United Interstellar Space Command / UISC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

-Leonardo da Vinci


Space is an incredible beast. It reaches impossible speeds, depths and distances. It cannot be beaten with the strongest fist, the sharpest knife or the fastest bullet.

In United Interstellar Space Command, the composites that make up the stars flows deep within our veins. That mighty force is the lifeblood of the greatest Navy ever to explore the farthest reaches of space. It shapes our Nations citizens from every corner of the galaxy into Sailors with the courage to protect liberty back home. Bonding us with the commitment to serve with honor. The cold reaches of space propels every one of our men and women to defeat or defend. To comfort or to awe. To victory or to the rescue.

We are the United Interstellar Space Command. And we are all Forged by the stars.

Commanding Officer (CO): Admiral M0ther
Executive Officer (XO) : Admiral STONECOLD
Command Master Chief CMC: AI-702



The UISC is a military organization with the primary mission of providing military support in all forms throughout the universe. Fleet operations include Civilian Transport escort, Pirate deterrence, Mercenary interdiction and System Patrols. The UISC may be required to provide logistics efforts including, but not limited to, goods trading, asteroid / planet / moon mining and at sea repair / refueling.

ALL vessels with 1000 meters of any UISC ship or fleet is to declare their intentions. If intentions are not declared, said vessels are to be considered “HOSTILE” and engaged accordingly. Any vessel within the 1000 meter restricted zone are to adhere to the UISC ship Officer in Charge (OIC) orders. If said vessels fail to adhere to orders, then the UISC commander will consider that vessel to be considered “HOSTILE”.

Rules of engagement for all UISC personnel will remain in effect unless deviation is grated by the UISC vessel / Fleet Officer in Charge (OIC).


Admiral M0ther,
Commanding Officer, UISC



1. Ranks 0 through 3 are considered “Enlisted” ranks. 4 through 6 are “Officer” ranks.
2. During UISC operations, only Officer ranks can command ships greater than 100m in Length. Enlisted Sailors may fly fighters as support thereafter. If an Officer is not available, Command will fall to the senior ranking Enlisted Sailor.
3. The largest war ships on mission will be fully manned first. Fighters may be manned once the large ships are fully crewed.
4. Officers are authorized to delegate responsibilities to Enlisted Sailors (i.e, an Officer may appoint an Enlisted Sailor as Ships Captain / Fleet Commander).
5. Friendlies and Hostiles are to be treated in accordance with the Rules of Engagement. If commanded by superior Officers, attacked or contracted by a customer, friendlies may be targeted.
6. Infiltration of suspected enemy vessels / crew is authorized. Sailors are requested to re-join their respective UISC parties upon infiltration mission completion.
7. All Sailors will treat each other with dignity and respect. Failure to do so can result in punishment under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).
8. Promotion in Rank will be a direct reflection of the Sailors actions.



All hands flying under UISC command will be required to have this uniform equipped (if personnel have means to purchase). Once funding can be transferred between players, UISC officers will provide uniforms to junior personnel.

Undersuit / Armor: Found at Lorville
Helmet: Grim Hex
Rifle: Grim Hex

Refer to the folloing link for images:


Admiral M0ther
Commanding Officer, UISC