United Resource Workers / URW

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to URW, the leading union in Star Citizen’s universe. Join us for fair wages, job security, and a supportive community. “Solidarity Conquers Adversity.”



In the expansive universe of Star Citizen, the United Resource Workers (URW) Union has a rich and storied history that mirrors the growth and challenges of human civilization among the stars.

Founded in the 29th century, URW emerged as a response to the ever-expanding human presence in the universe. As resource extraction and various industries began to flourish on distant planets and asteroid belts, the need for workers’ representation became evident. Originally established by a coalition of miners, engineers, and haulers, URW sought to protect the rights and welfare of laborers.

Over the centuries, URW’s influence extended far beyond its humble beginnings. The union actively engaged in negotiations with major corporations, advocating for fair wages, improved working conditions, and job security. Its tenacity led to landmark agreements that set the standard for worker protection and benefits across the verse.

URW also played a vital role in mediating conflicts between workers and corporations, ensuring peaceful resolutions to disputes. In times of economic upheaval or crises, the union stood as a pillar of support for its members, offering training programs and assistance to navigate changing industries.

As Star Citizen’s universe continued to expand, URW diversified its membership to include various trades, including mechanics, terraformers, and shipbuilders. Today, it stands as a symbol of unity and solidarity among laborers, promoting the values of fairness and cooperation.

The United Resource Workers Union remains committed to its mission of safeguarding the rights and well-being of workers in the ever-evolving and challenging environment of the Star Citizen universe. With a rich history and a promising future, URW continues to thrive, ensuring that the verse’s workforce enjoys a brighter and more equitable tomorrow.


All Workers Have A Right To:

  • A safe workplace
  • Readily available functioning equipment that meets or exceeds the safety tolerances as established by the UEE and RSC 1875.2000.
  • Filtration systems, regularly cleaned and changed, as designed by RSC 1910.1001 that can reduce the presence of aerosolized toxic byproducts
    created during the refinement of metals and ore.
  • Available documentation regarding the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of any known hazardous substance that will be proce4ssed at this location, with scheduled breaks to ensure that no employees exceed PEL.
  • Separate decontamination and break areas with proper on-site sanitation tools and easy access.
  • Receive regular training on proper, modern procedures for dealing with job hazards in your workplace.
  • File a complaint or concern regarding workplace safety without the fear of reprisal or other punitive measures.


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