The United Star Force / USFA1

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Resources

They told us there was nothing out there. Nothing but fear.
Something is out there, in the shadows.
Something terrifying in the darkness of space.
Something that will not stop until Justice is served.

Join Our Discord.


-Organization Structure:

Hazard and Line Operations Division I, or H.A.L.O, focuses on Combat and Medical Operations. H.A.L.O is made up of two subsidiary elements. Cerberus Corps Tactical Defense Battalion and Phoenix Corps Emergency Medical Services. Cerberus Corps Specializes in both Air and Ground Combat. Phoenix Corps, which trains a Special Tactics Unit who’s primary mission is to provide Search and Rescue Services, Force Multiplier Quick Reaction Force, and Emergency Medical Extraction.

Objectives for H.A.L.O. include: Conflict Prevention, Initial Stabilization, Humanitarian Interventions, Search and Rescue, Crisis Management, Personnel Recovery, and Peacekeeping.

Mining and Refining Survey Division II’s main task is focused primarily on planet side and deep space mining. We train and equip our Miners to operate in the most adverse and hazardous conditions. There are are two Subsidiary Elements, Mining Expeditions and Combined Ore Resource Extraction Teams

Objectives for M.A.R.S. include: Provide raw materials, minerals, and metals critical to our sustainment. Foundations for modern living, innovation and manufacturing of refined commodities.

Maintenance and Sustainment Salvage Division III’s Strategic, Operational, and Tactical applications of repair, refuel, and salvage recovery operations sustain the USF’s self sufficiency.

Objectives for M.A.S.S. include: Deployment of a vast array of heavy equipment, technology, and vehicles to remain versatile and adaptive in any environment.

The Reserve and Allocations Division IV serves as the strategic backbone of the United Star Force, orchestrating the optimal distribution and transportation of resources, personnel, and assets. There are two subsidiary elements of R.A.D.. The USF Reserve and Allocations Department and the USF Distribution Center.

Objectives for R.A.D. include: This division is responsible for ensuring that every mission and endeavor is executed with planning and precision.


-Our Mission:

The United Star Force is a Self-Sustained Private Military Organization contracted by the UEE to Explore the furthest fringes of the galaxy. The USF surveys the vast expanse of space, pushing the boundaries of science. The United Earth Empire has tasked the USF as a Long Range Patrol Element, giving the USF autonomous capabilities unlike most Lawful Entities.

We are capable of committing to every aspect of gameplay Star Citizen has to offer. Our Primary Mission is to Explore the Galaxy. Our Secondary Mission is Search and Rescue. With these two objectives in mind, we will prioritize aid to citizens who find themselves stranded too far from civilization.


-The Most Important Rule: Real Life Comes First.

We understand Star Citizen is just a game, and real life is more important. We’re here to provide a constructive gaming environment and in-depth knowledge on anything Star Citizen.

-General Guidelines

These guidelines are not bannable offenses, unless they are deemed intentionally trying to subvert our rules. They are simply guidelines to follow when operating in our discord. Founders will use their own discretion when determining if something is intentionally trying to disrupt our community.

-Please Post in the appropriate channels.
-You must be 18+ years or older to join this Organization.
-If we are discussing strategy, tactics, as well as planning operations, keep these conversations in channels that are dedicated to official members only.
-This Discord does not support and does not advertise Real Money Transactions outside of the Official RSI Website. Any posts that are made advertising RMT outside of the Official RSI Website will be deleted.
-Real Money Transactions outside of the Official RSI Website go against the RSI Terms of Service Section IV Rules of Conduct and Section V Virtual Goods. This includes purchasing in-game currency as well as Virtual Goods, through a 3rd party website.

-Discord Server Rules

1.) Racism will get you banned.

2.) Don’t be obnoxious. As long as you are trying to be mature, respectful, and you adhere to the Server Rules, you are welcome here.

3.) Use common sense and Respect each other. If you want to discuss a different topic while we are focusing on the game, try to keep it short or move the conversation to another channel. Be courteous to other people’s play time.

4.) Maintain Voice Communication Discipline. Voice Comms Discipline applies to Operation Lobbies as well as Public and Private Events. Our three strike policy applies if the disturbance is deemed intentionally trying to disrupt gameplay and/or spam comms.

5.) The USF Discord is not an Echo Chamber for negativity. This is a place to play video games and have fun.

6.) Do not post political ads.

7.) NSFW content is forbidden. This includes posting pictures of drugs and violence. If you want to show someone something, please respect our channels and use direct messages.

8.) Unsolicited Organization advertisements, messages, or recruitment is prohibited. Unsolicited Organization Discord invitations are not allowed in this server, including unsolicited invites through DMs.

-Organization Rules

1.) If you blatantly or intentionally team kill or grief fellow members of this Organization, you will be given a strike.

2.) Spying against the USF will get you banned, permanently, and your membership status with our organization will be revoked immediately. This includes acts of mutiny, reporting our whereabouts to criminal groups, as well as sabotaging USF Operations.

3.) If there is something important going on in the game, and if someone needs comms please allow them to speak uninterrupted.

4.) During official operations, be concise when you have to say something and follow orders.