Unlimited Horizons / UNHORIZON

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

We will not only transport your goods to the endless limits of the galaxy, we will take you there too.


Founded in 2460 along side other corporate giants like Intergalactic Airlines. Unlimited Horizons established our name by taking any job others turned away from. We set out to explore distant galaxies in order to set a foothold on distant planets for mankind. Since then Unlimited Horizons has transported goods for major companies, and helped travelers reach their destinations safely. With our search and rescue department departing into unknown and hostile territory to look for and help any stranded travelers, we have set our mark. Unlimited Horizons has always strived to give the highest satisfaction of safety to everyone we work with.

Since Unlimited Horizons was established, we have been serving both private sectors as well as powerful corporations. When piracy first started to rise and other companies would fail to deliver promise of task, we stepped out from the shadows to take the reigns. It was here we established our name among the stars. Where others were intimidated or too frightened to accomplish a task, we excelled at getting the job done with ease.

At unlimited Hirizons we take pride in giving our customers the satisfaction of knowing that they will get their money’s worth. After all when you hire a company to do something for you, you expect nothing but complete precision. This is what we have always done best. We like to work with our customers and meet every need they have.

When this company started we started off as an exploration and resource gathering and transportation enterprise, we never knew we would grow as we have. But as piracy grew, people felt unsafe traveling to far unreachable exotic unknown locations by themselves. We saw this as an opportunity to help. We began by simply taking individuals across the galaxy with us as we ventured into the unknown. It then became evident that this is exactly what people needed. Someone to help them travel. So our corporation began.

Not only did we begin transporting people and their goods where they needed to go. We offered them the protection that needed to go with it. This began our original motto:

“Travel far, travel safe.”

This is what we promised then and this is what we promise now. If you ever find yourself stranded alone and afraid, you will find us behind you because we have your back. So until we see you again, safe travels.


Think of this as our policy and guidelines.

Our policy

It is our goal to deliver exactly what our customers want. We not only transport and offer security for travelers. We offer a large array of services as well, ranging from bounty hunting to delivering cargo and much more. We are more than flexible and are willing to meet most needs of our customers. If ever a certain task needs to be performed, all one needs to do is ask. We adhere to utmost discretion.

Our guidelines

We are pretty flexible and work mainly around safety. We strive to preserve the lives and wellness of our employees. We try not to put any of our people in harms way. This being said, any jobs that are deemed dangerous may be charged an extra hazard fee.

Right now we are looking for as many fighter pilot escorts as we can get. We also need a good mining team as well as cargo haulers to help out. We are also looking for dedicated transport carriers. Please apply and ask about any position, even if it is not listed here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask any of our board members.


Rules and regulations

These rules listed here in shall be abided by all members of this organization. Any member seen not adhering to said rules will be warned first, and if further violations occur the said individual will be put on a review board and may face a probationary period or even be forced out of the company.

1. All board members are to approve the attack on any alliance before hand.

2. If attacked by any person whether in an alliance or not, any member has the right to defend themselves.

3. All board members must have Unlimited Horizons as their main organization and the only affiliations they will have will be partner organizations.

4. All managers and Directors must have Unlimited Horizons as their primary organization but may have other affiliations.

5. Any other rank may have Unlimited Horizons as their primary organization or as an affiliation.

Board members
Responsible for approving all decisions, running the company, and have the final say in all matters.

Will be responsible for overseeing their section. Directors will be the overall section leader and will report directly to the board members.

Will be responsible for assisting the director and is the second in charge of their section. Managers are also responsible for personnel.

Are the subject experts of each section and will be the main effort of this organization.

Are official members of Unlimited Horizons. They have earned the title and will travel with to the ends of the Galaxy.

This is used to identify a partner organization.

As a note the section you are put in is not final. If you do not like it, just inform your section leads and they can start a lateral move for you into another position. At the end of the day we just want everyone to do what they intended to when they came here, and that is to have an awesome experience, and have fun.

We have just opened up our Search and rescue department. If you are interested in working on an Endeavor to explore the far reaches of space and help others, feel free to join!

Remember travel far, travel safe.