Unknown Explorers / UKE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Greetings, From the Unknown Explorers, please go to our forums at: Unknown Explorers Home and jump on Team Speak for Interview.
Thank You



Unknown Explorers guiding statement:
The only way to deal with an Un-free Verse, Is to become so absolutely free that you very existence is an act of rebellion!

We are a team, yes a team, not an Organization, or Corporation, or a Large Military complex. You will never be just a name or a way for the higher-ups to garner credits at your expense. We are the Unknown Explorers, what doe that mean? Simply this, we explore the universe, we go out and look behind, under , around and over every rock, into every nook and cranny. Our goal is to locate, map, and scan absolutely everything out there. What exactly is out there? we have no Idea, but we will find out.

As the explorers of times long forgotten, we will run into people and aliens that want to do us harm, so we will have to be on top of our game, we will not be denied in our search. We will also find friends and Allies along the way, these we will value. In so doing we will locate the best ways to get from point A to Z and every place in the middle.

Goods and Information will be our cash cow, there will be many people that will want the data we acquire and they will pay hundreds, thousands, even millions for such information. Most will be denied, few will be given a small gem and even fewer will be given a nugget, only the most valued and trysted will be given substance. Those that have proven them selves worthy friends we will share our knowledge with.

So if you desire to be free, if you have a yearning to know whats on the otherside of that star, them come and talk to one of our members and lets go find out together.

The UKE will never tax our membership, I do not believe that by placing a mandatory tax on members is a good way to garner credits for the Team as a whole. How then will the “Org” gain credits and maintain cash flow? The org will be provided for in Three ways, Member Donation, Sales of goods. Selling of information.

Donation: Every Team member will be given the opportunity to donate / help the UKE in various ways, This is not mandatory, However for every team member that helps there will be benefits to doing so.

Sales of Goods: “TRADE” AKA the grind. I have set aside a ship that will be used for the sole purpose of earning credits for the org.

Information: certain information will be sold to individuals and Org’s, The credits from these sales will be placed in the UKE account. Team members will also be credited a percent of sales by virtue of being part of the team.

Our rank structure is very straight forward, Understand in the UKE rank is earned in two ways Activity and Skill. Forum posting and length of time in the team has no bearing on rank or promotion.

UKE Ranks:
Enlisted: pilot, senior pilot, explorer, senior explorer
Officers: Navigator, Chief Navigator, Master Navigator, Commander
Admin positions: Recruiter, Negotiator, Master Negotiator

The UKE is not a pirate org, nor are we privateers. We do not hold or accept letters of marque. Even though we may have friends that may work for or are members of such, At no time will any member engage in such activity.
The UKE is not a police or Navel org, we will not and do not police areas nor will we attempt to bring about a “Navel Response”.

The UKE WILL, defend our holdings, if attacked we will defend our property and personnel with extreme and permanent violence of action.

Speak to Sir-Gibby for more information

Voice Communication: Dedicated Team Speak server in place, see forums for information


Unknown Explorers guiding statement:
The only way to deal with an Un-free Verse, Is to become so absolutely free that you very existence is an act of rebellion!

We are a team, yes a team, not an Organization, or Corporation, or a Large Military complex. You will never be just a name or a way for the higher-ups to garner credits at your expense. We are the Unknown Explorers, what doe that mean? Simply this, we explore the universe, we go out and look behind, under , around and over every rock, into every nook and cranny. Our goal is to locate, map, and scan absolutely everything out there. What exactly is out there? we have no Idea, but we will find out.

As the explorers of times long forgotten, we will run into people and aliens that want to do us harm, so we will have to be on top of our game, we will not be denied in our search. We will also find friends and Allies along the way, these we will value. In so doing we will locate the best ways to get from point A to Z and every place in the middle.

Goods and Information will be our cash cow, there will be many people that will want the data we acquire and they will pay hundreds, thousands, even millions for such information. Most will be denied, few will be given a small gem and even fewer will be given a nugget, only the most valued and trysted will be given substance. Those that have proven them selves worthy friends we will share our knowledge with.

So if you desire to be free, if you have a yearning to know whats on the otherside of that star, them come and talk to one of our members and lets go find out together.

The UKE will never tax our membership, I do not believe that by placing a mandatory tax on members is a good way to garner credits for the Team as a whole. How then will the “Org” gain credits and maintain cash flow? The org will be provided for in Three ways, Member Donation, Sales of goods. Sharing of information.

Donation: Every Team member will be given the opportunity to donate / help the UKE in various ways, This is not mandatory, However for every team member that helps there will be benefits to doing so.

Sales of Goods: “TRADEAKA the grind. I have set aside a ship that will be used for the sole purpose of earning credits for the org.

Information: certain information will be sold to individuals and Org’s, The credits from these sales will be placed in the UKE account. Team members will also be credited a percent of sales by virtue of being part of the team.

Our rank structure is very straight forward, Understand in the UKE rank is earned in two ways Activity and Skill. Forum posting and length of time in the team has no bearing on rank or promotion.

UKE Ranks:
Enlisted: pilot, senior pilot, explorer, senior explorer
Officers: Navigator, Chief Navigator, Master Navigator, Commander
Admin positions: Recruiter, Negotiator, Master Negotiator

The UKE is not a pirate org, nor are we privateers. We do not hold or accept letters of marque. Even though we may have friends that may work for or are members of such, At no time will any member engage in such activity.
The UKE is not a police or Navel org, we will not and do not police areas nor will we attempt to bring about a “Navel Response”.

The UKE WILL, defend our holdings, if attacked we will defend our property and personnel with extreme and permanent violence of action.

Speak to Sir-Gibby for more information

Voice Communication: Dedicated Team Speak server in place, see forums for information



Unknown Explorers Rules to Live by.
We hear at the UKE follow a Neutral stance when it come to Galactic Politics.

We are primarily a PvE Team. With limited role play. We do not pod kill.

Exploration: This is our bread and butter, This is what we do, and what we will do better then anyone else in the verse. I want to know where every back water base, fuel depot, Alien trade hub, and Pirate base is. I want us to be the Chris Blair’s of the jump holes. we will map and chart every jump point there is, know which ones we can take a Merchantman through and the ones that can only slip a M50 through. we will know every short cut and back system navigation route their is. And in so doing learn the most profitable trade routs, where the best equipment is sold, find where we can repair alien tech we come across and where to sell it. All this shall be ours and so much more. Our close friends and Allies will also benefit from such knowledge

Ok we are not pirates, we are not privateers. However out in the black we might have to befriend some of them in order to have a safe place to get a drink, a place to sell goods or refuel, so we don’t go pissing where we may have to drink.

Respect, it goes a long way out here in the void.
The UKE is not a Pirate guild, we do not prey on civilians nor the week.
The UKE does not engage in Pod Killing, however in battle sometimes shit happens.

We offer the following, Trade Agreement, Non Aggression Pact, Limited Mutual Defense Pact, and Mutual Defense Pact. Contact our negotiator for details to start talks.

Negotiation: All communication for treaties will go through the Negotiator.

You will find everything else at the forums: Unknown Explorers Forum

Also we have a steam group at: Unknown Explorers Steam Group