USNC - United Space Naval Command / USNC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

As with the old Earth, the Navy of today is responsible to insure freedom, protection and safety for all space faring beings. Our members shall strive to be honorable yet deliver justice without remorse, when due, to alien incursions, would be pirates and the unknown.





United Space Naval Command (USNC).

I have geared the organization toward veterans and friendship among us. The basic mandate of the organization as a whole is that we are the ‘good guys’ just as we are in real life. Helping where needed, defending as necessary. I have also geared the group more toward members being military and law enforcement veterans, male and female, whether active duty, reserve, guard or Veteran.

I also have left it open for members to do their own thing without worry about their standing in the organization. Some orgs require you to maintain a specific type of game play style. I don’t. When we are not operating as a unit, players are free to do whatever they want. When on your own time not officially doing something with the org, as part of the org or on behalf of the org, players are free to do whatever they want without repercussions from the org itself. It should be noted however, a member that is out playing on their own and becomes an evil mass murderer, marauding pirate or other nefarious action type, USNC will not assist nor support that member while they are active in that outside the org activity. To clarify, if someone that is a member of USNC goes out pirating other ships and find themselves overwhelmed and under sudden attack by the UEE during their piracy, USNC members and the org will NOT officially aid that player. Players in game who are playing under the banner of USNC, will be fully supported of course.

Thus players are free to have second careers, be members of other orgs and do other things should they desire. However, they should also be aware that other orgs they may be members of could very well be those of the type USNC is dedicated to fighting and stopping, dedicated to protecting others from and could even be KOS to our organization (Kill on Sight).

Note that currently, USNC is affiliated with these organizations as of this date: Veterans Alliance, Veterans of old Earth Wars, and the 1st Veterans Battalion.

We may affiliate with other military groups and organizations in the future as we are all brothers and sisters and supporting each other is definitely a mandate of the USNC.

While the main organization of USNC is as I have described, within USNC there is and will be one sub group for those interested that will be more geared toward becoming a special forces elite unit. This unit will be for those that want to become role play active within the organization completely. The premise is this unit will work, train and play together whenever possible and strive to become known in the universe, as one of the most feared elite special forces units in game. The intent is to make the unit one of those, when people hear the name, know it is a unit with a reputation that is second to none. When someone hears of this unit, hears our name, they will know us to be elite, honorable but extremely dedicated and more important, deadly should the need arise. This special forces unit is geared toward the United States Navy SEAL mission, albeit with adjustments made for Space warfare. This special forces unit within the USNC is known as SEER or Space Environment Elite Recon.

*note: The idea of the SEER team is to allow other USNC members that do not want to participate in a lot of combat to not have to do so. Many members may want to work in other fields like resource collection/mining (USNC will need resources for our already large fleet of ships), good’s trading/barter (salvage and ships we elect to sell will need to be taken care of), medical units, fleet support personnel (Starfarers, Ammo carriers etc) and many more. People do NOT have to participate in combat to be a member of USNC – unless you apply for and are selected as a member of one of the elite SEER Special Forces teams, which of course is exactly what they are dedicated to.

The USNC members will work together within USNC to not only support and defend our own members but others that contract our services. Since we are not actually part of the UEE Navy, we would be the merc equivalent of a SEAL based team under the USNC banner, but known as SEER or Space Environment Elite Recon. Lore in game places the USNC as a contracted private military operation in support of the UEE Navy, much like a reserve or guard unit that can be called up on at any time to assist the full active duty UEE military.

Our special forces unit (SEER or Space Environment Elite Recon) will be the primary unit tasked with covert and operational combat action. While the USNC as a whole will also be a military based unit, the SEER unit will work just as in real life.. behind the scenes and the way we do in real life. Training and dedication (within reason of course and taking into account real life time and responsibilities) to the unit will be above and beyond that of the full USNC organization.

Training will not be just dedicated to one facet in the game rather this unit will play and work as a group learning how to operate as a team. We will have and work in many different areas and take on many different missions, to include but not limited too:

  • Tactical Battle Fleet Actions to include everything from operating our Capital ships down to fighters and support ships in full tactical space battle, fleet on fleet actions.
  • Combat Boarding of enemy ships
  • Repelling of enemy attempts to board USNC and allies ships
  • Space Station insertion Combat
  • EVA and full zero G tactics and combat
  • Team command and combat tactics to include communications, movement, tactical capabilities (heavy weapons, sniper, explosives)
    Elite Combat Piloting teams and tactics for Team support in both space AND atmosphere (to include dogfighting, CAP, CAS, team insertion/extraction hot and cold zone, combat ground support)
  • Combat Rover Piloting teams and tactics for team support at planetary ground level (to include mechanized movement and combat tactics, team insertion/extraction hot and cold zone, combat ground support and rescue operations of downed pilots)
  • Infantry team tactics
  • HALO/HAHO AND SHALO (SHALO = Space HALO from orbit, IF, again IF the game mechanic does support this – unknown at this time if this will be possible.

Members of USNC that take part in specific actions, missions and contracts all received a portion of any bounty or contract fulfilled by USNC. i.e. a type of paycheck or bonus. IF a player is selected for the special forces unit and you partake in a highly classified dangerous mission, those members of that team will share that among only those members. In most cases, special forces teams will be paid and contracted at a much higher amount than standard USNC contracts.

Just like in the real world, this unit will require some work and dedication to become the elite. While USNC may grow in size and numbers over time, its primary endeavor is not to be the biggest, rather the best at what we do and who we are. And within the USNC, the special forces unit will become known as ‘the’ unit everyone wants to join, but few get the offer to do so.

The special forces unit will be limited in size. It will be up to those selected to retain their spot based on their dedication and hard work in support of the unit. The current plan for USNC as a whole is to eventually reach around 300 members of good players interested in enjoying the game in all respects as well as being part of a great community of players.

The Special forces unit within USNC, will be at the 50 person limit, although plans are that should we find many more solid players willing to and able to become part of this elite unit, we will expand that in 50 player increments as teams just as the SEAL teams are setup in real life.

Command of the USNC is broken down into a distinct chain of command structure as selected by USNC members. It should be noted that as Organization founder and owner, I do retain final decision on all matters.. HOWEVER, my goal is to never have to use that power for any reason. I want good people, fun and honest people and those who want to be and work together to have FUN overall! Like many of you I miss my military career and the friends I have. Perhaps in a small way we can find that again if for a short time online together while having fun doing it!

That is part of the reason I formed this group. The other part was because of who we are, what we know, where we have been and our understanding of the military. I know personally of a number of organizations that have formed with the set goal of pretty much trying to take control of the game, destroy all other groups, players and organizations and pretty much doing whatever they can to exert their power over all others.

I am not willing to sit by and allow that to happen. And one thing I have learned about many of these organizations, some of which we (USNC) already have active operations inside them ongoing (yes, we already have actions in progress), is that most of those organizations have no real background in military tactics, training or capability. They are learning on their own how to work as a team, how to think and react without thought. We have the advantage because not only do we already have that, most of us have the real life experience to back it up.

Finally, we currently have around 80 ships in the fleet. *This does NOT count any members ships. These are USNC owned. We are adding more all the time. We have not decided yet on a standardized set of fighters, colors or decals. The goal as we grow is to make those decisions in time for the BETA release although some may be decided by the time 3.0 is released.

If you are interested and would like more information:


h2. Our Oath:

To uphold the founding values of the United Space Naval Command
To protect all space faring life regardless of who or what they are
To keep space free of piracy, alien incursion and territorial control by gangs and other nefarious groups and entities.
To uphold the Constitution of the United Space Command and the rights of Every Star Citizen.

h3. Section I
  • Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • Must be 18+
  • Must have a Mic
  • NO Priracy or Illigal Gamplay while representing USNC

h3. Section II
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