)
CECS Leonidas (Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker)
CECS Spearhead (Drake Cutlass Black)
CECS Prometheus (Drake Caterpillar)
CECS Providentia (Drake Corsair)
CECS Plutus (Banu Merchantman)
CECS Kratos (Crusader Hercules C2)
CECS Hypnos (Crusader Ares Ion)
CECS Thanatos (Crusader Ares Inferno)
CECS Phobos (Drake Cutlass Black)
CECS Arrowhead (Tumbril Nova)
CECS Rhea (MISC Freelancer DUR)
CECS Savant of Hidden Paths (Crusader Mercury Star Runner)
CECS Wrath of Shadows (Crusader Ares Ion)
CECS Approach Unto Apotheosis (MISC Endeavor)
CECS Frick (MISC Starfarer)
CECS Brother to All Arms (Drake Cutlass Red)
CECS Craíc (MISC Prospector)
CECS Gom Jabbar (Drake Buccaneer)
CECS Archivist of Sorrow (Drake Vulture)
CECS Capital Punishment (Aegis Reclaimer)
CECS Silent Lucidity (Origin 400i)
CECS Steel Horse (Consolidated Outlands Nomad)
CECS Noisy Cricket (Consolidated Outland Hoverquad)
CECS Spitfire (Drake Buccaneer)
CECS Growler (Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker)
CECS Mosquito (Anvil Arrow)
CECS Long Way to Go (Drake Caterpillar)
CECS Califia (Anvil Carrack)
CECS Anacapa (Crusader Mercury Star Runner)
CECS Kana’ti (Crusader Mercury Star Runner)
CECS Nunnehi (Drake Corsair)
CECS Midnight Sun (Banu Merchantman)
CECS Horizon (Anvil Carrack)
CECS Meili (MISC Odyssey)
CECS Njörðr (MISC Hull-C)
CECS Vidar (Aegis Gladius)
CECS Tyr (Aegis Redeemer)
CECS Nacogdoches (Anvil Carrack)

Reserved ship names for future ships——-
CECS Yorktown (Drake Kraken)
CECS Nostradamus (Aegis Reclaimer)
CECS Mercury (Crusader Genesis Starliner)
CECS Hephaestus (Anvil Crucible)
CECS Poseidon (RSI Orion)
CECS Oracle of Memory (Origin 400i)
CECS Coeus (MISC Endeavor)

CEC Ship Wishlist—- (Ships on our list that we want to acquire and/or purchase and add to our fleet or are looking for individuals who own these ships to join us)

Drake Kraken (This is the top priority ship, we currently are in desperate need of a light carrier that can act as a mobile hub for our fleet, despite Drake’s reputation, it’s doable.)

Aegis Idris P (Currently in negotiations with the UEE Navy on acquiring an Idris Model frigate, current negotiations have broken down at this time) <—— Fulfilled

Crusader C2/M2/A2 (Either model but if possible, a C2 or A2 model is preferred) <———Fulfilled

Aegis Javelin (We’re still in negotiations with UEE High Command to loan us one but we’re most likely years out from acquiring one for our fleet. UPDATE: Breaking news! The UEE High Command has reached a deal with the CEC Director and we now have a Javelin in our fleet!)<— Fulfilled

Drake Caterpillar (Second priority. Will most likely acquire after we acquire a Kraken) <—- Fulfilled

Aegis Hammerhead (Currently in negotiations with the UEE Navy to purchase a Hammerhead corvette, stay tuned for more info) <— Temporarily fulfilled

Aegis Redeemer (Third priority. Very likely we’ll be able to acquire one of these ships very soon. UPDATE: We now own a Redeemer)<—— Fulfilled

Crusader Genesis Starliner (Not really needed nor wanted right now but we could use one in the future to shuttle top UEE and CEC officials to government events, CEC Fundraisers, etc. Not a priority.) <——- Fulfilled

Banu Merchantman (A Banu ship to be able to explore Vanduul space would be nice and to research Banu tech as well. Not a priority.) <—-Fulfilled

RSI Orion (A mining ship could come in handy, especially for new planets where our geologists can research the economic feasibility of unexplored planets, moons, dwarf planets, etc to sell samples to corporations and send samples back to UEE Space) <——- Fulfilled

MISC Starfarer (A Starfarer would be extremely valuable to our fleet as we could refuel all our ships in the field. Not much of a priority right now but in the future, we may acquire one as soon as the opportunity arises.) <—- Fulfilled

Please allow the CEC time to update fleet lists, fleet system numbers and logistics are continuously updated and maintained. Thank you for your cooperation.
Here at the CEC, we have a rank system, As an organization of explorers, our legal designation is as a PMC because our fleet includes armed ships, and all our CEC scouts are armed with personal and standardized weapons provided by the CEC. Some of our members are military or former military including our leadership so ranks are as follows:

CEC Rank List——

Director of Operations: This is our head, our brains, our boss. The Director is personally selected by the Imperator and serves within an Imperator’s time in office. When a new Imperator is voted in and has taken office, a new Director is chosen by the Imperator and all final and executive decisions reach his or her desk. Our current Director of Operations is Madison Greene, a retired Brigadier General in the United Empire of Earth Marines who served her Empire valiantly for sixteen years. Madison Greene was on Vega II when the Vanduul attacked the planet in considerable force and who at the possible cost of life and limb saved multiple lives, destroyed five Vanduul ships, and was personally awarded the highest honor a Citizen or Civilian of the UEE can receive, the Imperatorial Medal of Honor, personally awarded by then Imperator Kelos Costigan. General Greene went onto to serve in the C.A.T.F. as a volunteer and was eventually given leadership of the Task Force by Admiral Bishop. Director Greene hails from Earth, from a proud military and loyal family, her father a Senator, and her brother an High Admiral. Director Greene is confident, prideful, but caring and considerate of everyone, even those she may dislike. She puts others before herself. Director Greene was appointed on January 1st, 2951 and their time in office will expire on December 31st, 2960. A new Imperator will then take office and a selection of the CEC Director will be among some of the first decisions a new Imperator will make on their first day.

Executive Officer: Executive Officers are the brain stem of the CEC, to become an XO, you must be an experienced member and established leader within the CEC with a spotless record. CEC Executive Officers have tough choices to make and must be able to act under pressure and independently and have people to care for and to keep alive under their care. Executive Officers can also be promoted to Senior Executive Officers and these individuals report directly to the Director themselves. Executive Officers often have at least twenty to thirty years of experience and are long serving CEC members. The Director personally appoints all Executive Officers and at any given time, there will be at least one Senior Executive Officer serving the Office of the Director.

Operations Officer: Operations Officers are the backbone of the CEC. Their military equivalents would be NCOs or Non-Commissioned Officers within the UEE Military, these individuals have proven themselves to possess leadership skills and/or valuable technical skills that can be applied or taught to other individuals. Operations Officers are promoted based on merit and sometimes, time itself, Executive Officers and the Director can promote individuals to this rank if proven capable. In addition to those things, Operations Officers are the first rank to receive pay with higher pay depending on special assignment and/or hazard pay.

Master Explorer: Master Explorers are members of the CEC who have automatically been promoted to this rank or promoted by a higher rank automatically. However, for most members TIS (Time in Service) applies. Most MEs are skilled within a field of knowledge and have proven to be reliable extensions of the CEC. Senior Explorers must have a TIG (Time in Grade) of one month to be promoted to ME.

Senior Explorer: Senior Explorers are experienced members of the CEC. Most members of the CEC are Senior Explorers.

Explorer: Explorers are new members of the CEC, they shall receive training, gear, and proper lessons in both UEE history and CEC history. After training, Explorers are encouraged to learn all aspects of different parts of exploration, be it Spaceflight, Mechanics, Information, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, among other things. By the time they are promoted to Senior Explorer, most Explorers have chosen a path of specialization.

CEC Marine and Naval Personnel Rank List————————

While our main branch known as the 1st Exploration Corps has their ranks, our Marines and Sailors have a separate but intertwining rank system and all CEC Personnel have these ranks, be it explorers, marines, pilots, sailors, etc. For personnel that are only Explorers, the ranks serve as a way to show who’s been in longer or has more experience. However with our other branches, ranks carry responsibility and purpose, depending on what rank is actually held. Our ranks are based on what was once the United States Marine Corps ranks with varying levels of difference in regards to names.

Commissioned Officers——————

General – This rank is quite self-explanatory, this is held by our Director of Operations but this rank can be possessed and earned without being the Director. Generals are in charge of all personnel, all branches, and have the most amount of responsibility and power when it comes to command. Only one General currently exists in the Civilian Exploration Corps right now and that is incumbent Director and former Brigadier General in the United Earth of Empire Marines, Madison Greene.

Lieutenant General (Lt. General) – Lieutenant Generals are the second highest rank in the chain of command, these individuals possess an almost equal amount of power to Generals and in the Civilian Exploration Corps, the Lt. General serves as XO to the General, second in command of all assets.

Major General – Major Generals are the third highest rank in the chain of command, serving as Division Commanders or Division Executive Officers. Major Generals also can serve as the XO to the Lieutenant Generals who maintain overall command and direct assets when the Director or Generals aren’t around.

Brigadier General – Brigadier Generals are the fourth highest rank in the chain of command and the first rank to require unanimous executive support and approval before being promoted to such a rank. Brigadier Generals are often found in charge of Brigade level elements and/or specific formations of specialists, for example, Medical, Engineers, etc.

Colonel – Colonel is the highest rank anyone can attain by promotion without unanimous approval from XOs, SEOs, and the Director themselves. Colonels are in charge of Battalion sized elements and often command combat formations directly.

Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Colonel) – Lieutenant Colonels are often serving as the XO for a Battalion and/or serving in place of a full bird Colonel. The rank is almost synonymous and the same as Colonel, even when addressing them, you refer to a Lt. Colonel as Colonel.

Major – Majors are the mid level gap between Junior Officers and General Officers. Majors are the first rank, followed by Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels in what is known as Field-Grade Officers. Majors are considered the first Field Grade Officer, of which you will find Majors in the staffs of Colonels and up. Majors often run company sized elements if the company is considerably larger or if its deemed a Major should be the Commanding Officer of a Company instead of a Captain.

Captain – Captains are often found in charge of company sized elements and are often also found in the staff and headquarters of Colonels and Brigadier Generals.

First Lieutenant (1LT) – First Lieutenants are often found leading platoons in companies, or serving as the primary XO of a Captain in a Company sized element.

Second Lieutenant (2LT) – Second Lieutenants are the most junior commissioned officers and have just graduated from a Military Academy or have been commissioned in battle and/or promoted after long service as an Enlisted member. Second Lieutenants lead platoon sized elements and you’ll rarely find a 2LT serving as an XO to a Captain. Only if a 1LT has been killed or incapacitated or removed from command will you see a 2LT as an XO and they’ll 99% of the time be promoted to 1LT when this happens. All 2LTs are automatically promoted to 1LT after a certain period of time has passed.

Warrant Officers—————-

Warrant Officer – Warrant Officers serve as Specialists in a specific technical field where being Enlisted would prevent them from being able to effectively carry out their duties and Warrant Officers often serve as pilots, medical officers, and mostly engineering. All Warrant Officers are promoted from the Enlisted ranks. At this time as well, we currently only have one WO rank, however this could be subject to change in the future.

Officer Candidate Ranks—————-

Midshipmen/Cadet – The Midshipman/Cadet rank is given to all Officer Candidates, these individuals are higher than Enlisted ranks but lower than Warrant Officers, they also technically possess no power over enlisted, they’re just higher on the chain than Enlisted as they most likely will be Officers at the end of their candidacy.

Enlisted Ranks——————

Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) – Sergeant Majors exist as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to a Brigade or Battalion sized formation, these individuals have truly shown themselves to be leaders of men and women and they often command the respect of even the highest ranked commissioned officers. Sergeant Majors also informally have rank over junior commissioned officers due to their experience and wisdom.

Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) – Master Gunnery Sergeants have proven themselves to be the most knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to technical knowledge, MGySgts are often promoted from Master Sergeants who are essentially Technical Leaders, they lead innovation and have a lot of technical knowledge. MGySgts are also known to be proficient with arms and equipment as per their rank name.

First Sergeant (1st Sergeant) – First Sergeants are true leaders. First Sergeants are the Senior Enlisted Advisor to Company Commanders and are in charge of moral, respect, and rules being abided. Unlike Sergeant Majors, who do not directly lead Enlisted personnel, First Sergeants are actually hands on leadership with all Enlisted ranks in their respective companies. First Sergeants command respect from both their superiors and the men and women under them.

Master Sergeant (MSGT) – Master Sergeants are equal in rank to First Sergeants, however they have wildly different responsibilities. While First Sergeants directly lead and directly report to their Company Commanders, Master Sergeants do not directly lead and instead serve as the Senior Technical Experts in their units, found in Company sized elements. Master Sergeants are second to none in terms of technical expertise and practical knowledge, often serving as Quartermasters or other similar jobs.

Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) – Gunnery Sergeants or informally known as Gunnies by the men below them and above them, often serve as Platoon NCOs, serving under either a 2LT or 1LT. Gunnery Sergeants are known for their leadership and technical expertise. Gunnery Sergeants often serve as Drill Instructors, Recruiters, or Platoon NCOs.

Technical Sergeant – This rank is given to our allies who are in our org technically but are in our org because they are allied to us as part of a pact with another org. Technical Sergeants are given this rank to serve as links between our org and theirs’ and this is mostly an technical rank. Technical Sergeants hold no actual leadership but are equivalent in rank to Staff Sergeants.

Staff Sergeant (SSgt) – Staff Sergeants are the first rank to be what is colloquially known as Senior Non Commissioned Officers or SNCOs for short, these individuals oversee greater personnel and material than Sergeants and SSgts are often serving as Recruiters, Drill Instructors, or sometimes in the place of a GySgt, Platoon NCOs. Staff Sergeants can also be in charge of Section sized elements, or basically two squads as one.

Sergeant (Sgt) – Sergeants are the backbone of any military or paramilitary organization and often serve as Squad Leaders or Fireteam Leaders. Sergeants can also be Recruiters and Drill Instructors as well.

Corporal (Cpl) – Corporals are the first NCO rank and are Junior NCOs. Corporals are often found as Assistant Squad Leaders or Assistant Section Leaders, in charge when the Sergeant or Staff Sergeant is unable to lead.

Lance Corporal (LCpl) – Lance Corporals are the highest enlisted rank anyone can receive with time, all ranks above Lance Corporal require skill, dedication, and time of course. Lance Corporals are often showing Junior Enlisted how stuff works and making sure their unit is top notch. This is the most common rank in most military and paramilitary organizations as they possess the most amount of knowledge and are the best trained while having little to no responsibility. Lance Corporals are not NCOs but depending on the situation, some LCpls may lead or be Assistant Squad Leaders in the absence of a Corporal.

Private First Class (PFC) – PFCs are promoted automatically from Private Second Class after a specific time has been reached. Private First Classes have no responsibility and their duty is to follow orders.

Private Second Class (PV2) – Private Second Classes or PV2s are promoted automatically from Private after a specific time has been reached. Depending on the skill or knowledge of a Recruit or Private, someone may be given this rank when they start due to their advanced knowledge and experience. PV2s have no responsibility and their duty is to follow orders.

Private (PVT) – Privates are new members of the organization who have displayed a basic level of knowledge when it comes to field operations and have passed most of the basic stuff such as firearms handling, orders, chain of command, etc. Privates have no responsibility and their duty is to follow all orders and to learn from their fellow peers and higher enlisted such as PFCs and LCpls.

Recruit (RCT) Recruits are new blood and new members of the CEC, most members start as Privates due to basic understanding and knowledge so no training is really required. Recruits have no responsibility and their duty is to learn and follow orders.

((Disclaimer))): ((Just a disclaimer, we are NOT a Milsim and these ranks only serve to give a sense of advancement and achievement within our org and the only time these ranks carry responsibility is within the 1st CEC Marine Battalion, where these kind of ranks actually matter and form the basis of the military organization there. However, no matter what, these ranks do not matter, they serve only to remind others who knows how much and who’s been here the longest. I repeat, we are NOT a milsim nor will we ever be. We want things to be fun for all.))

(Disclaimer #2) (Our org symbol is a fan-made creation. Star Citizen®, Roberts Space Industries® and Cloud Imperium ® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC)


The Civilian Exploration Corps is comprised of military and civilian experts specializing in Exploration, Security, Mining, and other fields. Our objective is to explore space for the benefit of mankind and to expand the empire, find resources, research new technologies, find new species, and expand man’s knowledge.

The CEC has rights and is designated legally as a Private Military Corporation (PMC) but is also legally an extension of the UEE Government as outlined in Imperator Decree 647. All CEC members are deputized to the law and can act accordingly as long as they maintain said law. All CEC members have the right to arm themselves, protect their ships, crew, and property and can dispense justice according to Imperial and Local law.

The CEC can transport contracts. All financial aspects will be discussed before the contract is signed, the fees are, but not limited to, travel fee, manpower fee, hazard fee, equipment deposit, reinforcement fee, and loss of life fee. All fees are included in the agreed upon contract price and security deposit, security deposits will be refunded in cases where the use of arms are not required to ensure the safety of the client.

The CEC reserves the right to refuse contracts and service if need be.

The CEC is also allotted one planet to claim as it’s base of operations as outlined in Imperator Decree 647. The CEC as well is allotted three moons to claim as it’s own. The CEC is allowed to defend these areas of operation as their own and do as they please on these planetary bodies.

The CEC aims to provide security to systems bordering Vanduul space but the CEC will often undertake private security contracts with private individuals and/or organizations. Please note that if any CEC members are found breaking the law, they are to be designated persona non grata and an automatic 1 million UEC bounty will be placed on their heads, dead or alive. We do not endorse or allow any CEC member to participate in any illegal activity.

The CEC is a seasoned and well established corps that provides resources, security, data, scientific discoveries, and cargo for both the UEE Government and UEE Civilians/Citizens. The CEC is also militarized so that we can carry out our tasks and duties as an arm and extension of the United Empire of Earth. All CEC members are trained similar to their UEE military counterparts, so your average CEC explorer is trained for combat, security detail, among other things. All CEC members are also proficient in basic biology and xenobiology, geology, history, physics, mechanics, and mathematics.


Civilian Exploration Corps Terms and Conditions:
All contracts signed with clients are binding.

Violation of the terms listed below can result in immediate termination of membership within the Corps.

1. All members initiated into the CEC are required to keep a professional tone, when interacting with other members and/or guests of the Civilian Exploration Corps.

2. All members are prohibited from sharing mission critical information with any person or artificial intelligence. They are only allowed to share such information with the parties whom it concerns.

3. All members are expected to follow the chain of command at all times.

3.1. All members are therefore expected to follow all orders issued, even if doing so will compromise their personal values.

3.2. If an issue with the orders given should arise, any personnel can file an official complaint regarding this.

4. All CEC members are expected to follow the law and carry out the law if necessary.

5. Any incursions into Vanduul space is prohibited.

6. Despite being a force for mankind, we do allow other species to join our ranks. For that purpose, please be kind to others who aren’t like you.

7. By joining the Civilian Exploration Corps, you agree to allow your ship become part of our fleet list and be public knowledge. Your ship must also be named and designated for CEC duty.

8. Our Corp’s color is green and when on CEC duty, please wear a green undersuit (armor isn’t required to be green but highly encouraged). It doesn’t matter what undersuit it is, as long as its green.

9. All CEC ships are to be designated as CECS followed by the given name of the ship.

10. Any attack against CEC property, member, ship, and/or extension of the CEC is a Class 3 Crimestat and to be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.

10.1 If a CEC member commits homicide against another CEC member and/or commits homicide against a Citizen/Civilian is also grounds for an immediate termination of membership as well as an automatic 1 million UEC bounty placed on their head, dead or alive.