United Logistics & Military Corp. / ULMC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport


Who we are:

ULMC is one of the galaxy’s leading logistics-focused PMCs serving major galactic markets with limited access to fringe space. More than any other corporation in the industry, we work hard to promote and maintain our reputation as innovators and as a home for independence, excellence, and quality.

Where we’ve been and where we’re going:

Founded in 2901 as a messenger company on Terra, ULMC has grown into a multibillion credit corporation by focusing clearly on the goal of enabling commerce around the ‘verse. Today, ULMC is an intergalactic company and one of the most recognized and admired brands in the galaxy. We have become the galaxy’s leading provider of secure, specialized transportation and logistics services. Every day, we manage the flow of goods, funds, and information in more than 100 systems and fringe space territories throughout the ‘verse.

Although strategic company decisions require in-house logistic functions to be operational, a tactical decision may use third party logistic companies in a sector or quadrant where internal transportation costs are high and cost benefits can be better managed by outsourcing. Palacios and Skunimatrix recognized the need of a unified solution for problems in supply chain management, manufacturing, shipping, and security early during the company formation. They knew that clients would not only need, but demand specialized solutions to remain competitive within their respective industries.

To ensure our uniqueness, we maintain an in-house staff of information runners, consultants, and logistical experts in addition to the usual array of explorers, pilots, security teams, and specialists. We train them to work with clients to determine comprehensive solutions.

With our ongoing strategic partnerships and aggressive market presence, our board of directors are committed to making ULMC the principle logistics-focused PMC for the galaxy by the year 2950.

Check out our website for information at http://www.ulmc.co


Here at ULMC. we specialize in all things logistics related, and we strive to distinguish ourselves by working with clients to create progressive, forward-thinking, custom solutions that answer specific challenges and needs. We proudly maintain our creative independence in a rapidly growing and highly competitive marketplace.


Articles of Incorporation

Draft 7

Article I: Goals of Corporation and Organizational Structure

Section 1: Goals

The Goal of United Logistics & Military Corporation, “ULMC”, is to provide escort and strategic information services to the mercantile sector of the Star Citizen Persistent Universe. ULMC will be run as a for profit corporation in game with a defined structure of Investors, Authorized Agents, Agents, and Contractors with two business operating units as defined as:

Logistics Transportation Services & Exploration

Military: Those flying Hornets, Gladiators, etc. Primarily flying for hire HAVCAP (High Asset Value Combat Air Patrols).

In addition to these primary missions, pilots may elect to become reservists for ReddSquadron, the military arm of ReddFaction. As such they are required to meet all requirements for ReddSqaudron commitments.

Each member will be expected to meet a monthly “Minimum Economic Quota”. That is contribute through taxes or donations a defined sum of UEC to the organization. This monthly minimum can be met by playing in game or via purchase of UEC with real world money depending on the player’s preference.

Section 2: Play Style/Tone

We are defined as semi-casual. While in mission there will be a hierarchy/command structure. Pilots will be expected to know and understand advanced flight combat tactics. This means flying in formation, sticking with wingmen, understanding their role, using brevity, and executing their assigned role to the best of their ability. Mission Commanders will be expected to only commit to engagements forced upon them. Investors, Authorized Agents & Agents are all expected to meet the monthly economic quota. Additionally Investors agree to commit to regularly checking the Org page and to participate in a monthly board meeting to last no more than 30 minutes.

Section 3: Organizational Structure

The Corporation shall have Four Tiers: Investors, Authorized Agents, Agents, and Contractors. All Investors, Authorized Agents, and Agents must keep hull insurance on all craft up to date. Company funds may not be used for this unless ships are owned by the corporation.

A) Investors

Investors level is acquired via buy in currently set at 50,000 UEC the date of PU launch and limited to a maximum of 25 owners. Investors will set the direction and duties for Authorized Agents. Investors will be required to read forums weekly and a attend a monthly board meeting to last no longer than 30 minutes. Each Owner shall be entitled to 1 vote any ballot items concerned with that meeting. Voting will be done via secure ballot on a website. Investors will be required to be invested at least 120 real world calendar days before the right to withdrawal.

If an Investor should decide to leave the game or company, or the decision is made by majority vote of other board members to remove the investor, the investor shall be reimbursed the full investment amount of in game currency from the company treasury and thus the company buys their seat. As such, after 120 days, in the persistent universe, the company must hold enough funds in cash reserves to divest all members of ownership at anytime. Investors must give the company first rights to purchase their seat at their initial investment amount.

The company may then offer the seat for sale to existing Authorized Agents or Agents. Investors are subject to the same code of conduct as any other Agent.

While Investors are not entitled to any in game, or out of game, monetary compensation, they are entitled to issue a monthly dividend of in-game currency. The basis of this dividend will be based on the in game retained earnings. Please see Article II: Compensation & dispensatory information.

B) Authorized Agents

Authorized Agents are members who are appointed and voted by the investors to run the company. This will include functions of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Diplomatic Officer, and Chief Intelligence Officer. These positions are open to agents as well as investors of the company. Together their goals are to execute the plans and desires of ownership to the best of their abilities and make the company as profitable as possible. This will include brokering contracts, ensuring the company, employees, and contractors get paid as well as organizing tasking(missions). Management may have in-game monetary compensation as voted by the investors.

C) Agents

Agents will only need to log in and contribute their required money Economic Quota. Agents will be eligible to serve as Authorized Agents. Agents will be provided munitions for officially brokered contracts, and purchase munitions for personal missions (hopefully at a discount from market prices), as well as access to company reserves to replace losses during company sanctioned missions. This is an at-will employment company and agents may leave or be dismissed at anytime. Agents may accept outside contracts, bounties, and cargo missions, but do so at their own risk. The company will not cover costs for any personal losses.

The company will maintain a limited supply of ships available on a loaner basis for employees who may loose their ship in company sanctioned mission. These ships are limited to use by Investors, Authorized Agents and Agents only.

D) Contractors

Contractors receive a flat rate per mission flown and completed to the company’s satisfaction. The company will not reimburse contractors for any losses suffered during a contracted mission.

Article II: Compensation

Section 1: Company Fees & Taxes

The Company will receive a tax on all missions flown by agents. This amount goes towards each members Monthly Quota. Amounts above and beyond those quotas will be used by the company to maintain its cash reserves as well as munitions, other equipments, and pay dues to any other organizations such as ReddFaction. Individuals will not be required to pay any dues to the faction. The Company shall cover the responsibilities of dues to the faction.

In exchange the corporation will provide munitions for company backed missions as well as maintain a stockpile of weapons to be allotted to outfit losses not covered by insurance or for use while waiting insurance replacements.

Investors, Authorized Agents & Agents are required to maintain insurance on their hulls at all times. If required to undertake missions that are not covered by insurance, the company shall make best effort to cover losses or provide company owned ships for the mission.

Pilots are free to fly other gigs, but they do so at their own risk. The company will not provide munitions nor cover any losses.

Section 2: Dividends

Anytime the company treasury reaches $50M UEC at the end of the month, there is a mandatory disbursement of 25% to the investors. For treasury balances of less than $50M UEC, the company may issue a dividend on the following scales of retained earnings as voted by the investors at the monthly meeting:

$15M – Max 10% dividend
$30M – Max 15% dividend
$45M – Max 20% dividend

Section 3: Management Compensation

Management of the corporation will be a necessity and the company shall offer performance based in game compensation for Authorized Agents. Each month the Ownership will set goals for the following month including pay incentives. If Authorized Agents succeed in reaching those goals they are entitled to compensation. If the exceed the goals, ownership may vote a bonus.

Section 4: Agent Compensation

The company shall pay owners of ships based on their role on each mission. In the case of multi-crew ships, pay rates are set by the ship’s owner or captain. The company will pay ship owners or captains. It is then upon the owners or captains of these vessels to distribute pay. If crewing upon a company owned ship, employees and contracts shall be paid directly from the company treasury.

Investors may agree to pay bonuses to any Authorized Agent or Agent based on performance or other criteria.

Article III: Code of Conduct

Section 1: Rules & Regulations

  1. Members are expected to maintain UEE citizenship and may not engage in unlawful activities including, but not limited to direct piracy.
  2. Those who do not have authority should not speak for the company.
  3. During missions, pilots will uphold the chain of command as appointed
  4. Pilots will use brevity in all voice and typed communications during missions
  5. Obey notices on language and etiquette on TS room ratings. (PG, R, NC-17)
  6. Only Mission Commanders & XO’s should have local chat open and on during missions. Pilots should have their chats set to squad/guild at all times while on a mission.
  7. Pilots will be required to maintain hull insurance on any ship used in mission.
  8. Don’t be a DBag to other members of the organization or others within ReddFaction.
  9. Adhere to the rules of the ReddFaction Charter