Vanguard Interventions / USMV

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Where there is tyranny, injustice, and exploitation: revolution is not a reaction- but a consequence. Vanguard Interventions will enforce this consequence through legal means when possible, and by force when necessary. Join the revolution today!


Vanguard Interventions was founded in 2953 by a cooperative of citizens and veterans who had become disillusioned with the Empire and the many malicious forces that have corrupted it at the expense of the people. The founders believe in advancing liberty, equality, and justice to all people. They also believe that it is important that all voices be heard, and the will of the people should be unbound by arbitrary and burdensome restrictions which only serve to keep the elite in place.

OOC: We put this semi-rp/ mil-sim-lite org together to enjoy the game and enjoy some Glorious Great Patriotic Memes. Check out the charter to get more of our governing philosophy both in and out of the game!


We are dedicated to the people of the UEE. We seek to liberate them from their oppressors, ensure that they have equality of opportunity, and we seek to ensure that justice is duly served. Our cause is one of popular struggle against elites, pirates, and predators. If you do not fit one of these categories, you shouldn’t worry. If you do, however, know that we are coming.

  • We will defend liberty where it is attacked.
  • We will advance equality where it is lacking.
  • We will bring justice where it is deserved.

The workers and people of the Stanton System and of the UEE at large have been held at the mercy of autocrats and oligarchs for long enough. The removal of the Messer Regime was a step in the right direction, but it has since been replaced by ineffective and half-hearted reforms and new oppressors.

  • There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of prosperity.
  • There is nothing wrong with desiring to be comfortable.
  • The wrongness lies in seeking these things to the detriment of others.
  • It is the use of force and corruption to bring personal gain that we oppose.

The corporate security forces only protect what is profitable financially, and the government only protects that which is profitable politically. What of the people? Is life so cheap to the Empire’s ruling class that they are willing to use the blood of those killed by pirates, Vanduul, and avarice to fuel their own excess? We will allow them to take no more blood!

  • No more blood, but the blood of the oppressors.
  • No more blood, but the blood of the enemy.
  • No more blood, but the blood of those who would trade the lives of the people for their own gain.


Yeet fatcats, wear cool hats, shoot big gats. That’s That.

This is where I tell you, Comrade Reader, what we are all about. At the bottom, you can see our base rules. Vanguard Interventions is here to be a place where people can learn, grow, and play the game in a relaxed, but purposeful environment. We genuinely believe that many orgs can be way too procedure-obsessed, or can be way too focused on just doing what the guy in charge wants. We aren’t about that.

While we are not strictly democratic, we have a council that listens to and decides on the suggestions, opinions, and concerns of our membership as a group. That council changes in size with the organization, and is made up of our most experienced and dedicated members. We have an executor whose purpose is large to make sure there are an odd number of votes at a given meeting, and generally just keeps the ship moving in the right direction.

As far as qualifications and training, we operate on a system of vouching for one another. Basically, if an experienced member says that someone they trained knows what they are doing- the council takes their word on it. If that happens to be false, it is up to the person who vouched for the new guy to correct the issue. We are comrades here, we serve one another. This isn’t about big classes and complex training. This is about building skills and camaraderie together!

Here’s what we require of members/ how to join:

1. Be 16 or older.
2. Have a working microphone.
3. Join our RSI Page.
4. Join our Discord.
5. Talk to a recruiter and complete an interview.
6. Be revolutionary, Comrade!

Here’s our community rules:

1. Do not badger, belittle, or insult others. And do not act in a way that would be considered unbecoming of a member of a respectable group.

2. Keep any bigotry out of the group. Basically rule one but on the basis of race, sex, preference, age and so on.

3. Don’t pester the staff and higher-ups at the drop of a hat. If you see something that offends you, take a second to think about it before paging a staff member.

4. If a moderator or admin says to stop doing something, stop doing it. Counts as warning, may escalate to suspension or ban depending on the case.

5. Avoid politics in text and meme chats. Conversations are going to develop organically. Just don’t discuss stuff you aren’t willing to talk about calmly and/ or have challenged.

6. Don’t post nudity and/ or explicit content.

7. If contacted by an moderator or admin about something pertaining to this discord or community, you need to respond to them as soon as you can.

8. No recruiting without written permission from an admin.