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Starfleet Command is a supranational interstellar union, founded to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, deep space exploration, diplomacy and mutual defence for the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life.

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At the beginning of the 22’nd century global political and economical unrest together with the climate changes have caused people to seek a refuge in the stars. At first we moved to the planets within our Solar system, but as the advancement in quantum drive, jump drive and space technology progressed it allowed us to move pass the Solar system and further into the unknown.

On the June 15th 2584 UFPSC was created under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and mutual defence.

I was born in July 21st 2916 in Loreville on Hurston which is one of the planets in Stanton system and since my early days I was captivated by the interstellar exploration. What it has to offer and what other mysteries it can hold.
In 2934 I started my training programme at Starfleet Command Academy to become the Starfleet Command Officer.
Today – September 25 2948 I, Captain Ben Krills, have been assigned to UEE-Challenger to do what I always dreamed of.

This is my story…

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”
T. S. Eliot


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