• PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

We are a group which does not judge players by skill, anyone can become part of the United gamer Alliance , as long as they respect the rules to the group .
We care about the players attitude and want people who are level headed players who can respect the other gamers within the group.


United gamers Alliance started back in 2010 on steam we then created a Star Citizen United gamers Alliance in 2014 .
We have 21 members in our community with many different ships going back to 2012 when the game was first released .

Since then we have slowly grown our community to what it is today .


Our ships will include Kraken and carrack for deep space exploration and starfarer for refueling plus the mole for mining and prospectors for mining plus over 30 other ship for pvp to cargo missions .

We have (UGA) Star Citizen Meetings on our discord every month with prizes to be won as well . We do this to make sure everyone is ok with in the community and to build a better and stronger community with our star citizen group.


Our Rules for our Star citizen community are as follows :
- Cheating / Hacking
- Rudeness
- Criticism of skill
- Lack of respect
- Racism
- No under 16 years of Age

We are a strong community that believe that members comes first and game come second . We want to build a Great Community of Gamers for star citizen .