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United Federation Earth Empire / UFEE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Join the United Earth Empire Today!!!

We Want You!!

Together We Stand Divided We Fall!!!


United Earth Empire origins are traceable to the rise of 22nd Century to Prime Citizen. During the civil unrest of the era, the newly formed United Empire of Earth’s Senate passed, at the behest of the Prime Citizen, “The United Empire of Earth Exploration and Expansion Act of 2550”. This Act’s true purpose was to capture the focus and imagination of the common people through the creation of a large exploration and expansion fleet whose goals would be to explore the cosmos, and open up the universe in ways that hearkened to the heady days of early jump point exploration. However, following fifteen years of bureaucratic infighting, the Act was shelved in 2565 and forgotten for centuries.

In 2918, following the dismal failures of the Synth World Project, and endeavoring to find a sustainable way forward with the project, the Imperator called together advisers to a closed-door session. This three-day session, during which no one was allowed to leave for any purpose until a path forward was finalized, brought forward a solution from the exhausted and starving advisers. What emerged from that marathon meeting led to the resurrection and adaptation of the 2565 Act as the “United Empire of Earth Exploration and Enforcement Act”, which was ratified by the Senate in 2920.

This reimagining of the 2550 Act had several goals it wished to achieve through the creation of a major combined civilian and military fleet, designated the “First Imperium Ghost Squad Expeditionary Force”, which would:

Find a replacement for depleted resources within UEE space specific for the Synth World Project;

Secure sectors of lawless space for safe passage for UEE vessels;

Ensure a sustained presence of the UEE within specific areas of lawless space;

Explore for new artifacts and technologies.

The First Imperium Ghost Squad Expeditionary Force launched in 2920 with the support of both military and civilian contract organizations, setting off from UEE border space into the largely unexplored lawless sectors of space. The length of the mission was kept secret from all but the highest in the government and select CEOs, but speculation was rife that it was a long-term expedition. Following such a large and public expedition into lawless territory, large numbers of private organizations arose and demanded support from their governments and corporations, in order to achieve more large-scale goals in exploration, mercenary work, bounty hunting, and industrial interests. As a result of this explosion of organized parties, the Advocacy created a special division to register and approve these private organizations, but this division effectively became a rubber-stamping entity.

As the years went on, responses from the First Imperium Ghost Squad Expeditionary Force became few and far between until suddenly, on 11.11.2930- the eve of the 10th anniversary of the fleet’s launch- a special Senate session was called by the Imperator. During that session, the long-away fleet commander of the First Imperium Ghost Squad Expeditionary Force gave a speech, which in-turn led to the announcement of the creation of an Autonomous Region of lawless space. This space, secured by the First IGSEF, became known as the “Imperium Autonomous System of the UEE”, taking its name from a shortened version of the fleet designation that the First IGSEF had adopted. The First IGSEF commander was given Governorship of this Autonomous System, and citizens were encouraged to travel there and engage in business. The following excerpt from the Ministry of Interstellar Relations pamphlet on the Imperium Autonomous System detailed some specifics for UEE citizens wishing to travel there.

All citizens of the UEE who wish to travel to the newly announced Imperium Autonomous System of the United Empire of Earth can rest assured that their citizenship allows them the right to travel to this system. However, given the nature of the localized laws, and the inherent difference between this System and the more secure UEE home systems, it is required that all citizens who wish to travel to the Imperium System must present their citizenship upon exiting the jump point, as well as any relevant documentation for the purpose of their visit. Given the volatile nature of the region, it is imperative that these documents, in the form of a travel and access permit or trade agreement, be secured from the Imperium Autonomous System of the United Empire of Earth consulates in order to ensure the smooth entry, stay, and exit from the system with minimal issue from the Imperium Fleet Guard. UEE Corporations wishing to open trade routes to this system must also secure a license to do so, in order to ensure that proper security protocols are in place and misunderstandings about the nature of shipments can be minimized. If you are unable to secure this documentation in time for some reason, never fear, UEE citizenship entitles citizens to a single access to this system where they may be inspected, and put in contact with the proper representative to help them secure the proper arrangements for their continued access to Imperium space.

All seemed well between the Autonomous Region and the UEE leadership until a crisis of succession happened in 2938 regarding who would replace the ailing Governor. In the end, a compromise was reached, and three Fleet Commanders were promoted based off of the suggestion of the Governor. These commanders were to administer the Region and the Fleet in a military command and government capacity, while the office of the Governor remained empty. Instead of a Governor, the Imperator was the figurehead Chief of State. The reality of the arrangement is analogous to the British Commonwealth of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, where the localized governments “paid homage” to a Chief of State that was largely powerless to affect the actions of the government.

Since 2938, Imperium has maintained its cohesiveness and goals, allying itself with like-minded entities that have grown in ensuing years. It has opened its coffers to trade, and its ranks to those who prove capable. It adheres to the principles of UEE Law, and engages in formal diplomatic and trade relations with organizations, corporations, and governments in accordance with standard UEE protocols. However, given its distance from UEE control, as well as some unknown levels of influence within the UEE Senate, it has become more independent in recent years.

What will become of the Imperium-UEE relationship will be determined by the actions of the citizens, and the choices made both in the cockpit, and in the conference room.


While the game is being developed we would like to build one of the most dedicated and organized groups in the Star Citizen Universe. We will be able to accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out our own piece of the Verse’ just for UEE.

What We Are Looking For:
We are looking for responsible players to contribute to all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game draws closer, we will fill Specialist and Officer positions with members who demonstrate motivation, knowledge and sensibility.

What We Offer:
Mutual respect to everyone, member, or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.
Being one of the largest structured organizations as well operating out of the biggest and best fan forums, Star Citizen Base.
A unit system for like minded people or friends to create close knit coordination within our large organization.
A unique Mission system that will be hosted on SCB for any member to use.

UEE Mission: UEE overall goal is to have fun in Star Citizen. However, this does not mean that we will not strive to be one of the best. At launch, UEE plans acquire an area in fringe(null-sec) space to establish our operations and expand.

We will find a beneficial location that will allow us to have a prosperous economy in the game, enabling us access to a variety of materials. This will work as a trickle down effect, explorers to find the minerals, miners to extract, transports to move, and military to protect. We will create a military force that strives to be second to none. While we may command large numbers, we won’t be superior for that fact alone. A training program is in the works for specific ships, scenarios and professions in StarCitizen that will adapt to changes in the ‘verse. Our fleet will be a home for any and all pilots that are like minded and willing to contribute to the organization. An additional aspect we will encourage is our Unit System. Units are not mandatory, but, encouraged for groups of friends who share similar interests and the same play time.

We have already established a solid foundation from which to stand, now we need only you to continue building!

Apply Today!


Presentation Affects Reputation, how you present yourself directly affects your reputation and the reputation of those associated with you. Presenting yourself in a mature and respectful way will allow you to gain the respect of friends, enemies, and strangers. It is important to remember that your decisions and actions do not only reflect upon yourself but also upon those around you.

Therefore, Members of UEE must adhere to our policies in order to remain within our ranks. These rules, guidelines, and expectations are here for the benefit of each individual member as well as Imperium as a whole. They will ensure that we represent both ourselves and our brethren in a manner that is fit and becoming of an elite, sophisticated, coordinated, and organized group. Therefore it is the responsibility of each member to follow the Code of Conduct.

General Rules and Expectations
Don’t be a dick. Don’t start drama.
All members must represent Imperium at all times through the use of proper Imperium tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This applies to RSI and SCB forums, as well as RSI chats, Jabber, Team speak, Discord and any other public or private mediums related to Star Citizen.
Members bear the right to defend themselves, UEE, other members, and our allies from any from hostile action (within game only). It is important to note, however that members are still expected to act in a mature manner that will reflect positively upon Imperium and themselves.
Members must not take important matters into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been approved by the appropriate ranking officers.
Members are expected to maintain the privacy of information related to the fleet and its members this includes but is not limited to the forums and team speak.
Issues and concerns regarding Imperium decisions, members, and allies must be brought to the attention of your next in command privately. Members are to avoid public confrontations and internal arguments at all costs as it will reflect poorly upon UEE.
Members must respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience.
At all times members of UEE are expected and obligated to show respect to officers by listening to them and following their lead. NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member.
Absolutely no bullying, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice anywhere.
Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about Imperium on the RSI forums. This is a 0 tolerance rule and breaking it will result in immediate removal from UEE or as officer sees fit.
When dealing with another UEE member on any platform (e.g. Games, Social media, Gaming Events, etc.) even when not representing UEE the CoC still applies.
Additionally, when representing UEE in a game, while gaming with other Imperium members in another game or group or guild, or recruiting non-Star Citizen specific players into an Imperium-run guild, your actions and those of any members in an UEE-run group must follow the UEE CoC to ensure that UEE remains a friendly, and inviting group. This includes adhering to the rules of the place you are currently gaming, whether it be a server, community site, forum, or any other place where you are being hosted by groups other than UEE.
Fleet Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines
All members must represent UEE at all times through the use of proper Imperium tags.
Under no circumstances can any Imperium member be a Main member of another fleet. (See “Our stance on memberships” below)
Members bear the right to defend themselves, UEE, other members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place in game.
Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces.
Piracy is not tolerated.
Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game are highly unacceptable.
Members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to other divisions when appropriate.
When working with another division you are expected to adhere to their policies and to follow the lead of that particular division’s command team.
Our Stance on Memberships
UEE always has to be your main org. (exceptions need to be approved by FC/HR on a case by case basis – please contact HR for that).

You may not switch UEE to affiliation without having the approval by FC/HR if you do you will be warned and hunted down.
You may not redact affiliation(s) to other organizations without having approval by FC/HR if you do you will be warned and shortly after kicked.
You may not redact your UEE membership without having approval by FC/HR if you do you will be warned and shortly after kicked.
You may join other organizations as affiliation as long as their goals do not interfere with UEE interests. (If you are unsure about one of your affiliations contact HR).
All of the above is subject to change.