United Federation of Swedes / UFOS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

United we stand divided we fall


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In Star Citizen, our organization, principles and plans will be more finalized later when more is known of the concrete possibilities available in-game. However, it is safe to say that we will be doing a bit of everything, and as a group we will be working within the law.

Our Vision

We will be Merchants, Explorers, Security staff, Engineering, and Transporters. we will be a organization with many trades. And we will work under the same banner

Our Mission

To utilize every branch of operation in the Verse and to provide missions and jobs for all our members, be it exploration, trading, mercenaries, manufacturers or every other branch of occupation.

Our Objectives

To create financial job opportunities for our members and supplies in their respective branch. To watch out and help members, offer escort and protection on missions for our cargo haulers, miners, explorers or others in return for a share of the profits.
To be an inspiration to other organizations in terms of team spirit and attitude.
To unite al swedes under one organization for strength in numbers.
Not to be aggressive, but friendly and forthcoming. But we will take care of our own, and defend them if necessary.

Our Goals

As an small organisation it can be hard to protect yourself from other bigger organizations. our goal is to even the odds. As an member of the Federation you can expect a fleet behind you

As an organization to have its own fleet. A fleet to protect our interests and safeguard our future.
To have a organization hangar, meeting place and if possible space-station or likewise, mining facilities, factories, transport logistic and trade routs, explores to scout for mining possibilities and search for alien technologies.

Our Structure

This Organization is not created for the Officers(creator of the org) but for all members. There will be no perks, rewards or other benefits given to Officers or high ranking members. All are equal and all will be rewarded and treated equal.
The only benefit of being an officer is administrative work, and commitment to the Organizations and it’s members.
But any future plans for the organization will be made by officers. This doesn’t necessary mean that all members won’t be heard and taken into account.
How ever, the more you give to the Organization the more respect and honor you will recessive.
The more you put in, the more you get in return.


(inte färdig)

Led ord

Lojalitet Ära Rättvissa dessa tre led ord formar vår an organisation och alla medlemmar ska sträva efter att följa dessa led ord!


Struktur än en självklarhet om man ska bli en framgång rik organisation i star citizen. I denna orgenasation kan du för vänta dig en organiserad grupp som samverkar med varandra för att att vi ska nå vårana fulla potential

Våran organisation bestått av tre branscher. Ekonomi, Flotta och Utforskning. Dessa tre branscher har varsin officer som ansvara för branschen. Medlemmarna i sin tur kan välja att in gå i dessa branscher

Ekonomi ansvarar för handel utvinna mineraler och budget

Flotta ansvarar för försvara anfall och informations in hämtning

Utforskning ansvarar för kartläggning av system

Vi kommer att använder våra olika kompetens för att driva oss framåt inom olika områden och där med göra så att vi tillsammans når framgången


Rank är något man har förtjänar genom att man ha visat ett stort engagemang eller bevisat sig i rollen att leda
Vid operationer så som t.ex. Utforskning ska man vissa att man är en kompetent ledare som kan bedöma analysera situationen och utifrån det bedöma bästa tillvägagångssätt för att lösa problemet


Om en medlem bryter en av dessa lagar kan detta resultera i uteslutning

Igen piratverksamhet och igen grifing