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United Republic Fleet / URFLEET

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the United Republic Fleet. A fleet where everyone has a voice.

United Republic Fleet is a casual member governed organization for mature players that also have lives.

URF let’s you play your way and connect with others who play the same. All why letting you help shape the org.


In my over 15 years of playing MMO type games I have noticed some core problems with most every single gaming organization I have been apart of.

1) Poor leadership and lack of vision

2) inefficiency and ineffectiveness

3) inequality and unfair treatment of members.

I find that most all organizations, Clans and Guilds suffer from same pitfalls that have effected many real life organizations. Yet people still jump into bad gaming organizations. It never usually starts out that way but the organization lacks a balance between structure and freedom and many people become frustrated and the org becomes just not fun anymore. The lack of democracy and valuing individual members and their priorities such as real life, in game goals and family responsibilities creates frustration and fractions among the org.

Many orgs have also never let their members truly shine in the areas of their interest. Usually anyone that has been around for awhile is given more trusted roles and those that are newer simply just take orders from the people in leadership. Many people have very unique interests and specialization and welcome a position of responsibility and simply want to do more to contribute and to have fair recognition for those contributions. Most do not take time to really let individual members shine…

But there is a different way…

What if an organization was truly molded by its members and focused on just good casual fun with a “life first” view? What if each member had a voice and was given the opportunity to shine in their area of interest and connect with like minded people?

What if leadership was their to support the members and simply set vision and promote friendship rather than attempting to force domineering control over its members?

What if ranks and roles were determined based upon merit and skill rather than politics?

That way is United Republic Fleet


The United Republic Fleet core values:

To provide a fun and casual member governed mature organizational structure to maximize the game play experience for a wide range of players.

To provide members with the tools and resources to not only enjoy the game but also to grow personally.

To provide members with a helpful gaming community that treats all players with kindness and respect.

Life always comes first.


As a founder I simply will set vision for the organization, a broad overview of general goals and core values that will be what we seek to be characterized as by a whole. We want to keep it relaxed, casual and most of all fun for every member!

Once a member, you can enjoy the game you’re way and connect with others who share your interests. We don’t want people to feel restricted and want people to enjoy the game how they see fit.

The only time a rigid structure will be adhered to is when a member voluntarily agrees to participate in events where clear command structures is necessary such as co-ordinated tactical operations.

The player is also given the freedom that at any time he or she may choose to discontinue their participation for the remainder of the event with no consequences to them. We understand everyone has different lives, responsibilities and desires. We want people to enjoy the game their way and allow the flexibility to do just that.

Members will have opportunity to use and grow in their areas of interest both in game interests and out. Graphic designers, photographers, writers, filmography, composers and any one who wants to can use the organization to sharpen and grow their real life interests by contributing anyway they would like. (art, music,modeling, animation, film, steaming, 3d printing, woodworking, underwater basket weaving, unicorn taming, etc..)

Members who wish to participate through in-game methods can specialize in various in-game professions and use that knowledge and experience to teach, lead and help others.

Members will also be given recognition based on their contributions and skills.

Leadership will primarily be for the purposes of supporting other members. Rule making and dealing with infractions shall be limited as much as possible, we are all here to have fun not for a second job. If action is required it will be left to specific member elected sub-councils with council members elected for a set term period. This helps rules to be enforced fairly and evenly if action is absolutely necessary.

An Elder council will be elected by you the member to act as a Supreme Court of sorts that will handle appeals of sub-councils.

All members except probationary members will have the right to vote on issues and to elect council and elder council members


United Republic Fleet Rules:

1. Members shall respect and be kind to all players regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, political views, religious views or play style.

2. Members shall not use excessive profanity or post sexually explicit or suggestive material.

3. Members shall not create an environment of negativity or disunity.

4. Members shall not abuse ranks or privileges.

5. All Members shall be given the right to vote and participate in the organization and are free to voice concerns to leadership.

6. Above all members should relax and have fun!!