United Nations Aerospace Division / UNAD

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As a subsidiary of the United Nations of Earth (UNE) which was founded in 2380, the United Nations Aerospace Division was set up to bring stability among the stars. Either through financial or military support, we aim to uphold every star citizens basic human rights.

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Once humanity began to expand into the stars, the governments of Earth slowly began to realize that, politically, the individual governments of the various countries wouldn’t be able to maintain themselves in the bright future ahead. It wasn’t until the year 2380 that the governments of Earth decided to put aside their social and political differences and unify as a single governing entity named the United Nations of Earth (UNE). It was at this point in time the United Nations Aerospace Division (U.N.A.D) was born. Under Imperator Marshall Leon’s personnel guidance the U.N.A.D received adequate funding and support to be able to reach the stars.


- Funding received from UNE to start up.
- UNAD infrastructure and hierarchy put in place.
- UNAD sorted into sub-divisions ( Military, mining, cargo, public transport, trading and exploration)
- UNAD Code of Honour Finalized and published.


- Initial fighter thruster engines testing at Nevada desert gave us promising results, adequate thrust was achieved to reach up quantum jump speed.
- Quantum Jump drives installed in all ships with help from UNE funding
- Orbital tests begin


- Orbital tests outside earth show off fighters capabilities of maneuverability CODENAME: Trident
- Quantum drive tests begin. TARGET : Titan, moon of Saturn
- Quantum drive tests fail : Fighter quantum jumps through the Mars – Jupito asteroid belt , hitting a small piece of asteroid the size of a pebble which rips the ship apart. LOSS OF LIFE: 2
- Pilot and crew named : Wind commander James Barett and his Nav Officer, Flight lieutenant Gary “Moose” Moore


- Lawsuit filed against UNAD by the Barett family for Negligence, they claimed that our company rushed production of the navigation computer which lead to Baretts crash.
- UNAD wins lawsuit, claiming that they did not cut corners and went through all of the correct channels for correct production.


- Navigation computer is re-tweaked to measure along the leap path to measure whether the path is blocked by something along the quantum jump line.
- Orbital jump testing proves very successful, ship safely navigates the asteroid field and reaches Titan.
- Mass production of starships begins


- First contact of sentient life outside our own star system
- An explorer discovers a Banu in the Davien system.


- Mass production of fighters and transport ships finishes early because of huge demand to leave earth, overcrowding and overpopulation reaches critical levels.
- Horizon squadron created to ensure safe travel for civilians seeking to leave earth for other star systems.


-Through expansion and terraforming, there are vast amounts of land and territory for humanity to move to.
- Operation Horizon begins, transporting civilians to various star systems.
- Quantum jump drive malfunctions in one of the transport ships causing a quantum stretch, half of the ship moves into quantum jump while stretching out the back half until it rips in the middle, LOSS OF LIFE: 115, including Wing Commander Hernandez.


- The transformation of Terra into a super earth begins under UNE Law
- UNAD helps provide essential minerals and resources to aid the UNE in building a capital city CODENAMED : Prime


- Building completed on Prime and is officially opened by Imperator Marshall Senna
- New headquarters set up on Terra as a relay between HQ on Earth and Terra.
- New Squadron formed involved with the protection of innocents among the stars, squadron named Broadsword


- 70% of humans live off-world. They feel that they deserve equal representation in UNE proceedings. The government changes form once again, becoming the United Planets of Earth (UPE). The new government will be run by a tribunal; a High-Secretary (responsible for maintaining the infrastructure), High-General (responsible for expansion and protection), and a High-Advocate (responsible for maintaining the law).
- UNE is dissolved and the tribunal agree that UNAD is no longer necessary and a waste on UPE funds.
- UNAD, without the financial support of the UPE, goes into administration.
- No one bids for controlling stake in the company
- UNAD liquidates some of its assets to keep itself afloat.
- Two brothers, LIL AdamXD and REDACTED put in a bid for the company. The bid is accepted and the two brothers control a 50% share stake.
- United Nation Aerospace Division undergoes public image transformation
- Military logistics license is denied from the company, equipment and ships that can only belong to the military are reimbursed from the company.


- New Squadron names introduced based on function and role:
- BROADSWORD DIVISION : Fighter Division
- HORIZON DIVISION : Exploration Division
- EXHUMER DIVISION : Mining Division
- COMMERCE DIVISION : Trading Division
- FREIGHT DIVISION : Cargo Hauling Division


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