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Unfortunate / UNFT

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

WE ARE UNFORTUNATE…. so that you don’t have to be.
Primary services: Mercenary contracts.
Tight knit group of experienced combat personnel. We provide ships, tanks, guns, and of course. PEOPLE.
looking to hire? charges and fees dependent on job requirements. ex. vehicles and # of personnel req.






Welcome new members to Unfortunate.
we are glad to have you and hope you have fun working with us.

Some things you should know in case you didnt read the recruitment memo.

This Corp is a team.
you will respect your fellow members and as such you will receive respect as well.
if you have any problems with that.. leave now. and best of luck to you.

This Org. is operating under the principal that we will not become a large group. however, we do welcome everyone.
with that in mind we would like to participate in large scale encounters as such we will be essentially selling ourselves out to participate.
possibly crewing large capitol class ships as extra hands. or providing protection with our own ships.

you are free to purchase whatever you would like with your own cash, and you are by no mean required to lend a personal ship out for contracts.
That being said, Contract pay outs are laid out as follows.
85% will be distributed to participating members
15% will go to the organization treasury.
you may donate to the treasury at any time. but please send a message stating how much you donated so that it is not lost somewhere and spent.

All purchases from the treasury will be approved by the C.O. and Lieutenants as they are intended for Org use. Larger purchases will likely be brought up to a vote amongst all members.
You may request an Org ship at anytime on a first come first serve basis. Unless that ship is required on a contract. We are all friends here and have no problem lending money for personal purchases as well. but it will be paid back. no interest required. we are here to have fun and explore.

all Contracts will be negotiated and approved by the C.O. and Lieutenants. you may fish for contracts on your own but are not to use Unfortunate name or Assets for personal contracts.

Upon Contract approval volunteers will be requested. should more members be needed an order will be given for assistance.
this is a game. and life gets in the way sometimes. you are not obligated to obey the order however, to many refusals will be seen negatively.
it is for this reason that all contracts must be approved. so that we 1. do not have conflicting contracts. (fighting for both sides in a battle) and 2. do not over sell ourselves and under deliver.

interpersonal relations:
Any and all disputes between members should be handled amongst the affected parties. should that not be possible you may then include a higher up.
please do not let it reach that point.
please refer to the top of this charter
“This Corp is a Team”

Any members found to be consistently toxic and disrespectful does not have a home here and will be removed.

Once again. We welcome you to Unfortunate and hope to see you out there.

C.O. Smithbs (Schmitty)